The End Of Mephiles

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POV: Y/n

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TW: Injuries

(P.s Prepare for all the reading you can do, this is pretty long.)

•Don't push yourself to read the whole thing if you can't. You can always read one half of this chapter one day, and the other half another day! I don't mind! ^^

Me and Silver arrived to where we heard the heart wrenching scream Sonic had made, landing to what we thought was where it was located, but we were met by only Shadow face to face with Mephiles. I..didn't know he looked like that. Just the sight of it sent shivers down my spine, but luckily I had Silver to guard me. He stepped in front of me, threatening the abnormal shadowy figure. Is he the one Shadow was talking about to me awhile back? He looks creepier than I could imagine! I can't bring myself to fight him if I wanted to, with all of these impostors of beasts he created from behind him.

He released a menacing laugh before extending his hand out, releasing this dark beam of dark power and towards Shadow. He gasped, trying to get out the way In time, but he had slipped up, the beam heading towards him. Silver immediately slid from behind Shadow and pulled him down, as for me, I jumped out of the way. The power from Mephiles went nowhere but straight, and agitated as he was, he stopped, placing his hand down and balling up his fist.

'Where is Sonic?' I wondered, we heard him scream, but he's nowhere to be seen. Maybe Shadow will tell us. "Silver. Y/n." He said, smiling slightly from our presence. I'm glad we came just in time to save him, otherwise, none would want to witness his doom. We both stood up and eyed Mephiles down like a hawk, watching his every move. The creepy individual laughed once more "I am Shadow's Shadow. Any attempt to kill me would be impossible unless you kept hold over the-" he stopped when Shadow pulled out to what appeared to be a scepter. "No...NO!! I CAN'T LET YOU BEAT ME!! NOT UNTIL I REVIVE IBLIS SO WE CAN FUSE INTO SOLARIS AND TAKE OVER EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE HERE!!" Mephiles shouted. Silver jumped from the words he heard from his observation over the dark menace himself, angrily grumbling and putting his foot down "No way! We're not going to let you do that!" The light grey hedgehog spat "Oh? Says who?" Mephiles teased. Suddenly, a blue speedy flash of light left a bright trail behind it, but appeared by our side...

"Says Us! The ones who'll stop your unsubstantiated plans!"

We heard a voice protest "SONIC!!" We all cheered, ecstatic to see the blue hedgehog. Grateful for our welcoming support, Sonic hit us with a wink. That hedgehog! Heheh! Soon came-


And last but not least...

. . . The Princess. . .


Everyone was appalled to see the one and Only "Princess Elise The Third" walk down the middle, creating a single file line making a row, 4 on each side. Sonic turned around and made eye contact with her "Long time no see, Elise!" He greeted, she gave a simple nod and gave him a hug, him returning the action. My mouth stayed agape, unable to pull myself to not think of this as a dream. I know Sonic spoke a lot about how he rescued her from Dr. Eggman a herd amount of times, but I never thought I'd get to see her..IN PERSON!! I bowed as she stepped towards me, her doing the same and continuing down her trail. 'Oh my goodness!! She noticed me!! Oh what a beautiful lady she is!!' I thought excitingly. Shadow handed her the scepter, her thanking him for doing so. She held it up high and stared down at Mephiles "Oh you black hearted monster!! I cast you away from all that you have harmed and to seal you trapped in the scepter yielded by me who is speaking against you as discrimination!" She summoned the power from the scepter. She sounded so powerful and strong! Silver, Shadow, Sonic, and I alongside the others admired her words as she did so. It was now that Mephiles will be defeated once and for all after all the no good plans he schemed just for this moment, only for it to go 'oh so very' wrong.

"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now