6: The Violin of Creation

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While walking through the beautifully crafted landscape of the Dreaming, Morpheus told Susie a story

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While walking through the beautifully crafted landscape of the Dreaming, Morpheus told Susie a story.

A fairytale, to be exact.

"A very long time ago, before you were even born, I wasn't just the Sandman, Susie.", the King of Dreams began, his voice as clear as the blue sky above them.

"I was a musician, unlike any other you've ever seen or heard. A musician, gifted with the ancient power of Creation. And my instrument was a violin, Susie...the very same you've got in your hands."

The Blonde gasped, not quite believing what she had just heard.

Morpheus didn't react, continuing with his tale:

"I don't really know if it's just a coincidence, but the very same violin was taken from me a 100 years ago. At this time, I was captured by a ruthless human magician who actually wanted to conjure Death - she's my older sister, by the way."

"This magician took all my belongings, including my Dream Sand, a gemstone and my helmet. And the violin. Luckily, I managed to free myself and get my possessions back, but even now, the violin is still missing. You should have heard the sound of it, so magical and beautiful...do you mind if I show you?"

Susie nodded, handing the instrument over to Morpheus who quickly adjusted the violin on his left shoulder.

Then, the King of Dreams started to play, a melody so sweet and pure it brought tears to her eyes, with the bow moving slowly over the strings.

And the more he played such graceful music, the more the Dreaming started to take shape around them, manifesting new dreams and nightmares for humanity to either enjoy or face.

Susie could just stand there, listening to these utterly beautiful tunes and not wanting it to stop.

After a while, Morpheus cut off his play as if nothing had happened.

There was a look on his pale face, an expression of deep grief and pain she hadn't expected him to show - and yet, it was there.

"This violin was my one and only.", the Dream Lord whispered, running his fingers over the instruments' wooden body.

"Whenever I played it, dreams and nightmares would come to life, wandering this realm as I wished them to do. I had no use of it in the Waking World, always fearing that it might fall into the wrong hands - and in those wrong hands, my violin only causes destruction."

"You see, most humans tend to choose the evil side, killing off any good thought that ever existed in their heads - and Roderick Burgess was one of those humans. Filthy, pity. Unaware of consequences his actions might have caused. He captured me, wanting to be served with something I couldn't give him...so, he decided to punish me instead."

"A 100 years, I felt so weak and angry, not knowing where I was and what I was. Burgess robbed me of my belongings, my beloved violin and my power. Cause what am I with no power, Susie Lynn?"

Morpheus stopped talking, handing the violin back to her before finally moving on with his story.

"That's why I located you. I want you to go with me, looking for my instrument in the Waking World. You may not know this yet, Susie, but there's a reason why I chose you for this mission. A reason I hopefully can tell you in the very end."

His lips curled into a warm smile, pulling the leather pouch out of this coat.

Morpheus' deep voice was the very last thing Susie heard before drifting into the gray void of her consciousness.

"But for now, it's time to wake up!"

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