Chapter-11 Bad Decision

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"Who are you?", I asked the man in all black holding his hand out to me.

"I am Ken, the head butler of the Izanami Clan.", He put up a smile on his face, still keeping his hand up.

"Wh-", before I could ask why I should go with him he interrupted

"You have been searching for us, haven't you?", he took his hand back, "Well then, I don't think there will be any problem with you accompanying me. is there?"

"My friends and teachers here, they will notice that I am gone.", I took a deep breath, "It will cause a lot of trouble for me."

"Don't worry, we can make it so that your teachers and friends won't notice your absence for a while. Though It will only last around an hour or so."


"We have our ways, now if you want to meet the clan head. Please come with me."This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I had been trying to find them for so long but I couldn't, and now they themselves appeared in front of me. This was an easy choice.

I decided to go with him.

"Just follow me, that is if you can keep up with my speed.", he said and took off without notice.

I looked but he was gone, I immediately used QI sense to detect him and follow. I ran with my full speed but I could barely keep up with him. So to increase my speed, I embedded my legs with QI, another technique I learned the past few days. It's called the Flash step.

I could now keep up with him, but he kept increasing his speed. I could keep up with him but barely. We reached the bottom of the mountain in less than 2 mins as compared to the 30 mins my class took.

At the bottom of the mountain, a Black SUV was waiting for me. A man was standing near the car and opened the door for me. I got in and sat near the left-side window seat.

The interior seats were completely leather and looked quite expensive, the butler sat beside me and the driver started the car. The car's windows suddenly turned all black and I couldn't understand where the car was taking me.

"Hey, Where are you taking me? Why did the windows go black?", I asked

"Just sit back and relax.", he paused, "we are going towards the hideout."After 5-6 minutes or so the car stopped, and the butler stepped out of the vehicle so I followed him. We were standing in front of a skyscraper.

"Didn't you say a hideout?", I asked the butler while following him as he was walking into the building.

We reached the elevator, pressed the button then said, "This is the hideout, kiddo."The Elevator door opened and we went inside, he didn't press any buttons but the elevator suddenly closed and shot up. In less than 10 seconds we were on the 108th Floor of the building.

The doors opened and in front of me was a huge room with several bodyguards standing with guns in their hand and only 2 sofas and a table set in the middle of the room with a bottle of wine and 2 glasses. The front wall was made out of glass and showed a beautiful view of the city and the Tokyo Tower.

That is when I realized that we were not in Kyoto anymore.

He walked out and put his hand forward telling me to get out of the elevator as well.

"Don't be surprised.", the butler said moving towards the glass wall in front of us, "There is still a lot you have to see.", He looked at me and said, "Take a seat, the clan head will be coming to meet you any moment."I went ahead and sat down on one of the sofas, soon a young man, no older than 20 walked into the room.

He sat down on the other sofa and said, "So, is this the boy? Ken", looking towards the butler.

"Yes lord, he is the one who has been searching for us.", the butler answered

The young man looked at me and said, "Hello, Nice to meet you. My name is Hirata Izanami the current Head of the Izanami Clan."

I was left speechless thinking how such a young person was the Clan Head, i had imagined him to be an old serious man in his 60s or something but this was the complete opposite of it all.

"Don't you think you should introduce yourself if you were searching for us.", he put his hand forward

"I am Eien Akihito, and how did you know I have been searching for you?", I replied shaking his hand

"We have our ways. Now if you were searching for us that means you must have something to ask us or tell us."

"Yes, I need your help."

"What sort of help?"

"Please help me get stronger!!", I said bowing down my head.

"And why do you think I would do that?", the clan head replied

"But-", he cut me off and said "I know nothing about you, who you are? What are your intentions? You might as well be an enemy spy, if you are an adept then that must mean that you already have someone to teach you. If you do then there is no reason to come here.", he leaned in, gave me a deep stare, and said in a heavy tone, "Now, if you don't tell me what's your true purpose behind coming here, I will have to execute you immediately.", and leaned back,

"Either you tell me the truth or you die." He said signaling all his men to aim their guns at me.

That is when I realized, I might have made a bad decision.

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