Chapter-6 Demon on Loose

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He moved a step back and launched himself towards me. I couldn't even see him move, but somehow I sensed something coming from my left and blocked the attack. Thankfully I didn't get blown away this time.

"Oh,", the man said as he took a step back, I backed up as well to be able to block his attack. But he cut his palm with the knife, he then threw the knife away and said, "Looks like I will have to get serious."

And the moment he said that the blood dripping from his palm started flowing like crazy and transformed into a battleaxe. The man grabbed the battleaxe and lunged towards me. He tried to slice me from above but I ducked and stepped back in time, only to see that he now had the axe aimed at my stomach.

My feet weren't on the ground yet, so I couldn't escape the only option was to block but with the amount of power he had, my hand would be chopped off if I tried that, yet that was the only option. I tried to block it with the side of my hand I suddenly felt a surge of energy within me flow into my hands, When I blocked the strike using my hands, I thought they would be chopped off and flying in less than a second but somehow the only thing that went flying was me.

I crashed into the wall of a house to my left, my arms felt as if they were about to break but at least they weren't chopped off. My hands were burning and I don't know why but I felt stronger. Before I could even stand up the man came at me and attacked me with his axe, I once again dodged but barely.

I was exhausted and tired, even if I just kept dodging. I didn't think would be able to survive. All I could do against him was defend and soon enough I will be so tired I wouldn't be able to do that too. And that meant I would die. I had to somehow take some time to recover and think about how to defeat it, but the question was how would I do that. I suddenly realized and asked the man, "Who are you and why are you doing this?"

"Uh?", the man responded. "Who am I? Well, My name is Keitisuki Daimonas, and the reason why I did this?", He stopped. "It's really simple, I do all this because it's fun.", he then started laughing maniacally. He then put his palm on his face and said, "Now, be a good boy and die quietly so that I can go eat that brown-haired girl down the street later, what was her name again.... It was something starting from C. Well, doesn't matter." he paused, "Guess I will have her as the main course and you as the desert.", and then lunged towards me once again.

I tried to block again but his battle axe suddenly transformed into a sword, and he tried to stab me with it, I tried to evade in time but it wasn't enough and I got pierced in the side of my stomach, the man let go of his sword and I stepped back immediately. I didn't pull out the sword because if I did I would die of blood loss, but the sword itself dissolved and transformed into blood

I had not yet thought of a single thing on how to defeat him. Running away wasn't an option anymore, It was never an option. I can't just let the man who killed Charles and was going to kill Cassie as well, I felt my blood boiling and my body burning. I mean literally burning.

I tried to run and punch him but I suddenly saw something, I saw myself being sliced in half and I stopped midway, I stepped back. I had to crouch down because of how bad my stomach was hurting, blood was flowing out of it at the speed of water from an open tap. I took off my shirt and tied it on the wound as tightly as I could. It was painful but compared to what I have been through this was nothing. Just thinking about all that pain from back then made this feel like nothing but a small scratch.

I wondered why the man waited till I wrapped the shirt around my wound, he could have killed me already if he wanted to. I don't really understand this villain waits for the hero kind of logic(not that I am saying I am a hero) but never mind at least I am alive due to it.

The man suddenly summoned another battleaxe from his blood and then threw it at me. I ducked down to evade it, thinking the man made a mistake but of course, it wouldn't be that easy. The moment I ducked down I felt something was wrong and I rolled aside. I didn't know why but I had just gotten a bad feeling, like something other than the battleaxe was coming for me. I heard a sound as if something like a sword was swung.

I looked back and saw sharp and long blood spikes were standing right where I was,

"Guess, You can evade a single attack easily, huh?", the man said and smiled at me, "What if there is more than one thing attacking you? What then would you be able to evade them? Let's find out.", He smile turned even creepier.

Suddenly blood started pouring out of his hand again and flew upwards to make tens, or maybe hundreds of spears. He took out another real knife from his pocket and threw it toward me and said, "It is no fun if you die in a second, try to protect yourself using that."

I picked up the knife making sure to maintain eye contact with him. I stepped back a little just to make sure there was enough space between him and me. If I could run through the barrage of spears and reach him. It would be easy to defeat him, but I would have to be fast, as fast as I was when I fought the golem. I tried to remember what it felt like and tried to replicate that feeling, I now understood what that burning sensation was it was QI forcing its way into my arms to protect my life.

I replicated the feeling in my whole body, My eyes felt as if burning, and my hands, legs, ears, back, every part of my body was burning but now I was feeling stronger. No, it wasn't just a feeling. I was stronger now. I could now see even more than before. I could see the concentration of QI in an area in the color of orange if intense as in the spears. Yellow for the areas with a moderate amount of QI, and no color for those areas with little to no QI. It felt as if I was seeing another world.

I took a stance ready to dodge the spears and attack the man and at the same moment the man unleashed the spears all aimed toward me. The first one came at my head I ducked and jumped towards the man, the second spear aimed at my legs using the momentum of the previous jump, I was able to jump and step on the spear even if only for a millisecond.

I then jumped from the spear as highly as possible, only to see about 20-30 spears coming right at me in mid-air, with no way to dodge the only option left was to block all those strikes. I put the knife in front of me and made sure to coat it with QI as well, I thickened the coating of QI in front of my body leaving my back exposed. Half of the arrows deflected from the knife and flew somewhere else, a lot of the remaining ones bounced off my armor but one of them hit my right leg.

I was in a pretty bad state but there was no way I could retreat now, all the remaining the remaining spears dissolved into blood, and suddenly the man himself jumped towards me with a blood sword in hand. I was still in mid-air so I couldn't dodge or evade. He was clearly aiming for my stomach but with no way to dodge midair, the only thing I could do was block.

I tried to use the knife to block the attack, but it shattered the moment I put it forward, and in that moment the color near the sword changed from orange to blood red but the QI near my body was only orange colored at best.

"Too bad kid,", He smiled. "You are too naive.", and he stabbed me with the sword.

The sword pierced right through my stomach and I coughed up blood, the armor of QI had been no help at all, after all, I was too weak to ever defeat him and too foolish to realize that he was lying. He let loose of his sword and I dropped to the ground, the sword dissolved into blood. As I lay on the ground not able to lift a single finger, I saw the man walking towards the direction of Cassie's house.

I was losing blood, a lot of it each second, I would probably die of blood loss if I didn't do anything soon. I was frustrated that I couldn't protect Cassie. I was angry that I wasn't able to avenge Charles. Their faces flashed before my eyes. I could no longer see anything, I could no longer feel my legs or my hand all the sensation in my body was gone. And I was feeling cold even though it was a sunny day and clouds were nowhere to be seen.

"Is this death?", Is what I thought before falling into an abyss of darkness without being able to hear, see, or even feel anything. It felt as if I was suspended in a space of nothingness.

"I am sorry. It seems as if I was a bit late.", I heard a familiar voice say.

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