Chapter-1 The Attic

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I was sprinting down a mountain, attempting to flee from a ravenous gorilla with teeth as sharp as a shark's. I ran a considerable distance, pushing myself to the limit. As I glanced behind me, I stumbled over a rock and fell. The last thing I witnessed was the sight of the gorilla's mouth filled with a thousand teeth, ready to consume me whole.

And I woke up

My heart was beating so fast, that I could hear it. Sweat was running down my forehead, I walked over to my table and crossed yesterday's date on the calendar. It was summer vacation, though only 4 days were left of it. I walked out of my room and immediately started running down the stairs. I could smell my favorite breakfast in the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast?", I asked, trying to sit down

"Go brush your teeth first!", My mom yelled at me

By the time I was back, she had finished setting up the table.

I soon finished eating and was going back to my room when

Mom shouted at me, "We are going to clean the attic today, be ready I will come to call you once I am done eating."

I hated cleaning, And the attic hadn't been cleaned for 3 years. It was going to be lots of hard work and I hated it. I went into my room, laid down on my bed, and started reading a manga.

"Cleaning time!!", My mom proclaimed

I kept the manga on the table and got out of my room. Mom was standing there with a broom, gloves, and masks in her hand. She passed me a pair of gloves and a mask.

I wore the gloves, "Remind me of the last time we cleaned the attic", I said

"Maybe a year or something?", she replied trying to act like she didn't know.

"3 years", I answered

"Well, It doesn't matter!", she cried, "we are going to clean it today"

My mom opened the hatched door to the attic, and the rope ladder came down.

My mom pointed at it and said, "You first"

I was sure that she was scared of the cockroaches.

I climbed up the ladder it was a little hard since it wasn't still and kept swinging. The attic was pitch black. I tried to walk towards the light switch, If I remembered the location correctly that is.

Just when I thought I had reached the switch,


I stumbled upon something and fell,

"You fine?", My mom shouted

"Yea!", I yelled back trying to stand back up

I finally found the switch and turned it on. The cockroaches and rats were all running behind the boxes into the dark corners to escape from the light. The boxes and items had all accumulated a ton of dust on them, I swiped a finger at one of them and the dirt came off like a piece of paper.

I looked back to see what had made me fall, it was a small box with the label 'OLD THINGS'. I crouched down to open it. It had a lot of things in it, but the things that caught my interest were only 4 things.

A camera, a note, some keys and a book.

The book was a dark green color, with black embedded patterns on it, the paper had turned to a yellowish orange color which showed just how old the book was.

"Those are Grandpa's items.", my mom said trying to climb up the ladder

She was correct, I remembered seeing this book in his hands, He always kept it around even when the day he died, he had this book in his hands.

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