Chapter Nine: Meeting Jiang Fengmian

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Alternative title: Meeting you again is it the right choice?

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Alternative title: Meeting you again is it the right choice?

Thrid pov:

Was going out the right choice is what Raiden wanted to know but seeing how happy Wei Ying and his older sister is he can't help but smile as well and let some of his worries melt away just seeing their beautiful and bright smiles makes him happy.

So he just choose to let it be and let his worries melt away not thinking of what might happen at all as go him what matter the most is his sister, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan along with his family that's what matter to him the most.

As they kept on walking Wei Ying wanting to walk on his own and wanting to look around had Raiden put him down "do be careful dear." Raiden said with a small smile on his face Wei Ying nodded his head as he looked around the place.

This was the first time that Wei Ying had ever gotten out so his happy to see the world like this as Raiden was looking at him he felt that someone was following them "Wei Ying don't run." Shinsa said as she run after the child.

This made Raiden snap out of what he was thinking and to go after his older sister and Wei Ying who was running away from dogs that are chasing him this made Raiden run much faster as he was scared that Wei Ying might get hurt or even might get lost as well it scared him to the point that he was almost at tears.

But as soon as he had reach were Wei Ying is he saw a man wearing purple clothes as Raiden looked at the man he was carrying Wei Ying who was looking down at the dogs with tears in his eyes "Wei Ying dear come here." Raiden said as he took Wei Ying from the man as he vowed his head out of respects.

"Wei Ying?" the man asked while looking at the two as Raiden looked at him, he was nice to his Wei Ying yet he died because of the Wen attack "is their soemtjing wrong sir?" Raiden asked while looking at Jiang Fengmian his eyes were the same gentle once that Raiden used to remember.

Raiden had always blame himself for the Jiang clan's destruction he has the power to protect them yet he didn't do because he was trying to help his family and he didn't looked back not knowing what was happening with them "do you know him?" Raiden asked as he made sure that he was pretending to not know the man.

"I'm sorry for causing your death." Raiden thought while looking at man with a small smile on his face as he asked Wei Ying who was looking at the man confuse as well for this man knowing his name soon Shinsha had arrived at the place.

"Raiden what's going on?" Shinsha asked while looking at them with a smile on her face although the quiteness that the three was showing it was so awkward and she wanted to know what will happen as well "I'm sorry it's just that may I talk to all of you?" Jiang Fengmian asked while looking at them.

"yes we may but may the dogs go away as it's scaring Wei Ying." Raiden said as he looked at the dogs who were looking at them he wanted to scare them with Ranga but it might scare Wei Ying more than anything and he didn't want that to happen at all.

"gege won't give me away will he?" Wei Ying thought as he hugged Raiden more tighter as he didn't wanna let go knowing what is happening Raiden had choose to hug him back and pat his head with a small smile on his face "please lead the way." Shinsha said while looking at Jiang Fengmian with a bright smile on her face.

Shinsha was the same as ever and Raiden can't be more than happy knowing that she won't change much but in the future will she change as well like he will as they reach their home which Jiang Fengmian lead them to talk, Raiden was sitting there wi...

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Shinsha was the same as ever and Raiden can't be more than happy knowing that she won't change much but in the future will she change as well like he will as they reach their home which Jiang Fengmian lead them to talk, Raiden was sitting there with Wei Ying on his lap.

But it didn't went well with his wife madam Yu as she went inside the place storming in with there two kinds Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli which shocked Shinsha and Raiden stayed the same and thats were it had started with madaam Yu yelling at Jiang Fengmian who was trying to calm his wife down.

"you had to bring that servants child in here as well!?" Madaam Yu asked as she yelled that at the same time it's a good things that Raiden was covering his ears but he will not sit her and let this woman insult the child whom he loved so much.

Raiden's pov:

I will not sit here and listen to her say this about this three kids she was about to yell again but I beat her to it "shut up." I said in a calm yet loud tone they all look at me as everyone was quite I took out a pouch of money from my pocket and gave it to Wei Ying.

"Wei Ying dear why don't you go with those three children and Shinsha-neechan and look around the place."i said as my older sister looked at me and I'm glad that she had gotten the message why I'm sending them away for now" what about you gege? "Wei Ying asked me.

I just gave him a small smile and crouch down to his level and kissed his forehead" I would like to talk with them for a while okay. "I said as he nodded my head and went out with Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli.

Now I looked at the two as I'm sure that they are all far from here" who do you think you are? "one of the maids asked while looking at me they have the audacity they aren't even the master of this clan yet they have the audacity to yell at a guest.

Hey guys so here is the next chapter I hope that you guys will like it sorry it took me so long to update I was so busy and I had gotten sick which I'm not happy at all but here is the next chapter I love you all

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Hey guys so here is the next chapter I hope that you guys will like it sorry it took me so long to update I was so busy and I had gotten sick which I'm not happy at all but here is the next chapter I love you all