Chapter Twelve: Hiding My Identity

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Alternative title: I belong to the Jiang sect

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Alternative title: I belong to the Jiang sect

Thrid pov:

It all scared them with all the aura that this man was releasing it was a heavy and strong aura it was getting hard to breath to them its like something is taking the oxygen that is inside the room making it supper hard to breath and they can't even look at Rimuru at all as they were all to afraid to do so.

As Raiden looked at the people with him they were all down on their knees knowing that it was his aura and he might hurt Lan Zhan he had to stop it knowing how strong his aura is he had to calm down as he didn't want to bring any harm to anyone at all but he didn't want to hurt Lan Zhan and the other people here as well.

His aura is really strong with him having the mix of his parents and they are all really strong which means its scary to just even be near him when he is angry himself, he knew how that he can get someone hurt so he had to stop his aura before it gets out of hand and he might end up killing someone.

"my apologies it seems that I had forgotten my manner."Raiden said as he vowed out of respect with both his hand place together with the man still on the ground they finally gotten to able to breath properly and finally gotten their balance back as they looked at the blue headed male

They didn't know that even a cultivator can have such an aura just like what Raiden had shown them but it seems like he its even a normal cultivator at all he is so different from a normal one "you had poison the lady of the sect had you not." Raiden said it wasn't a question it was more of a demand for him to answer and its the truth as well.

"don't try lying I know and I saw." Raiden said while glaring at the man he has the audacity to try and poison his mother in-law making Lan Zhan an emo that he can compare someone he knows to him on being an emo its like an emo teenager but that person whom he knows is much worse than anyone.

"I would never do that." the man said denying what he had done because he thought that they would believe him instead of the child in front of them he is just a child a teenager to their eyes nothing less nothing more not even knowing who he truly is to begin with.

" tsk. " was all that Raiden can let out as he can't help but feel annoyed by someone who was to stupid to let themselves be cut at this point he wanted to just kill him but he can't he need to know what he is suppose go do to save her "what should I do?" Raiden thought but he knew that he need to get the poison out of her body as far as he can tell would be to dangerous.

"let me help." the gentle voice of Sébastian can he heared although it was only Raiden who was able to help he can't help but nodd his head agreeing to the help that the older male is giving him as soon as "go on ahead." Raiden thought as he answered Sébastian giving him permission to interfere.

As soon as he gave Sébastian his permission madam Lan started to glow although Raiden has the ability to heal anyone he didn't want to use it as he wasn't sure if this is the right way and beside he would be erasing this man's memory anyway so it's fine to let Sébastien help for now "all done be careful Raiden." Sébastien said as his voice started to dissappear.

As madam Lan was glowing it shocked them all the poison was now gone and madam Lan felt better than before "h-how were you able to do that I made sure it's uncureable!"the man said as he tried to struggle himself free but it still didn't work" how. "Raiden said while looking at the man with a smirk on his face as he went near his face and whisper something to him.

" because I'm the son of a demon lord after all

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" because I'm the son of a demon lord after all. "Raiden whispered to the man who's eyes widden the man who is known as Yin Haoyu shock in fear he didn't wanna believe it at all but the aura he has the eyes and the power he has he was even to see a huge dragon behind him as he spoke to him.

" this isn't true you aren't one." Yin Haoyu said whole trying to get far away from them by moving backwards but Raiden would just follow after him going near and near him, Raiden can't help but let out a chuckle as he was the man trembled in fear.

He didn't expect for him to call him by his name after all no one had said his name nor had he say anything about his name "oh but I am Yin Haoyu." Raiden said while looking at the said man.

They all shiver in fear they can't help but now realize that this man they are with isn't even human at all and knowing that if they anger him it might cost them their lives and even the destruction of the Lan clan "ehh they think I might destroy their sect?" Raiden thought while looking at the Lan clan's people as he sweatdrop.

"do I really look that mean?" Raiden asked himself as he looked at everyone sure he knows that he isn't a human at all but still why are they scared of him "so what are you going to do to him?" Raiden asked while looking at them as they all flinch at his Sudden question.

"I can kill him if you want." Raiden said while looking at then with a smile on his face making him look like he had already lost his sanity and is a homicidal maniac "NO!" they all yelled at the same time while looking at the blue headed young man who was still has the strings and still holding Yin Haoyu who was sweating a lot as he feared for his life yet he almost killed maddam lan and going to destroy a family.

Hey guys so here is the next chapter I hope that you guys will like it thank you all for the 1k plus views it really means a lot to me so thank you all so so much I can't describe how happy I am for all of the support that you guys had given me it...

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Hey guys so here is the next chapter I hope that you guys will like it thank you all for the 1k plus views it really means a lot to me so thank you all so so much I can't describe how happy I am for all of the support that you guys had given me it really means a lot to me so thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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