Chapter Four: A Little Price To Pay

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Alternative title: a price were willing to pay for the people we love

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Alternative title: a price were willing to pay for the people we love

Thrid pov:

They all stared at the man that Sébastian was pointing at and there they saw him a man with Mael has long shoulder length silver hair with beautiful set of blue eyes he doesn't let out the same aura as Sébastian as he land down he was next to Sébastian.

"it's been a long time my dear nephew." Mael said as he patted Sébastian's headed as he smiled "yes it had been a while." Sébastian said as he was still smiling while the others just stare at them "so why did you bring us here?" Zephyr asked while looking at Mael who gave them a small smile.

"I believe one of you wished to save someone." Mael said while looking at Raiden as the rest look at Raiden and then back at Sébastien and Mael it confuse the three of them "what does it have to do with us dattebane?" Benjamin asked while looking at them.

Sure he was confuse but he wanted to help in anyway as well but he didn't get it what does it have to do with them "yeah I did wish that but why are they being dragged with me?" Raiden asked as he didn't want to burden anyone at all as he thought that they were all dealing with.

"while the other one of you wished to meet they had been seeing in their dreams." Sébastien said as he knew of this wish after all the one who wished this never expected it to be geared by anyone it shocked them as that one person knew who made that wish after all he was that person.

"while the other one wished to find their soul mates soul." Male said while looking at them as they looked at the uncle and nephew but a question lingered in their headed "then why is Sébastien-San here with us?" The three asked at the same time as the Sébastien looked at them with a smile on his face.

"would you believe this one if this one say that I had waited for more than a million years to meet people whom this one treasure the most." Sébastien said he wasn't lying but that wasn't just the whole reason why he wanted to to help them after all he was able to hear their wish and someone made a wish for him to return Raiden back in the past.

" Veldanava, I had completed the end of the contract this one hope that you will complete your part as well." Sébastian thought while he looked at them with a small smile on his face like him they all lost their lovers whether it was by death or by something else they still lost them fate was cruel he can tell that.

"so why did you return me back to the past?" Raiden asked while looking at Sébastian who looked at him underneath that blindfold the man looked at him, his eyes were filled with sincerity and understanding because he knew the feeling of losing your love ones or even be the one who left them.

"because that is the only thing this one is able to do as this one won't be able to change fate that much." Sébastian said as he looked away from him "and beside its not just me who help sent you back yet a price was needed to be payed for." Sébastian thought as he looked away.

"change his fate but someone will have to play the role of the villian or the yilling patriarch." Mael said while looking at Raiden who was shocked but soon that shock change into pure determination to save Wei Ying and make sure that Lan Zhan won't be alone and won't suffer.

" I'll do it." Raiden said without any hesitation as he looked at Mael and Sébastian who was to shock to even speak at all that was until the shock look on Sébastian's face soon turn into a small smile " this one understand." Sébastian said while looking at them even Zephyr and Benjamin were to shock to even say anything but they do understand them.

"while you Benjamin will be sent to were the people in your dreams are now." Male said while Benjamin looked at him with a determined look on his face so was Zephyr he was the same even if it was in a another world his willing to go there.

"while you Zephyr will be sent into a place we're everything is new to you to meet your soul mates." Mael said while looking them with a small smile on his face he knew what it feels like to be separated from the one you love or be keep seeing people whom you don't even know at all.

Raiden's pov:

As I look at them I can see how much we can understand each other but I do wonder why we're we so willing to trust them when we bearly know each other we didn't even meet once in our life yet here we are trusting each other "after all we are all willing to do anything for the people who we love the most." Zephyr-san said while looking at Sébastien-san and Mael-san.

It's true since what we are doing is beyond the gamble we are putting our lives on the line hear that why we are willing to do this" even if we do ended up dead just seeing that the people who we love is happy even without us we will be at peace. "Benjamin-kun said while looking at us.

It's true even if I do ended up just as long as the two have each other I'll be fine and happy for them just as long as Wen Yuan will be safe and won't be left alone I'll be at peace" do not worry child this one will guide you for we will never leave you. "Sébastian-san said while looking at him with a smile on his face.

" that's right they are here with me and I'm back in the past. " I thought while I looked at them with a small smile on my face" but for now it's time for you three to wake up let us meet again. "Sébastian-san said Asa bright light was the only thing I last seen.

" I don't need to worry about what will happen after all I will change the past. "I thought as I finally woke up and was now back in my room a place I had longed to see after a made sure that I won't be able to return back here because of the danger I brought them all.

Hey guys so here is the next chapter I hope that you guys thank you all so so much for supporting me it really means a lot to me so thank you all so so much

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Hey guys so here is the next chapter I hope that you guys thank you all so so much for supporting me it really means a lot to me so thank you all so so much