Chapter Eight: Raiden's Happiness

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Alternative title: Your happiness matter

Thrid pov:

It had been two years since Wei Ying had started to live in Jura Tempest federation Wei Ying cant be more than happy as people treat him kindly and Raiden tend to spoil him even Veldora would do that as well saying that he wants to get to know his future son in law it wasn't wired to see Wei Ying following or going with their Raiden-sama they find it cute on how close the two are.

the two of them is always together and whenever they see them they have a warm and lovely to see how a sun and the prince was able to create such a lovely sight to see and Wei Ying seems to be more happy than anything.

"such a lovely sight to see." of them the people of Jura Tempest said as they looked at Wei Ying and Raiden who was taking a small stroll with Raiden carrying Wei Ying as the child was smiling brightly and they can't help feel that their Raiden-Sama had been feeling a little uneasy but now he look more relax.

"Raiden will you be able to come with me." Shinsa asked as she now reach after her brother who looked at her as he titled his head to the side as he was confuse on what his sister want him to do and to go with her.

"you can bring Wei Ying with us." Shinsa said even though she knew all to well that her brother won't leave the child alone beside they both wouldn't go without the other and everyone knew that.

"where are we going? Raiden asked as he put down Wei Ying who grab his hand as he was now holding hands with Wei Ying who has a really bright smile on his face being near Raiden really makes him happy and he didn't wanna leave his side ever.

" were going to Yunmeng Jiang Clan." Shinsa said with a smile on her face with both her hands claps together with a happy smile on her face the smile is like their mother Rimuru looking at her and Raiden they both look like their mother more with there mother's personality but Raiden has also his fathers personality.

"why are we going there?" Raiden asked while looking at his sister as he didn't know why she suddenly wanted to go there not that he didn't wanna see them its just that he maybe didn't want to get involved with them if what happen with him and Wei Ying will happen again then he does not what to deal with that.

"I need to get something so please." Shinsa said with her using her puppy dogs eyes knowing that Raiden can't resist those eyes "fine, me and Wei Ying will go with you." Raiden said while looking at them with a small smile on his face seems like they are meeting the Jiang family earlier than expected.

"okay let's go." Raiden said with a smile maybe it's the change for Wei Ying to see the world this made Shinsa smile knowing how much her brother didn't want to go outside of Jura nor does he want to go anywhere.

After he had collapsed he had change he doesn't trust humans like how he does back then he doesn't seem to like the idea of them hiding but now he is the one who hated humans and didn't wanna go near them again he didn't even let Wei Ying to go out of the barrier.

He didn't even want to let him leave the place and it confuse them as well since he was once so close and liked the humans but now he doesn't even seem to trust them and they didn't know what happened to him when he woke up his like a whole different person.

It even scare them but maybe there was a reason but seeing him going out made her smile knowing how much he will do anything to make her, his family and Wei Ying happy I mean he is spoiling Wei Ying rotten.

Shinsa's pov:

Seeing the two of them with a bright aura around them I can't seem to see the happy and warm aura around them I can't help but be happy for them after all mother did said that they seem to really are meant to meet each other.

Wei Ying who was afraid of us when he first meet us but now look at how much he change he seems to be more open with us and care for us and everyone can't help but spoil him rotten as much as they can and seeing him smile brighten our day.

And seeing how much Raiden is happy with A-Ying place me at ease to know that someone will be there with him after all if he were to be alone and we won't be there to help him and be with him.

But I did have a dream one time that I saw a man wearing all white holding someone but I wasn't able to see who that someone is but I do fear for the worse because I didn't wanna know who that is but I didn't feel okay I felt crying and wanting to destroy a whole place.

The dream wasn't clear but I saw that the person's outfit was familiar to me yet I can't seem to say nor do I remember where I had seen that clothing before but she can't remember who that is nor do I remember who I had seen was wearing this clothing before.

Thrid pov:

As the three were now making their way to the village that Shinsa said she wanted to go Raiden can't help but think if he is even making the decision because he knows about the outcome but the thing is that they had been really busy and since Raiden is the youngest he is spoiled by everyone.

And they will all try to help him and one of them will try to spend time with him and will do anything that they can to be able to make sure that they spend time with Raiden.

Hey guys so here is the next chapter thank you all so so much for supporting me it really means a lot to me so thank you so very much

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Hey guys so here is the next chapter thank you all so so much for supporting me it really means a lot to me so thank you so very much