'It Just Stays The Same'

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POV: Silver The Hedgehog

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After we finished off Mephiles, the bright yellow aura that surrounded us faded away, our super powers calming down a bit. Though Mephiles is finally defeated, I still feel like something is wrong, and I know exactly why I have that feeling. Y/n...I miss her. I know she's right in front of me, but lifeless. My Soul...I want it to be complete. That part of me was missing, Y/n was always there for me, whether I bled or not, afraid or fearless, she was there for me. She always was there for me, and because of that, it made the both of us stronger. I taught her a few things, but I didn't know she would teach me a thing or two. I think it's about time...I share one last moment with her before the dispose of her motionless form...

We landed on the ground, Shadow and Sonic congratulating each other, I predicted that they were about to do so to me, but stopped when they saw that I was holding Y/n once again in my arms. Devastated as I was, I stared down at her beautiful, soft s/c skin, thought about her e/c eyes, how she liked to eat f/f and drink f/d. How she'd go to f/p. Everything about her ran through my head, and I couldn't hold back!

I kissed her passionate and gently, closing my eyes and cherishing the moment. I know it won't achieve anything from this, but this is the least I could do to make myself feel closer to her. Quite inadvertent, my super power seeped away like a river flowing an unknown direction, me returning to my normal form...

I parted away from her face and began to cry again. Elise placed her hand on my shoulder, I looked at her, us now eye to eye with each other "I know how it feels to lose someone. Don't worry, I know she-" The Princess attempted to speak, but was cut off by the sound of coughs. Shocked, we all brought our attention on Y/n, and surely, smiles appeared on our faces "Well, looks like Silver woke up sleeping Beauty~" Rouge joked, but I brushed it off with immediate neglect. Was she really alive!? There was only one way to find out..but to just wait and observe...

POV: Y/n

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I woke up, coughing and gagging. I had just left my entire body because of the laser like beam that shot through my heart like lighting, except it was from a different angle, if you know what I mean. I grabbed onto the arms of a blurry figure, trying to make out who it was or why I'm alive. 'How did I come back? What happened?' I wondered. Stuck on concentrating on who I was in the arms of, I looked around, inspecting all the other figures around me...wait...Mephiles! Did we defeat him? Where am I!? "I love you too!" I heard a voice blurt out, sobbing and holding me close.

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I recognize that voice!! "S-Silver..." I mumbled "I love you I love you I love you!" He repeated "I..wait..SILVER!!" I screamed "Y/N!!" He did the same. Finally, I was able to adjust my vision just enough to finally see his cute, innocent face. I never made such a big smile in my life, I felt like my cheeks were about to hurt. I hugged him tightly, and his grip was just as tight as mine. Confused, Sonic scratched his head "Wow! I never thought she'd come back...but how?" He questioned. Shadow huffed "Not much sense will be made, but just like how we transferred our super powers to one another from the Chaos Emeralds, Silver still had that living light in him, and because of his unstoppable temptation and affection he had, it somehow was given to Y/n, alike the psychokinesis he gave her as well. All seems impossible, but solve the rest yourself, Faker. I'm not your Teacher." Shadow explained. Still lost, Sonic looked like he was about to pass out from distress, he was probably thinking too hard. He shook his head and quickly forgot about it, running up to me and Silver, joining the hug. Soon came Tails, Then Shadow, then everyone. We all shared a group hug. I was more than happy to be back, and sure, being dead is not a good illustration of what their fate could've ended like if Mephiles brought out Iblis from another realm and fused with him into Solaris, but I never pictured that fate, because I knew they would be able to do it! They are always strong, and the way I figured out, was because they all seemed happier. Their smiles said it all, and they are healthy and fine, and that's all I need to know...is that my best friends fought through it all...

"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now