Chapter Five:Visiting Yilling

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Alternative title: Wait for me my dear I shall meet you again

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Alternative title: Wait for me my dear I shall meet you again

Thrid pov:

It had been a month since Raiden was thrown back at the past sure his first thought was to look for Wei Ying but he wasn't allowed to leave Jura Tempest Federation not until he fully get better and he knew he won't be able to leave either way since Shion is guarding him.

In the past month though he had been learning a lot of things thanks to the rest they were really a big help to him and in this place but something is weird after all authority of sloth had been giving him missions which Benjamin and Sébastian had to explain to him what ever is going on.

There is no points and there is no goal after all they are gambling with their lives on the line on this "Shion-Chan can you tell me where okasan is?" Raiden asked the purple headed female who was following him every where for the past couple of months.

Shion looked at him as she smiled she is really glad to see his nephew and the young master all healthy now after all last month when he just collapse it scared them all and worried them "Rimuru-sama is with everyone on the kitchen." Shion said as she looked a little disappointed.

"I wonder why Shion-Chan look so disappointed." Raiden thought whole looking at Shion she seems to not had been allowed in the kitchen and he doesn't even know what is the reason I mean to him Shion look like someone who is really capable.

So he had always wonder why his parents didn't allow Shion to cook "them let's go there I want to talk with them about something." Raiden said as they went to the dinner area as they got there he saw his parents and older sister sitting inside like they were talking about something they aren't suppose to know at all.

"Rai-Rai how are you?" Shinsha asked her brother although her brother is taller than her and their mother she still tends to spoiled her younger brother "I'm doing fine sister it's good to see you back." Raiden said as he hugged Shinsha who just smiled it had been along time since she had last seen him.

"I'm glad you had me really worried you know." Shinsha said while looking at her brother as she shake him back and fourth "okay that's enough shaking Shinsha-sama your brother is getting dizzy." the soft voice of Shuna said as she took her nephew from Shinsha.

"is there something you need dear?" Rimuru asked as he looked at his son who gave him a small smile before he spoke up "okasan I would like to have your permission for me to go to the city of Yilling." Raiden said as he looked at his mother who looked at him in shocked but soon that shocked look was soon replaced with a smile.

Rimuru went to his son and patted his head as he is happy although his son is old enough he is really happy to know that his son would still ask for his permission to do something and would always tell him everything he is truly glad at how his and his son's relationship are really beautiful.