Chapter-5 Late Again

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I don't know how much time had passed but when I woke up, which I thought I would never, it felt as if my body wasn't mine. It felt new. It felt better. It felt as if my whole body had been remade. I felt stronger. I guess this was the reason why people take months to do it, it restructures your body completely and that is most probably the reason why I felt so much pain. It was because my whole body was being recreated at the same time instead of being done slowly, as it should be.

I woke up from my bed and checked my clock, It was 7:55 AM. I stood up in a hurry put on my school uniform, took my bag, and ran downstairs like crazy. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and hurried to the kitchen, mom was still making breakfast.

I picked up a piece of buttered bread, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I tried.", she said while making breakfast for me

"I am going.", I said putting the bread in my mouth and grabbed my lunch box, and put in my bag

"What about the omelet?",

I couldn't speak because of the piece of bread, so I just waved her off. I put on my shoes and checked my watch. It was already 7:57 AM by the time I was out.

I sprinted as soon as I was out of my house and noticed that I had no trouble running this fast even though I always used to get tired just 30-40 seconds in. I tried to run even faster, and I could. I was now running way faster than I ever had. My legs felt free, they felt stronger. And I wasn't getting tired like I usually did.

I was running and suddenly a cat appeared on the street in front of me, I couldn't stop in time nor change my direction, so I jumped over her, I could jump way higher than I previously was able to, I was jumping even higher than some single floor homes.

So, I jumped upon the rooftops of houses to reach school it was way easier this way, I made sure to land quietly each time so as to not disturb those living in the houses. I could now see my school, I checked my watch to make sure that I was on time. It was 7:59 AM and I was not sure whether I would be able to reach in time so I ran even faster.

Right now, it felt as if I was gliding through the air. I was near the school by now but If I tried going through the school entrance I would have been late. The only other way was to go through the window right into class. But if I did that it would draw too much attention.

So I decided to just go through the school entrance, I zoomed past everyone and reached my class right in time. I sat down at my usual seat.

I looked beside me and saw that Cassie was absent. Charles was talking with his other friends so I decided not to trouble him and just kept quiet and watched outside the window. Now that I looked at it again, I could see much more now than I could before. I was not just talking about the distance or the details. I could see things that were not visible to me ever before.

I could see beasts everywhere, which I never did and I think nor do others do. I could see Fuyflies and butterflies like beasts which kept fighting and devouring each other. I could also see way better than before, I never had glasses but the way I was able to now was way better than anything else, the amount of details I could see was a lot more than normal.

In just a few seconds our sir entered the classroom, told everyone to settle down, and then started taking attendance. I made sure to pay attention this time, I didn't want to get yelled at again.

It was around break time when I finally found time to talk to him, I asked him whether he had any idea about why Cassie was absent.

"No Idea, Let's go check on her after school. What do you say?"

"No problem, let's go."

School finally ended and we were on our way to meet Cassie, we were near the crossroad from which Cassie's home was only a few blocks away. It was around 3 PM, and not many people were around at the time, most stayed in their homes and some worked so we rarely saw someone on the street except for students.

We turned around the corner and into the street to where the way to Cassie's home was just a straight line. It was pretty silent, the only sounds in the area were mine and Charles's footsteps and the moment of leaves from the wind.

We were walking done the streets when we saw a man in a torn-up hoodie, the man looked beaten up and was bleeding. I didn't know why but I got a bad feeling just from seeing this man, His clothes were all torn up and looked beat, and he had an untrimmed beard and hair. I couldn't see his eyes, and that made it feel really creepy.

He looked straight at us and grinned, his eyes were blood red. Just the next instant he disappeared. Before I could even look around I felt a gust of wind to my left, where Charles was standing.

I immediately looked to my left, only to see the bearded man smiling while stabbing my friend with a knife. The man pushed me behind, it wasn't even that strong of a push, but it threw me back just like the shot from the golem did, that man's gentle push contained the power of a golem's strike.

I tried to stop myself by using my legs, but I still fell over and flew quite a long distance before I finally stopped. Even if my body was stronger now it still had scratches that meant normally that one strike would have killed me. I stood up and looked over to where Charles was. He was now lying on the ground with blood all over his clothes and ground. I noticed that time around had stopped flowing, everything was frozen just like when I fought the golem.

The man who stabbed him just laughed maniacally, his eyes were shining red which made him look even creepier. He stopped laughing and licked the blood on his knife.

"Well, Well.", He grinned, "Looks like we have a tough catch.", His voice sounded kind of robotic and harsh, it was as if two people were speaking at the same time.

He smiled at me and said,

"Well then, How would you like to die?", He giggled, "Young Adept."

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