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POV: Dr. Eggman

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I paced back and forth as my robots took control over driving the ship that was at flight. E/n and Mephiles watched me in amusement while I tried to think of more ideas to catch Y/n. She has so much potential, but those petty little hedgehogs keep her from me like it's nothing. I did some inspecting and learned that Silver can share his power by love. It was just the other night that Y/n and him went into the skies on their so called 'Date', and I noticed that he orchestrated these colors that he thought was only presented as a cyan color, but really, it was the collaboration from Y/n touching him while using his telekinesis, meaning that the power was being shared off to one another. Silver conveying his powers to her, and Y/n making his stronger. No matter, how cute the couple is now until I ambush them and take all that they have, but like last time, I can't use my robots, If Silver is stronger then surely those won't take him down...I will make the most manipulative plan any Dr like me could ever create. Not only will I discover the secret powers Y/n may have once I catch her, but I'll take down all three hedgehogs at once! I will rule over everyone and everything in sight!

And I know Just The Plan...

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POV: Y/n

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We were outside on a bench somewhere in the town of Soleanna, This Raccoon named Marine hearing out all I had to say about the adventures the hedgehogs and I shared since the beginning of last week. I have to admit, she was quite talkative herself, because even she was to admit all that she did with the others! It was so fun! I think we became friends after doing so. The day was sunny, temperature in the air is warm, everyone relaxing outside, it was all really great, that's one out of many things that can comfort me.

Since yesterday, Silver hasn't been present, which irked my nervous system. Where did he go? Why is he gone? Does anyone know where he is? Where else could he possibly go!? All of those questions ran over and over again in my head, heart beating loud like it almost hurts but doesn't affect my now fake smile chatting with Marine. The unsettling thought of Silver possibly getting injured or lost welcomed me. Where could he have gone, he said earlier that he would meet up with us around this time, this meaning he is missing? No, just late. He must be late, only late...he's not that slow but he is just late. Maybe I'm being a bit too clingy...

"Hey! Are you good, mate?" The Raccoon asked, nudging my shoulder. I snapped back to reality, blinking more than a few times. She must've noticed that my smile faded along with me being irresponsive. "Y-Yeah. I'm okay." I replied, biting my finger and drawing my attention away from her. She smirked and crossed her arms "You seem like a worried worm, you thinking about someone?" She teased. I began to blush and pushed her face away "Nooooooo-" "Yes you are! I can tell! Your thinking about Silver!" She exclaimed. I cover my face and hid from embarrassment. She caught on real fast, I guess she knows a thing or two about love "That's why you were barely listenin' to me. You were thinking about your future hus-AAAAAAAH!!" She was cut off by Blaze picking her up and holding Marine under her arm "What did I tell you about getting up in grown folk's business?" Blaze fussed "Yeah, Yeah. I'm grown too." Marine stuck her tongue out "Yeah right." Blaze argued, walking away with the Raccoon in her arms. Awww, how cute. I'm glad I had someone to talk to for the time being, lately I've carried this ball of concern that never leaves when that Naive Hedgehog is away. His energy causes me to go haywire sometimes. I feel like I'm balancing Attention on one hand and Responsibility on the other, and surely for him towards me it's the same. Hopefully he's alright, perhaps I should go spend more time with Rouge, she seems to be sun!? In the middle of the ground!? Welp, I might as well join her. Heheheh!

"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now