Chapter-7 Who were you?

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The voice was familiar but I couldn't understand whose exactly it was. Suddenly I was able to see again. I saw that I was floating in a dark space, with nothing to be seen.

"Sorry for being late my friend.", I heard the voice again and realized who it was.

"MARYU!!", I yelled out happily, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LATE? I AM ALREADY DEAD.", my happiness soon turned into anger. "Charles is dead, and that man is going to kill Cassie too.", I realized that I was crying. "I couldn't do anything.... anything at all. I was powerless.", I tried to wipe off my tears but they just wouldn't stop.

"Don't worry.", Maryu said in a reassuring tone. "We can still fix this."

"But how, I am already dead.", I wiped off my tears

"You are not yet dead nor is Charles, not yet but he is slowly but surely dying. I can save you and Charles if you let me control your body. I will also be able to defeat that demon. But you will have to give me full control of your body.", he said

"DO IT. I am willing to do anything in order to save them.", I paused, if I gave Maryu full control of my body that meant that he could do anything with it. I don't even know if I get the control back. Yet, that was the only way to save everyone. "I give you full control of my body.", I yelled

The moment I said that I could suddenly see my body lying on the ground, I looked at my hand and it was as if I could see through them. I looked ahead, the demon was pretty far away by now. I tried to move toward my real body but before I could even take a step I was suddenly sucked into my body laying on the ground.

I was now in my body which was lying on the ground, I stood up but it wasn't me who was moving the body. I looked at my stomach and it still had a big hole in it. But it wasn't paining anymore and the blood had stopped flowing as well. The demon was still casually walking towards Cassie's house as if nothing had ever happened.

I pick up a stone lying on the ground and threw it at the demon (Just making sure you guys realize that it isn't me who is moving the body meaning when I say 'I', It means that Maryu is doing it.). The demon yelled, "WHO DARES?" and in the next instance appeared right before me and attacked me without any weapons but something like a barrier appeared right in front of me and he stopped mid-air. More like frozen in mid-air. It seemed like he wasn't able to move.

"You?", he said in a confused voice, He was thrown back but landed safely on his feet.

"How are you still alive?", he asked

But Maryu decided to ignore that and attacked the demon, the demon managed to block the attack but was thrown back. He landed on his feet again but suddenly fell on his keens and put his hand to his head.

"What did you do?", he roared

I slowly walked towards him and he started groaning in pain. I raised my hand to his head and said, "Who sent you here?",

"Who are you?", he said shaking in pain, his voice sounded weak as if it would fade any moment.

I ignored that question and kicked him in the stomach. He coughed up blood and lay down with his hand on his stomach shivering in pain. I then pulled his head up by his hair and said, "Answer the question." and he started screaming in pain.

"Answer the question.", I warned him again. "Or else I won't kill you, and you will keep suffering like this for the rest of eternity"

"I will... tell you.", He paused. "Stop this pain first.",

I let go of his hair and he fell right on his face. He slowly sat back up and said, "It was him, the 1st general sent me here."

"For what purpose.", I asked him coldly

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