Mission Accomplished...

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POV: Silver The Hedgehog

TW: Blood - Explosion

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I ran past the now busted security systems and exploded bots. I gratefully appreciated the powers I had, I still wish I could do the Spin Dash like Sonic can. Anyway, I ran over the heavy snow, still not being able to slow down. I slowly felt my psychokinetic drain from me..I was using too much of it in one day, and to top it all off, I've also been using it on Robots and search lights to break. If I keep this up, I'll lose complete control over my psychokinesis! But I don't care, I'm better than all of it otherwise! I can easily beat any invention or even Sonic whether I have powers or not! Everyone will Humble me for I'll be the one to stop Eggman and get all the credit, or most of it at least!

I took a deep breath before proceeding to keep moving forward, alas I came to a halt when Blaze stepped in my way, blocking the arena that I was soon to enter "B-Blaze?!" I questioned, she remained silent. I waited for her to respond, but nothing was said "What are you doing here? It's dangerous-" "Dangerous for you." She budged in "What?" I asked "Your So Naive." She spoke "I don't want you to get hurt in there. Don't you know that Dr. Eggman could be making you fall right into his trap?" She scolded "But Y/n Needs my help! I can't leave her behind!" I yelled "You have me." She replied. I stopped for a moment, starting to possibly reconsider this mission. I do have Blaze, I only met Y/n not all too long ago. Blaze known me longer, but that Shouldn't Matter. Whether I know her or not, she's a person in the need of saving! I was about to say something about Blaze's remark, but was distracted by the ground rumbling ever so fast. Our minds drawn away from the argument but to the shaking ground, we looked all over the place, trying to locate where the shaking was coming from, only to have a giant bot to land in front of us. "What! Oh No!" I worriedly yelled, getting in a fighting stance. A speaker squeaked loudly, causing me and Blaze to cover our ears "Why Hello, SILVER! I see you and your little friend have come to stop me and take Y/n back, I must say, you got past all of my bots and lasers pretty well, I guess those good for nothing machines couldn't stop you good enough. Well luckily I have another invention up my sleeve, and it's right in front of you. Beat this, and you'll get your 'Girlfriend' back! Meet Egg-Genesis! Better and Remade!" He rambled. 'I feel like I've been through something like this before, but whatever, I'm in for a lot now! I got this!' I confidently told myself. I had high self-esteem and was actually willing to fight this thing! If I'm gonna save Y/n, I might as well do it here and now!

POV: Y/n

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I ran down the halls of the Base, making many turns and opening many doors that led to unknown rooms, some being locked. Panicked, I ran down these stairs that took me to a basement, it was full of robots and unfinished inventions, and because I walked in there, they automatically activated, turning my way. They saw me and sped towards me "Intruder!" They chanted on purpose to trigger someone to catch me. I ran away, stepping up each step one by one. When I made it to the top, I slammed the basement door shut, slipping off the carpet beneath me, making it flip a random direction. I noticed a key by my foot, and I assumed it went to this basement. I scooped into my hand and shoved it into the keyhole, twisting it and locking the door. I took a sigh of relief, but tears filled my eyes as all I could think about was Silver and my escape. I was lost, alone, scared, I didn't know what to do. Hope is the only way I could keep grabbing tightly onto life without giving up.

I slid down the door and covered my face, to sit there until time skipped by, but I was swept up into the arms of a very fast running person...it wasn't just any person...it was Sonic The Hedgehog! I moved my hands from my face and gasped, noticing that he's now carrying me "Hang on tight! I got you!" He spoke, speeding down the halls and to the exit. I wonder where he came from or where he's been..no matter! He saved me! I hope he takes me to Silver! But..where's Shadow? I hope we all gather in one place, and we'll all be safe and happy from this whole mission!

POV: Silver The Hedgehog

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I fought Egg-Genesis, Blaze backing me up from here to there. I became anxious and started blasting shots of my telekinetic powers at the robot, destroying pieces of it one by one. As I was, I saw Sonic up on the walls of the arena, carrying Y/n who was passed out. I watched almost in terror. I wanted to be the one to save her, me..me...ME!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE, TO SHOW HER WHO I REALLY AM! A HERO! I feel like I failed the mission because he placed 'his' hands on her when it was supposed to be ME. Distracted, I turned back to the huge robot, just to see it shoot a bullet at me. My eyes widened, frozen in place...I couldn't move...I fell to the ground, breathing heavily "No..." I whispered. Blood came from the bullet that went through my side, blood spilling out. My power was really draining by the second. I balled up a lot of my power in one of my hands, then both, then collided one big ball. I aimed it directly at the Bot that attempted to shoot me again, but I blasted it before it could. With that, it crumbled to the ground, beginning to beep faster and faster. "SILVER!!" Blaze shrieked. She picked me up and began to run with me in her arms out of the arena, Sonic holding Y/n and following behind. Shadow caught up along with Rouge flying above, and right when we made our escape...

It Exploded...

"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now