Chapter-4 Adepts

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I opened up the book and started reading it, The pages had all turned yellowish orange and smelled really good. The first page contained a Yin Yang sign, the next 2 pages were empty, and the next page had a heading, "QI"

And below it was quoted, "A force that keeps all living beings ALIVE."

I read what was written on that page, everything written on that page talked about this 'QI' thing, it said that it was the the life force of all living beings and that every living being emits 'QI', that even non-living things to an extent did. It also said that this life force could be used to fight and increase strength beyond the capabilities of a Human, It called those who used QI to fight as 'Adepts'

I flipped over to the next page, "Beasts" read the title. Below it was an exact diagram of what I saw floating out of the window during the attendance, below it read "Furfly", I continued reading, "A cute looking beast that sees harmless at first but tries to take your life the moment you touch it.". The ball of fur was so weak and harmless looking that I didn't think that it could harm me anytime.

I continued, "Many novices make the mistake of thinking of little and cute beasts as harmless, and that's where they make mistake. Even the smallest and tiniest of beasts will try to take your life.", There was something highlighted below, "Though there are several who are genuinely good, in the past, there have been several people recorded to have beast familiars with them."

I took on to the next page, On it was a photo of the Golem I fought, it said "Rock Golem", below it was written, "While some beasts evolved to be cute and tiny to look harmless, Some evolved to be big and strong. The Rock Golem is one such kind. Its skin is covered in rocks, the rocks are strong and quite hard to break. A normal sword would break the moment it tries to strike it. But the skin below the rocks is very sensitive and weak, thus a hit through the cracks in the rocks damages the golem greatly and also pains them a lot. The easiest way to defeat a golem though is to destroy its core which is situated right in the middle of its chest. The core when broken explodes, so it's best to stay away once you have destroyed the core.",

The things that were written were accurate to the bone, everything from the rocks to the explosion of the core.

I tried to flip open another page, but instead of just one page a whole bunch, around a hundred pages turned. I tried to separate the one page of the bunch but it just wouldn't open no matter what I did so I decided to check it later and focused on the page that had opened.

The page had the heading, "Adepts". Below it was written, "Those who use QI to fight monsters and protect humanity."

I read the page. The page instructed someone on how to become an adept, it said that normally becoming an adept takes years of training and practice that is, by the orthodox and traditional method. The traditional method which takes a lot of time, is to meditate and to feel and let the QI flow in, slowly you are able to control the QI that enters your body and you become an adept. But it also said that there was also another method, a cheat code to be exact.

What you had to do was get an expert adept to force the QI to flow into your body. But it also said that the adept had to be extremely skilled as even a single mistake would kill you and burst your meridians. It was a fast but highly risky method.

I tried to open up the next page but it wouldn't budge, no matter how much strength I applied it didn't even open a bit. I lost hope, closed the book, closed my eyes, and laid down on my bed. I signed and took a deep breath.

If I had read the book previously I wouldn't have believed a thing, but now that I had experienced it firsthand, I can't just ignore it. It will most probably take me months to become an adept if I try, but I can't even be sure I would be able to do it. There was no way I could do it by the second method. I know no person who is an adept, let alone a skilled one.

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