Chapter Eleven: Meeting My Future Mother In Law

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Alternative title: Meeting Lan Zhan's mother and saving her

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Alternative title: Meeting Lan Zhan's mother and saving her

Thrid pov:

It had been one year since Raiden and Wei Ying had meet and had been visiting the Jiang sect to help them train even Jiang Yanli is training with them sure her golden core is weak but seems like Raiden was able to find a way to train her.

"if she doesn't have a strong golden core I will train her physically." these were Raiden's words and truth to his word he is training her and she is well train in medicine and she is good with poison as well.

Just like Raiden who is had gotten really good with handling niddles and poison he is now teaching it to Jiang Yanli her golden core wasn't fully well developed even back then but she had nothing to protect herself now here she is as graceful as a butterfly but as deadly as one can be.

Meanwhile as maddam Yu and Jiang Fengmian watch their two kids With Wei Ying and Raiden with them they can't help but smile this place had been so lively and their relationship had gotten better and better and there kids had been doing better in training.

"I suggest you try using it this way." Raiden said as he was also helping some of the sect members who are in need of training "gege is really cool." Wei Ying said as he and Jiang Cheng was watching Raiden train the sect people "he really is." Jiang Yanli said as she had approached the two who has stars on their eyes.

"hold your swords lightly yet strongly as it will help you." Raiden said while looking at them with a smile on his face as he had been patient with them and that he was willing to teach them every step in a way he had been there for them and everyone had been improving in what they are doing.

" mission mission. "the robotic voice can be heard inside of Raiden's head as he watch what his students were doing Raiden look around the place as he excused himself and dismissed them and let them do what they Please.

" what is it? "Raiden asked as he was now jumping from roof to roof as he listen to what he need to do he was also planning on going to the Lan clan to save Lan Zhan's mother because he knew how much both Lan Zhan and Lan Huan because Raiden knew how much they miss their mother.

"saving their mother I was really planning on doing so." Raiden said as he fully disappred and was now at the house of the mother of Lan Zhan and Lan Huan "seems like I just arrived just in time." Raiden thought while looking at Lan Zhan's mom who was about to drink the tea she was given.

As she was about to drink it Raiden appeared out of knowhere "I suggest you don't drink that." Raiden said while looking at the said woman she has a gentle yet elegant look but she was shocked to see someone just enter her room not only that enter he house.

As Raiden look at the cup he was holding it shocked him it was filled dangerous poison" may I ask how many times do you drink tea? "Raiden asked as he was panicking inside his head with his system trying calm him down " this is a dangerous poison how can she not notice it!"Raiden thought while looking at the woman who looked at him as well.

"mostly every morning. "the woman said which shocked Raiden so much that it scares him to death if he was the one drinking it he will be fine he is immune to poison but this woman is different" this tea is filled with poison. "Raiden said while looking at him.

It didn't shocked the woman at all but it does and still scared her to the core" do you know who would do such thing? "Raiden asked while looking at the said woman with both his arms place on his chest while looking at the woman now be knows how she had died" maybe an enemy? "Raiden said again while looking at the said woman.

She was staring at Raiden thinking of who could have done such thing but she can only think of one person and that person is her former best friend who liked her but soon disappeared and had never been seen until the last couple of years when he found out that she had gotten married.

"had you never suspected that he is just near by watching you right now?" Raiden asked the woman as he tugged on the strings he was holding with a man on the end of the string the same man that Lan Zhan's mother had been telling Raiden it shock the two of them that he was capable of doing.

She thought she knew him but it turns out she didn't but she rejected him kindly but he didn't like it at all "ohh my turns out you had been caught."Raiden said with a smile on his face yet by the look on his eyes it sent shiver down both of their spines his eyes was shining as he glared at the man infront of him even Madam Lan can feel the strong and scary aura that Raiden was letting out with all this comottion this caught both Qingheng-Jun and Lan Qiren's attention.

With the two entering the house of Madam Lan with some servants with them following them their eyes all widen as they saw the sight a man who has a string up as his eyes were glowing flashing from gold and orange to crimson.

The man who was being hold by the string was shaking but he was to familiar to them Qingheng-Jun had locked himself up but as his brother was visiting him they got wind of the commotion going on its his wife of course he was worried.

The aura that this man was letting out was scary and it was making them wonder just what he is and what sect did he come from after all his outfit those not represent any sect they had knew off and he doesn't seem like an assassin at all.

"what kind of strings are these its so strong and sticky." the man thought as he was trying to free himself from the string yet nothing is working even his golden core doesn't work on this.

Hey guys it had been a long time since I had last updated I'm sorry about that I was supper busy and exam is nearing and we need to practice for the dance that we will perform so I rarely have time to update and if I do Im so tried by then

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Hey guys it had been a long time since I had last updated I'm sorry about that I was supper busy and exam is nearing and we need to practice for the dance that we will perform so I rarely have time to update and if I do Im so tried by then.

So I hope that you guys will like it and enjoy thank you all so so much