Chapter-2 R.I.P

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As I was staring at the monstrosity standing in front of me, a jolt from Charles woke me up.

I pointed towards the monster, "Hey, can you see that?", I asked Charles

"I can see what? There's nothing except air.", He took a pause, "Are you sure you are fine? cause you have been hallucinating since morning."

"Yea, Maybe I need some sleep?", I said in a confused tone.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at it again, and this time it was still there, I rubbed my eyes again and this time too it was still there walking towards us destroying everything in its way.

Someone pointed out towards the monster and yelled, "Wait, Why are all the trees falling?"

But if the trees were falling instead of just being a hallucination, the monster must be real too. "But It isn't possible", I thought to myself

"It is possible.", I heard a voice say

I looked around but there was no one except Charles around me, and it wasn't his voice for sure.

"I am sure you realize that the monster is real as well as what's happening right now. It is no dream.", said the voice in my head

"Who are you?", I thought to myself

"For now, that doesn't matter. What matters is to take care of the thing that is coming."

"What even is that?"

"It's a rock golem.", Said the voice in my head

"A what?"

"I shall explain it all to you later, first take care of that thing."

"How am I supposed to even take care of something like that?"

"You have to attack and break its core."

"Is it right to assume that the core you are talking about is the glowing thing in the middle of its chest?"

"Yes. That is the core."


"You will."

"But, Ho-", Before I could complete my sentence, I started floating.

I was having a hard time trying to balance myself, and when I finally did It felt as if my whole body was burning but in a few seconds it started feeling normal. When I looked around I found that Everyone was frozen, Nothing was moving not even the trees. Everything was silent.

"What's happening? Why is everything frozen?"

"For now, focus on that thing that's coming towards you and your friends."

"Alright, So what do I do now?"

"Kill the golem."

"Of course! Sherlock!! I am asking, How do I kill it?"

"Destroy its core."

"AND HOW IN THE WORLD DO I DO THAT.", I screamed out of anger

"Watch out!!!"

I looked to my side and found out that the golem was right behind me and was swinging his big arms at me. I jumped or as I did right now, flew away.

"Once again asking, How do I break the core?", I asked the voice while trying to dodge the golem's continuous

"Try to stab it with something sharp."

I looked around trying to find something sharp, until I realized I had a pen in my pocket. I uncapped the pen and flew straight toward the golem's chest.

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