Ch.32 Mid-Life Crisis

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  I open my eyesockets to see I'm sitting in a chair across a table from Bill. A tea set and brownies was set up. I give the dream demon a look that said 'Your lucky I'm tired', before grabbing a brownie and eating it. I then take a long sip of tea without breaking eye contact once. Bill looks at me nervously. I set my cup down. "So, I'm guessing the fact that Dream and Nightmare are my soulmate is one of the things you couldn't tell me." I say picking up another brownie and biting into it. I'm still looking at Bill.

  Bill is now sweating. How he can sweat in a dream I don't know, but attribute it to dream logic. "MaYbE...." Bill says. I slowly blink at him.

  "Wrong answer." I say, before conjuring a bucket of glitter over his head and having it pour on him.

  Bill stands suddenly, surprised and cause the bucket to dump the rest on him as it goes over his head. Bill stands up knocking his chair over and starts to screech, frantically trying to pull the bucket off his head. I just watch him, wondering when he'll use magic to get it off of him. I sip my tea and eat another brownie. Bill begins panicking and runs around while trying to get the bucket off. I wait a few minutes before I decide to take mercy on him. "Just use magic Bill!" I yell to him. He stops suddenly and snaps his fingers.

  The bucket is gone, but Bill looks down at himself to see he's still covered in glitter. "WhY DiDn'T ThE GlItTeR Go AwAy?" Bill says confused. I cross my arms on the table and rest my head on them.

  "Because it's your punishment. The bucket getting stuck on your head was just a bonus." I explain. Bill huffs and picks his chair back up.

  Bill sits down and takes a sip of his tea before quickly turning his head and does a glittery spit-take. He dumps his tea to the floor to reveal more glitter in it. "I DoN't FeEl LiKe TeA AnYmOrE...." He says. I sit up.

  "Well we can just talk then. How are you doing Bill? The large shift in your goal for the multiverse would be a big change." I ask. Bill let's his head fall to the table with a thud. He speaks in a mumbly voice.

  "What was that? I didn't catch that." I tell him. He speaks slightly louder. I cross my arms across my chest.

  "Your going to need to speak up and speak clearly." I say to him.

  "I SAID I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE!!!" Bill exclaims. I signal him to continue.

  "AlMoSt My EnTiRe ExIsTeNcE I'Ve HaD A GoAl! FrEeInG My DimEnSiOn FrOm It'S FlAt ExSiStEnCe, FaIlUrE! JuSt CaUsInG As MuCh ChAoS As I PoSsIbLy CaN, So WhAt! FrEeInG EvErYoNe FrOm ThE LaWs Of ReAlItY, I WaS DeFeAtEd! Or, BrEaKiNg ThE BaRrIeR BeTwEeN UnIvErSeS, ThAt WaS A BuSt! I DoN'T KnOw WhAt To Do WiTh MySeLf AnYmOrE!" Bill ranted.

  "Well if you ask me, it sounds like you need a vacation." I say. Bill looks at me confused.

  "A VaCaTiOn! I InVeNtEd VaCaTiOnS! I Do WhAt I WaNt, WhEn I WaNt, HoW I WaNt It! WhY WouLd YoU ThInK I NeEd A VaCaTiOn?!" Bill asks me.

  "You clearly are stressed out about the direction you want to take your life now that you don't have any plans. You need some you time to relax and try to figure out your life. Maybe do those cliche journeys of self-discovery or just go to a bunch of clubs and party. It's your choice. Just try to figure out who Bill Sans Cipher is. I know deep and emotional thinking isn't really your forte, but try to figure out what make you, you. Find a few hobbies, get a pet, maybe start a prank war; it doesn't really matter as long as you enjoy it. My dreams are always open, so you can always talk to me if you need to talk or some suggestions." I tell him.

  "I GuEsS YoU MaKe A GoOd PoInT. WhO KnEw ThAt HaViNg A FrIeNd WiTh A PhYCoLoGy DeGrEe WoUlD CoMe In HaNdY?" Bill says, in thought. I raise a non-existent eyebrow.

  "Bill, I'm practically your and Alistor's personal therapist. I pretty much run a support group for the two of you with all the trauma and issues the two of you have. I'm not excluded, but that's not the point." I say to him. Bill looks at me and blinks.

  "HuH, YoUr RiGht..... I WoUlD NeVeR HaVe QuEsTiOnEd My LiFe ChOiCeS WiThOuT ThE TwO Of YoU." Bill says.

  "Friends are supposed to help you and support you, but a good friend is also supposed to be honest with you. If Alistor and I didn't point out the flaw in your plan, then the whole multiverse would have payed the price. I get you thought what you were doing was helping, but it would have just ended in our total annihilation. And I would prefer to not fall into the VOID. I have a preference for not having my atoms scattered into non-existence." I explain.

  "ThAt's FaIr." He says.

  "Alright, so you gonna be ok? I could really use some proper sleep. Hanging out with you in the dreamscape is great and all, but I don't really get any real rest." I ask him.

  "Ya, I'lL Be Ok. I'Ll PrObAbLy Go BuG AlIsToR FoR IdEaS On WhAt To TrY. YoU KnOw HoW He Is AbOuT FiNdInG ThE LaTeSt EnTeRTaInMeNt." Bill tells me.

  "Well have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't. It's good to have standards." I say. Bill nods, before snapping his fingers. He looks down to see he's still covered in glitter.

  "ReAlLy?" Bill asks, looking irritated. I give him a smile.

Bill huffs before snapping his fingers again and disappearing. I get up and conjure a pile of pillow and a blanket. I freefall backwards into the pile and cover myself. I close my eyesockets and relax. I spend the rest of my time in the dreamscape like this. Then, I wake up.




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