Relentless Anger

374 13 6

POV: Y/n~

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The next day went by, and again, it was a normal day in Soleanna! I wore my f/o because I felt today was going to be special! Sonic came by my side, talking to me about how he saved Elise when Dr. Eggman planned to kidnap her and beating this so called 'Solaris' Beast, Saying that these two named Iblis and Mephiles is what created it when the Princess, Elise, Cried. I didn't understand much of it, but I knew part of it was what Silver mentioned about to me yesterday.

Just the thought of him made me smile. Me and him had such a good talk, though it came to my mind that I was meant to find him, but now I can't ditch Sonic, or he'll try to follow me. Unlike now, Sonic would usually have other things to do, but I guess this is his free time. Shadow, Rouge, and Omega approached him, which kinda distracted him for awhile, and with that, I took this as my chance to sneak off.

As I slipped away, I hid behind a corner of a building, then looking back to see if he was still talking to the others, and surely, he was. I tip toed away down a sidewalk that led towards a small shed, in which I had no idea who it belonged to, but I brushed it off immediately. I slowly made my way towards it, and the closer I got, the more I'd hear drills and/or hammering echo from it. To not alert whoever is in there, I walked very carefully, starting from the back of my feet and slide it forward, alike sneaking. I tried walking past the door of the shed, but failed when it swung open.

It revealed a smug face looking Tails who crossed his arms. I stopped in my tracks and sighed, he walked closer to me "Where are 'You' going?" He asked, teasing me, I pushed him away "Nowhere." I huffed, he smirked proudly to the fact he caught me "Oh yeah? Well where is this so called 'Nowhere' Your off to?" He teased more "Stooooop!" I begged. Before this argument could go any further, we heard a loud crash from where I believe Sonic and the others stood. Me and Tails worriedly looked at each other "Oh no." We said in unison before we sped our way back to where they were.

When we got there, We witnessed a wild fight. Silver used his telekinesis to drag the Blue Hedgehog across the air and against a wall, allowing him to hit the ground, but speedily did he get up and spun into a ball, dashing towards Silver's direction. No time to Move, Sonic rammed at Silver's feet, causing him to trip. He yelped and fell face first. The White Hedgehog growled and used his telekinetic powers to lift a chair off the ground and flung it towards Sonic, still on the ground, but Sonic dodged it "It's No Use!" He yelled "Take This!" He said, throwing another Chair, but Sonic jumped over it and dodged it yet again "Hah! You gotta be Faster than that if you want to beat me!" Sonic teased. Silver became more furious, standing up and levitating over the ground. He grabbed all that he could with the power he held, I knew what he planned. He's letting his anger win the best of him, he's trying to Kill Sonic. His eyes and hands glowed, and he menacingly targeted him "Prepare for your doom, you powerless fool! I'LL TAKE ADVANTAGE OVER YOU WITH THE TELEKINESIS I YELD TO DESTROY EVERYTHING OF YOURS!!" Silver shouted. Sonic only smirked "Is that all you got? This should be easy to outrun!" He bragged. He already had enough injuries, if it gets any worse, they'll destroy the Town with his jokes and games! I absolutely couldn't let this fight continue!

It seemed like Shadow was thinking the same as me, for we both stepped between Sonic and Silver "Don't!" Me and the Dark Hedgehog yelled in unison. Silver paused, expression full of shock and sadness when he saw me. He dropped all that was held unnoticeably, making his way back to ground. Sonic groaned "Aww Come on! It was about to get fun!" He whined. Shadow gave him a disappointed side look, crossing his arms "Is that so? Well don't blame anyone for your injuries, continuing something risky such as that fight would've been your karma." He spoke coldly. The blue Hedgehog only rolled his eyes and tapped his foot for attention. I walked up to Silver who could barely make eye contact with me. I held his hand in mine, he placed his vision on only that "What were you thinking?" I asked. He didn't say anything for a moment, but snatched his hand away from me and bursted everyone in a circle of a cyan-dusted tornado. In panic, I stumbled back, landing in the arms of Omega "His.powers. are being used.over.the maximum.of 100.0000%" The Robot claimed, I had no idea what that meant, but all I cared about was escaping the dusty tornado he trapped us in.

I attempted to run out of it, but Shadow snatched my arm and pulled me towards him "Don't touch it! It contains Heat and dominion due to his anger!" He instructed. 'That means we can't leave this unbearably windy trap?!' I thought. Silver faced his hands apart from himself and aimed them towards the spiraling cyan-colored wind. He looked pressured, closing his eyes roughly in concentration. As the wind blew us strongly, others such as Rouge, Blaze, Amy, Knuckles, and Tails flew away in the tornado "Silver! Stop this!" Blaze commanded before flying away from the wind. I desperately stared at Silver who paid almost no attention to anything or anyone heard, Shadow holding my shoulders as I did for his arms. "Silver! What are you doing!?" I asked "Protecting you!" He replied. "From what!?" I questioned once more, he then opened his yellow eyes that shined more than I ever seen it so far "FROM SONIC!!" He shouted. Sonic appeared from behind me and Shadow and tilted his head "What do you have to hold against me so bad, Dude!?" Sonic asked curiously. Silver walked closer, making us take a few steps back "Your always around her! Your the reason why I had mistaken her as a monster from Iblis in the first place! Now with you in the way, I'll mess up to create a strong bond with the ones I love...just how I failed..with Blaze." He explained. I sighed and shook my head "Silver..." I spoke, he looked directly into my eyes at the call of his name "I will never fail to make a connection with you, or you for me. We already are almost close to where we know each other fully. Whether your Naive, Kind, Relentless, I don't care! You matter to me, and though you tried to attack me at first, I'm not mad! Don't let your anger hurt others just to protect me, I don't need protecting from Sonic. He won't hurt me...and I know you won't either." I comforted him. He only stared, jaw dropped and mentally heartbroken. I can tell that he didn't like that I was backing up Sonic, for he thought his protection meant something, and to me it did, but he didn't know that.

His eyes stopped glowing, same went for his palms. The tornado stopped and faded misting away like dust. Those that were flying around the tornado began to fall, close to hitting the ground, but Tails started to fly with his 'tails' and caught Amy and Knuckles, while Rouge flew as well and caught Blaze. Omega was too heavy to be drifted away by the wind, so he only remained still. Was he watching the action this whole time? Sonic did a taunting dance at Silver, but I turned towards him, clearly irritated, which made him stop as he began to act like he didn't do anything, whistling with his hands behind his back and kicking dirt. I turned back to Silver, who only gave me a reassuring smile. "Heeeey, I know all that just happened was insane and it maaay take us some time to get over it, but do you guys want ice cream!?" Amy asked excitingly. Everyone gave thoughtful looks at each other, but then agreed "Sadly.Since I am A Cream.but will come along anyway." Omega said, leaving the others to chuckle at his cuteness. "Can we bring Silver?" I asked, grabbing his hand and pulling him next to me. Sonic gasped "After what he just did!? No way-" "Of Course we can!" Amy joyfully budged in, cutting Sonic off "You can't say no anyway, Sonic. Me and you will be too busy..Dating~" Amy slyly snuck in. Sonic backed up, putting his hands up as defense "Woaah, Amy. Woaah!" He defended. With that, we all began to go find a place for ice cream, like we're all a team!

It still leaves me lost if all that Silver did was out of jealousy. Though we only just met, he may have become to attached, any grand meeting especially when he knows a person isn't his foe he could come off fond of. He tried to harm me in the beginning, but I can see that he only did it as protection. As Naive as he is, I can tell that someone can say one thing to him when it could really be the other, meaning he can easily be manipulated. I don't quite enjoy that fact, but it's sadly true. Either way, it tickles me that he tried to protect me, even when I wasn't in the need of it, he proceeded to do so anyway. He was gonna stick with me until the end like A to Z, it didn't bother me at all. Now I love Silver, as a friend. If we were to get closer, what type of close. We're already going to get ice cream together, maybe I should invite him to my house! It's like an adventure everyday when your with Sonic and his Friends, and I hope we get to count Silver and Blaze as Friends as well!

It's Like a Dream come True!

"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now