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POV: Y/n

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A couple of days went by, and yet Silver remained unconscious. I began to get worried, now on edge every moment. Sonic would reassure that he's gonna be fine, but I could hardly see him breathing. I don't like seeing Silver in this state, and because I was recently unconscious for 3 days, I've come to find out that at the time, Silver was out for just as long, and now more days went by to add onto that! I couldn't stand the thought of Losing Silver. He did so much for me, and even though some are skeptical of him, that'll never change the fact that I love him. Dr. Eggman can spend 24 hours everyday trying to eliminate him, but it'll never bring me apart from him! I'll stay by his side until the end, but..I don't want the end to be now...

Me and the others were having a conversation about a game we once played on a console Tails had, I think it was called a PS4? "Oh! I think LittleBigPlanet became my favorite game!" Cream said, Cheese cheering along with her. I recently had just met the cute Bunny, and she's really nice! I love her Chao, he's such a cutie! "Don't get Me started on Grand Theft Auto. That bazooka is insanely impressive." Shadow bragged "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I feel like what was really the best game was Dynasty Warriors 6!" Sonic shoved his opinion in the Dark Hedgehog's face, making him scoff. "I don't know guys, I like Sonic Unleashed!" Knuckles chose "Were you even in it? I know I was!" Amy said (P.s, All the games they named off were my childhood games I always loved to play, especially with my Brothers, and I still play them sometimes! ^^) "I don't remember." The Echidna replied. Amy rolled her eyes and chuckled, Knuckles laughed as well but didn't get it.

Blaze ran into the living room, holding Silver in her arms. She stumbled onto the floor and placed him down "Silver..He's going through pain from his injuries, he's trying to wake up!" She shouted. Everyone ran to Silver, kneeling down next to him, same as I. Nobody knew what to do, this situation never happened. Silver groaned and whined, moving his head around and mumbled about his distress. I shook his arm repeatedly "Silver! Silver! Wake up! Please!" I begged him, hoping that he could hear me. All he could do was groan from frustration and pain. "Shoot! The medications! I left it at my place. Shadow, Quickly! Go to my house and find the medications in my bathroom. It's in the cabinet behind the mirror." Blaze strictly commanded, tossing her keys to Shadow. He caught them, nodding and heading off.

As he did so, I rested by Silver's side. Please may Shadow make it back in time, this crisis emergency is unsettling! "S-Should I call the hospital?-" "No! I got this! Move! Silver needs me, not you!" Blaze budged in, pushing me away and pulling Silver closer to her. Amy prevented my fall and glared at the Purple Cat furiously "That's not very nice! What's the matter with you? Y/n just wants to help." She defended. I clung onto the Pink Hedgehog as support "Well, she never does him any good, whatsoever. This whole entire time they've known each other, she was never able to make herself useful. In fact, I feel the need to say that Silver is better off without her, rescuing her from Dr. Eggman may have just been a mistake.-" she blurted out. Tears developed in my eyes as her words of discouragement stuck in my head. Hurt, I hid my face on Amy's shoulder and began to cry my eyes out. That absolutely broke my heart to hear all of that from someone I thought I could've created a close bond with as well. I trusted her to help Silver, of course, but I also wanted to trust myself, how could I now that she doesn't believe in me. I'm not the type to have my mood down from just a few insults, but that was offensive! I didn't want her to get away with this, but I was too bashful to scream back.

Suddenly, The Light Grey Hedgehog began to glow, the aura flowing more and more around him. Blaze stood up and took a few steps back, unsure of how to deal with this type of behavior. I stopped my crying and watched shockingly, using my arm to block the light that was as bright as the sun. Nobody looked to be exact, otherwise all of their eyes would've melted from it beaming uncontrollably bright, no offense for the exaggeration. Shadow burst through the door with the medicine at hand, but had to cover his eyes immediately, forcing them shut as fast as he could. All we heard was a howling voice, the light disappearing and only a loud crash echoed across the house. We all opened our eyes and saw Silver, alive and powerful. His eyes rested on my sadness, he looked sad as well.

He started to walk towards me, and I kept taking a few steps back as he did. He used his psychokinetic powers to drag me towards him, and into his arms, now facing Blaze. "All that you said about her isn't true, Blaze. She's kind, beautiful, loving, and caring. She's just as much as a sweetheart I am. And though I mess up, and she messes up, mistakes help us learn, and you know what? I love her! I love her so much that I want her to be my girlfriend! When Dr. Eggman called her my Girlfriend when we battled him, I didn't think much of it, but once I realized that my love for her is real..I actually..wanted her more than I ever did before. I feel my energy build back up when I'm around her, and I'd never change a thing. I don't want you to take control over her like that anymore, Blaze. Just..Leave." He confessed a mouthful of words. Blaze stood there in utter shock and disappointment "But Silver-" "I SAID LEAVE!!" He angrily fueled up into a glowing nightlight. He aimed his hands at her, psychokinesis as a blast of light, sounding like a laser gun was prepared to be fired. Blaze huffed and ran away, slamming the door behind her.

Shadow stood there with the medications, but then threw it off somewhere "Guess he really didn't need that." He assumed. Everyone only stared in awe. Silver turned back to me, calming himself down and wiping my tears away. His hands were warm in the gloves from his power "Don't cry, N/n. I'm here for you, now." He spoke. I jumped into his arms, embracing him tightly. He hugged me back just as tight. "I love you too Silver. I love you, too..." I replied. Though my confession was really small, me saying I love him is all he needed to hear. He protected me, even when Blaze thought she was smart trying to take Silver all for herself, he chose to back me up. Now we know that we love each other, the confession wasn't easy, for a fight almost was created, but that wasn't the first time Silver put his foot down I believe, or at least towards Blaze. We must be Boyfriend and Girlfriend now, and maybe when this is dramatic event is over, I can tell him that we're in a relationship now, and that I want to be in one with him. This is all I ever wanted, and the two of us can be happier now! We did everything for each other, and now that can always continue on now that we're together. As I hugged Silver, I smiled at Sonic. He smiled back and nodded, making me chuckle as I brought my attention back on the hug I shared with the healing Hedgehog...

Sonic was really right...

"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now