(Author Note: Enjoy a chapter two days in a row in celebration to Undertale's 7th Anniversary! Enjoy!)
I open my eyes to see myself floating in a black void filled with stars and random objects. I take a moment to realize I must be dreaming. I look around to see a strange labyrinth below me. Being in the dreamscape is always an experience. I imagine myself going toward the center, and move towards it. I could do anything I wanted in the dreamscape with a little imagination. I pick up speed. I begin to speak in a sing song voice.
"Sixty degrees that come in threes.
Watches from within birch trees.
Saw his own dimension burn.
Misses home and can't return.
Says he's happy. He's a liar.
Blame the arson for the fire.
If he wants to shirk the blame,
He'll have to invoke my name.
One way to absolve his crime.
A different form, a different time."
I land in a clearing. "YoU KnOw I HaTe WhEn YoU ReCiTe ThAt DaMn AxOlOtL's PrOpHeCy." I hear a distorted voice say.
"Sorry. It's catchy. So we up for game night." I say to none other than the dream demon himself, Bill Sans Cipher.
He was a two dimensional dream demon in possession of a Sans body. He had an eternal smile and golden eyelights. He wore a gold vest over a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and shined dress shoes. The look was completed with a black hoodie tailcoat combination, a black cane, and a small floating top hat.
"Only if you don't mind me joining in deer." Another voice says. I turn my head.
I see another skeleton with a pair of red and black deer ecto-ears and hair. He had a monocle over his blood red eyelights. He had sharp yellow teeth in a too wide smile. He was wearing a red pinstripe suit. In his hand was a red microphone.
"Alistor! It's been a while, where have you been!" I ask him.
"Well, you know the princess of hell Charlie I told you about, right? She had the wonderful idea to open a sinner rehab in hell! Ah, the endless entertainment of watching sinners try and fail at a chance at redemption! I haven't had entertainment like that since the stock market crash of 1929! Ha, ha! So many orphans." He says excited.
"WeLl! I ThInK We ShOuLd Be GeTtInG To ThE GaMe. We HaVe A LoT To CaTcH Up On! I ThInK It'S UNO In ThE GaMe RoTAiTiOn." Bill says conjuring a deck.
"Cool! I love UNO!" I say conjuring a table, pillow seats, and tea.
We all sit down. I put my hand out to Bill.
"WhAt?" He asks."Hand her the deck Cipher. We all know you'll tamper with it to give you better cards." Alistor says. Bill huffs, but hands them to me.
I check the cards over by eyelight and with magic. Once I'm satisfied they're fine, I shuffle them and deal them out. Once I'm done I set the deck down and place one from the top down beside it. The game has begun.
"AlRiGhT. HoW WaS LoSiNg YoUr SoUl ViRgInItY? WiLd DrAw FoUr AlIsToR. ReD." Bill says straight to the point. Alistor and I sputter.
"Bill! Have some tac! You don't just ask someone that!" I yell. I grab my tea and drink.
The Path We Walk
FanfictionAster Corvus Concord, now known as Sans Serif Gaster, was living a relatively peaceful life having reached the surface. Then it all reset. Now, after living through an endless cycle of genocide runs, the human asks to join forces to kill the undergr...