Silver to the Rescue!

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POV: Silver The Hedgehog

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I flew across the sky following the direction Dr. Eggman had rode his ship off to after kidnapping Y/n. I furiously held my power in my hands, it's aura getting brighter and brighter as my speed only became faster. My attention couldn't be dragged away onto anything else, only rescuing Y/n and bringing her back in my arms. I won't let the Dr get away with this! I stopped the moment I saw that where I was headed was out of the Town of Soleanna. Pausing, I didn't want to wonder off too far, I looked around for I didn't know if it was a good idea.

Suddenly, I heard a figure slide from underneath where I hovered. Alerted, I glanced down to see who was there, but I saw nobody. "Don't be so naive." I deep and strict voice spoke from in front of me. I landed on the ground, jolting my head up to who was in front of me. I was met eye to eye with Shadow. He narrowed his eyes, huffing and holding a Chaos Emerald at hand "Shadow!" I cheered. "Don't be so surprised. Sonic will catch up in a bit, for now, it's just me and you. Let's go save Y/n." He stubbornly commanded. It didn't take me long to comprehend what he had said before nodding. I pulled out the Chaos Emerald I had "Tails has the rest of the Chaos Emeralds while Sonic himself has one. Once we have all 7, we could release our Super powers and defeat Eggman for good." Shadow explained. I gasped "Your right! That way, he won't be able to take Y/n anymore!" I participated, and he nodded. We both continued on our mission to save who I cared for most..our friend. I don't feel all too much like a friend to her though, sure I have Blaze, but I don't usually spend as much time with her as I expected. I won't let myself fail this time! Y/n needs our help, and I'll do whatever it takes to get her back! With Sonic and the others' help now, we'll be unstoppable! I cannot Fail! I can't Fail! Being restless is all I'm capable of doing to get what's done! I won't slow down, even when I'm tired, I'll end Dr. Eggman's plans and win what's mine, receive what I deserve, and demolish what's meant to be destroyed...

Me and Shadow continued forward, which led us to a place called 'White Acropolis', A very cold and dreary place that contained a Base facility, Trees and ground covered in Snow. The place was huge, robots and Search lights guarding the area. Pink Lasers were there as personal Security. As Shadow walked by my side, he placed a hand on my shoulder "Be careful. This is Eggman's Base. He has his ways of catching you off guard. If the spotlights shine upon you, a siren will go off, and the robots will spot you." He instructed. I angrily growled "Why can't I just fly through!?" I asked, stomping my foot. He rolled his eyes "You can't just do that! That's not thoroughly taking your time, and you'll get caught easier. Those rivaling metal cans have guns you know. If the light doesn't spot you, they will. Some of them could fly." He replied. I crossed my arms and groaned 'I guess I have to take my time. I'm getting a bit tired of Sonic calling me slow, but he haven't even shown up yet, so who's the slow one now?' I thought. What! Oh No! I don't know how much time I have left! I really don't want to go slow, but at the same time, I don't want to speed and get caught too! I can hardly control myself when I'm self destructive and desperate, but Shadow was right. I have to find my way to reach Y/n with a plan. We weren't looking until we saw the Robots blow up presented right before our eyes. Confused, me and Shadow glared at each other, indicating that one of us was to be framed, but that all changed when Rouge landed in front of us, smirking and hands on her hips "Males like you take so much time. Let's get this over with already. The girl needs our help." She smoothly spoke before flying away into the base. "Rouge is gonna get there before me!! I want N/n to think of me as her hero!" I roared before flying the same direction as Rouge, accidentally calling Y/n her nickname. I feel like it's really fitting for her! "Silver! Wait!" Shadow called out to me, but I ignored. I was too eager to save her, and make her proud of me! I want to start a huge connection with her as much as she does with me! But..I can't assume that she likes me back though, I never confessed that I like her because I don't want to ruin our friendship with one another. I want to be the one to save her! Why do I feel this way? Am, I can't be. We just met, sure it's been a bit of time consuming anger moments in particular, drama created by me, but I don't want to show only aggression just to hide my feelings, I want to show her I care! SO I WILL SHOW HER I CARE!

POV: Y/n

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I was tied up on the floor of a security room that Dr. Eggman held me hostage in. The Dr began to type on his keypad to look through the secret cameras he had set up around the base. He could barely express his shock when he saw Silver crashing and breaking his bots one by one. He turned over to me "Well, looks like your petty little boyfriend came to rescue you. Well, I won't allow him to rip apart all I have just to do so, in fact, I'm going to kill him!" He proudly roared. I gasped, eyes widened. I jumped around and wiggled as much as I could in the ropes that wrapped itself around my body "No! Don't hurt him! And he is NOT my boyfriend!" I cried out. He squeezed my cheek and placed me on a chair "Relax yourself, Ms. Y/n. You'll be better off stuck with me than those anthropomorphic hedgehogs, in fact, I have someone for you to meet!" He cheered in a wondrous mood. I frowned, not wanting any more of what he had in mind. Suddenly, a figure stepped in front of me and grinned happily, watching me struggle in the thick strings. I shivered, whimpering a bit " E/n. They will make sure you stay hostage while I create a Robot big enough to take down Silver. I swear I saw that Purple Cat on one of the Cameras trying to tag along after him, so I'll make sure to prevent them from getting any further." Dr. Eggman said before stomping out of the room, slamming the door behind him. A chuckle came from E/n "I'll make sure you won't get away, for Dr. Eggman. I'll do my job right." They spoke possessively. They only stared at me for a few moments before passing out on the ground, falling asleep. 'Wooow, what a loyal Assistant they are.' I sarcastically thought. What I couldn't get myself over is that Silver would go all of his way just to save me. I didn't know he cared so much, I honestly felt trapped from the backstabbing feeling of the Dr keeping me in this Control room, but does Silver even know where I am!? I hope he's okay, and I hope I'll be okay long enough for him to get to me...but if he fails...what if he gives up? What if he forgets? What if..he..gets hurt? It would be all my fault for being so defenseless. I'll live the rest of my life from the mistake I made if he does. I want to escape myself so I could find him...

I saw a pair of Scissors on the desk that Dr. Eggman had forgot. He was probably supposed to bring that to cut off the wires to the Search lights and Lasers to catch Silver off guard and make him think it's easy enough to just run through! Silver is a bit gullible, so he'd easily fall for it, but luckily, that can't be plotted now, and that's a way to cut these ropes. The scissors were pretty big as well! I made sure E/n was incapable of getting up easily by kicking them lightly a few times, none of those woke them up. I whispered 'Yes' very quietly and victoriously, slowly standing up and making my way around them. I walked to the desk, back facing it as my hands behind me attempted to grab it with just the tip of my fingers. I failed miserably when the scissors dropped onto the floor, making a loud thump sound, strangely, E/n still was not awoken. I smiled before crouching down and getting it at an easier state. I picked it up and began cutting the ropes, and as I did, it snapped and fell from around me in a second. I stood up immediately and danced around a bit as a sign of honor I had over myself for doing that. Before any other last actions were made, I ran out of the security room, not turning back.

I was going to find Silver no matter what it took! I was not going to be held hostage like that again, and I wish it was always that easy, but this whole mission probably wasn't going to be easy. I was even surprised when I heard Blaze tagged along, I didn't know why, but she probably did so because she wanted to protect Silver from getting himself into danger. Dr. Eggman said that he was going to make a Robot to kill Silver! I absolutely can't let that happen! Though me being practically powerless, I couldn't stand a chance against the intelligent Inventor himself. The best I could do was be by the light grey hedgehog during it all. Maybe Sonic and Shadow will help him too, I mean, I only saw Blaze and Silver on the cameras, but I won't believe only what I see. Sonic and Shadow has got to be somewhere, but killing off Silver...


"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now