Chapter-9 Scamming a Scammer

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After 2 weeks, the day had finally come. We were all told to assemble on the school grounds before 4 A.M. I departed from home at 3:30, and before leaving, mom had been repeating the same thing about making sure I didn't do anything wrong, stayed with the group, etc.

It was still pitch dark when I reached the school. The school grounds were completely packed with kids excited for the trip. Everyone was talking to their friends, or trying to get a quick nap. I started searching for Charles but instead bumped into Edward. Now who is Edward? Well, he is one of my classmates, he isn't much of a close friend but he is a cool guy. He is pretty good at studying 3rd in the whole class, wears glasses but looks cool with them, and well he is quite handsome even though a nerd.

He keeps getting love letters from our classmates and even those from the other classes, he is quite charming and has also got a friendly personality.

I asked him if he had seen Charles, but sadly he hadn't. I asked if he would find him along with me and he agreed, saying he didn't have anything to do. But I am sure he was just feeling lonely. We both tried to find Charles for a long time, we met a lot of our classmates but Charles was nowhere to be found.

I heard a voice calling out to me, "Eien!!"

I looked back and saw Cassie running towards me, She gasped for air, "I was searching for you-", she noticed Edward. "Oh. Good morning, Edward"

Edward replied, "Good morning to you too, didn't expect to run into you today. ", they were kind of like rivals and didn't talk to each other a lot since she was first in the class and he was third. They didn't particularly hate each other but didn't like each other either.

"Yea, so where were you all this time?", Cassie asked me

"I was right here all this time.", I replied

"SO, why didn't I see you all this time that I was searching for you?"

"Because I was searching for Charles so I wasn't standing in a single place for a long amount of time, I guess that's why you didn't find me earlier."

"Maybe.....", she paused. "So, did you find Charles?"

"Can you see him here?", Edward replied instead

"I wasn't talking to you.", Cassie sounded like she was about to start a fight

"Well, but you looked like you didn't have any eyes to see that he wasn't here.", Edward replied,

"YOU-", Cassie shouted but I interrupted

"Stop it, you guys. We aren't here to fight let's just enjoy the field trip alright?",

"Fine.", both of them murmured.

"So-", before I was able to speak anything, the speakers gave off a loud buzzing sound.


We had to abandon the search for Charles and get into one of the buses as soon as possible or else we would not get a seat together, Cassie went into a different bus with her friends, and Edward and I climbed into the bus we were closest to.

We luckily found a good seat, I took the window seat and Edward sat beside me. Soon the buses departed, Most of the kids were now sleeping, including Edward. I was looking out of the window. Ever since a few weeks ago, I had started to see things that no one other could. Just about 2 weeks ago I had fought a 30-foot-tall golem and a demon who could control blood. I had gotten serious injuries both times when I fought, I had become a donut when I fought against the demon.

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