Majestic but Broken Date

211 7 2

POV: Y/n

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Silver had finished helping me and Shadow move the rest of my stuff In, all of it. I could tell that Silver got a tad bit jealous from the Moment I had with Shadow and made him leave, putting it in the kindest way he could. He wanted to make sure I wasn't attempting to date the shady hedgehog, me having to reassure him over and over that I wasn't intending any of that. I'm just glad I had enough time to help Shadow with his emotions he bottled up for so long. I promise, even to my own heart, that I won't spill the tea to anyone. All that he told me sounded personal and secretive, though he may have chatted about his back story to a few others, it just sounded like he wouldn't go around and tell it to anyone. I'm flattered from the fact that he was able to trust me enough to talk to me. He needed that...

I was lost in my thoughts about the moment between me and Shadow, that was until Silver threw a pillow at my head, catching my attention. "Ah! Hey!" I shouted. He waved his arms around "You weren't paying any attention to what I was saying! Not even my question!" He flipped out. I rubbed the back of my head and laughed from embarrassment, blushing "Sorry! What did you say again?" I asked. He smiled softly and walked up to me, petting my head and now peaceful "It's okay. I asked you if you wanted to..uhm..possibly go out with me?" He asked, lending me his hand. I saw him blush redder than a tomato as he used the other hand to cover his eyes, afraid if I'll turn him down. I blushed myself, butterflies in my stomach. I was extremely nervous about it at first, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad! Being with Silver is better than being how I was before. I placed my hand in his and stood face to face with him. I moved his other hand that covered his eyes and looked into them, yellow and bright and beautiful. He gazed down at my e/c ones. Sadly, he broke the moment by jittering a bit "Oh! Amy told me what you liked! I want to buy you some f/f and f/d after our date, I want to take you somewhere..." He booped my nose before walking away. I blinked and shook my head from shock, then trailed behind him "Wait for me, Silver!" I chased.

I made it out of my house, trying to follow him more...until I stopped. He had stopped and turned around, facing me now. He smirked and opened his arms, motioning for me to come to him. I gasped 'He wants a hug?' I wondered. I carefully walked to him as he wrapped his arms around me "Don't be afraid. Hold on tight. Okay?" He asked. I didn't know why he said that, but I nodded anyway, wrapping my arms around him. Suddenly, he jumped into the sky, flying with me In his arms. We flew so high that the buildings in the Town looked like tiny, little ants to us..A hug was not what he wanted. I mean, he's holding me close, does that count? He lied down in thin air with me remaining in his arms. He pinned my head to his chest and sighed in content. 'HE'S SO FLUFFY AND SOFT!!' I freaked out in my mind, blushing more madly than I ever did. I also noticed that this is the first time I touched him while he's using his powers!

We were over the clouds, capable of seeing much more in the sky than we ever did. Silver still held me resting on him, his resilient powers keeping us withhold and secure while still flying. We were both extremely quiet for the past couple of minutes, us surely enjoying each other's company. "Y/n?" He asked. I jumped from his voice, almost half sleep, I hummed as a response. He giggled from my reaction "Are you going to sleep? I don't comfort you that much, do I?" He teased "Uhm..I...Uhh..Find you very soft?" I questionably answered. He squeaked, flustered. I can't believe I blurted that out! I feel more embarrassed! I was about to apologize, but Silver started purring. As I listened to him purr, it somewhat soothed me, I had almost mistaken it for growling, but he felt very calm and affectionate right now, so I doubted that he was angry. "I-Is this where you wanted to take me?" I asked, making him go stop the sweet noise he made. His body slipped me off as he came back upwards with himself, holding me hand in hand, I wished that could've lasted forever...every moment of that I had to cherish. It ended too soon..I wanted more. "That felt like what people do...they call it...Cuddling. We it more!" He changed the subject "Silverrrrrr." I knowingly forced him to answer my question. He gave in "Okay. Okay. This isn't where I wanted to take you, it was someplace else. I have to talk to you. It's...very important..I was just afraid I might upset you from what I have to talk to you about." He replied, flying us down.

"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now