New Discoveries!!

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POV: Y/n

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A week flew by and the Sonic crew only rested at peace. Of Course, I was willing to have more fun with Silver for the time being. He did come from about..200 years in the Future after all, so I thought I could possibly make him feel more at home, such as showing him foods, shows, and the things I like to do! Sonic and Shadow decided to join in. Meanwhile, Me and Blaze worked out our little emotion rollercoaster after that scene when Silver confronted her. We all forgave each other, all agreeing to teach Silver about things he had never seen before!

We were at my place. The birds were chirping and the sun was beaming through the blinds that were open. Sonic, Shadow, and Blaze helped me in the kitchen as I made some f/f. Though Silver offered it to me after the events of him admitting he'd leave soon, he didn't really know what it is, for he said Amy told him about it. I hate the thought of him leaving...If he goes to the Future he was originally, I'll be like how I was before, lonely, sorrowful. I don't want all that we ever did to be abolished, I'm happy he doesn't hide any secrets away from me, but at the same time I wish he never told me because I didn't know how much pain that was going to bring to my heart until he said it. I won't tell anyone what he said until the end of it all...the very end.

I finished making the food, walking over to the table the Light Grey Hedgehog sat at and placed it in front of him. He stared at it, sniffing it and licking his lips "It smells very good! What is it!?" He looked over at me, a huge smile on his face with his short tail wagged from curiosity And excitement. I laughed a bit, seeing how interested he was to find out "It's f/f! Some food of mine that I enjoy eating!" I answered. He gasped, jumping around and squeezing his face "It looks beautiful! Can I eat it? Pleeeaaaaaase?" He asked pleadingly, Shadow and Blaze looked at me while Sonic picked in his ear. I gave up, the cuteness was unbearable "Okay, Okay. Go ahead!" I said. His eyes lit up in sparkles, almost literally "Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!" He cheered. He grabbed the fork/spoon(or just used his hands if needed) and began eating it. It was only a matter of time before his taste buds melted into the flavor. He froze in place, absolutely fascinated. It looked like he was about to go super until he gained control over himself. Everyone waited for his response. Silver's eyes poured tears down his face as he babied the food as his precious treasure "I never tasted something so good in my life. I..I love it." He choked out, swallowing the food afterwards, leaving everyone to let out a few laughs from here to there "Looks like he needed that." Blaze muttered while rubbing her arm. Looks like he did need I know that he doesn't eat those types of foods in the future. He only came back to our present to fix things, but who knew he had such great buddies to teach him more than he expected! On to the next!

                       ~Time Skip~

Now, we are located outside at a park! Cream and Tails were there playing tag with one another, Cheese being the one who was it "Chao!" Cheese cheered, tagging Knuckles, who wasn't in the game. He snickered and crossed his arms "Heh. I see you challenge me to a game of tag. Your on!" He shouted. He got in a running position, leaving Tails and Cream to appear horrified. Cheese backed up a bit, clearly afraid. Maybe allowing Knuckles into the game was a bad idea. Knuckles pushed himself towards them, running at full speed. Tails, Cream, and Cheese sped away from him, screaming their hearts out.

Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Blaze and I watched in utter confusion "Why can't they just fly?" Sonic asked. Shadow shook his head in disappointment. I brought my attention back onto Silver "Okay, Buddy! This is the park! You can see there's Slides, swings, sandbox, monkey bars, playhouses, and many more!" I said. He took sight of it, then started to fly. I saw him get high enough into the air and just shrugged, my way of asking what he was doing. He sighed "This is prohibited to those that could fly! I don't need to go through such a stage just to get to the other side!" He protested. He flew across the entire park and onto the other side, landing and posing with victory. I groaned began to run all the way to where he was. The playground was pretty huge, so it took me a minute, but I finally made it to him, the hedgehog still celebrating over himself "Silver nooooo! This isn't a level, all you have to do is play at the park!" I corrected. "Hmm?" He questioned. Panting, I placed one hand over my head while the other was on my knee, gasping for air "You know..playing around? It's like having fun!" I added. He finally realized, his eyes glimmering with yellow sparkles. He ran towards the park and used his psychokinesis to emerge the swings In moving "Shadow! Hop on!" He commanded. He looked at Silver, then huffed, walking to the swings and sitting down. "I hope you know what your doing." He intrigued "I do!" Silver replied. He was about to begin pushing Shadow on the swings until Sonic sped next to him as fast as he always is "Hey Silver!" He greeted, startling the Light Grey Hedgehog. He accidentally flung Shadow off the swings and really high into the air "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-" Shadow yelled while flying away. We all looked up to see a small spark shine from afar before we all started to panic. HOW ARE WE GONNA GET HIM DOWN!?? Silver looked like he was about to cry from shame, so Blaze and I had to comfort him while Tails and Sonic had to locate where Shadow was going to fall at so they could catch him. I guess this didn't work out too well...he was always so focused on his missions that he couldn't get the chance to do any of these things...I understand. Let's try one more thing!

                       ~Time Skip~

Now, we are at Vanilla's place, Cream and Cheese being there too! Vanilla placed a hand on her daughter's head, her giggling "Thank you so much for taking great care of my little Cream here. I'm proud of her for behaving nicely for you guys as well." She said "No problem!" Tails replied "Piece of Cake, No Sweat!" Sonic responded. Meanwhile, Cream used the remote to turn the TV on, and to my surprise, it was f/m. I smiled happily as a bit of music came from it. Silver clapped with joy "It looks interesting already!" He spoke. I guess now we're going to teach Silver how to dance! Me and Cream had been practicing over this week! Me and the small rabbit looked at each other and nodded before dancing together. The psychokinetic hedgehog tilted his head, the current actions having him to not be able to catch on. "We're dancing!" Cream cheered "The music Is playing, so we're dancing to it!" I spoke. "Hmm. I see. But..this is f/m. You can dance to any music? I mean, I know about dancing and friends doing so together, but-" "Just join us!" Cream pulled Silver, but he stumbled onto me, us being hand in hand now. I caught him. I blushed madly as he did the same. The two of us awkwardly laughed before we began to dance together.

He spun me around and pulled me close to him. Cheese and Cream shared a dance together as well! Me and Silver went back and forth with each other's movements, and soon I started to notice that he's getting crazy with it. He was break dancing and doing flips, flying around, and spinning all over the place. "Okay Silver. You maaay want to calm down a little-" before I could finish, he bumped into a vace, causing it to tip over and head towards the ground, but luckily, Sonic caught it. He wasn't so lucky though, because Silver's powers came into use because of all the excitement he had while grooving. Sonic was caught into his telekinesis and was shot into the air, breaking through the roof and flying somewhere "CHILLI DOOOOOOOOOOOOOGS-" He screamed while flying off. Silver gasped and stopped dancing, along with Me, Cream, and Cheese. Vanilla covered her mouth out of shock "Oh My!" She shockingly spoke. "Let's get moving!" Blaze commanded while him and Tails ran off to locate him. Silver hid his face in shame. Well...I guess doing new things with Silver went partially good and partially bad. At least we had fun, and I'm sure Sonic will come out fine in the end! Though it went all too rough trying to teach the Creative Hedgehog stuff he hadn't done before, but what makes me the most happy is that we spent time with him!

Afterwards, we left Vanilla and Cream's house, making our way downtown. Silver hugged Shadow and Sonic as an apology, the two forgave him with a hug returned to him. Me and Blaze watched, feeling touched. Now all we have to do is clean up the mishaps and messes that Silver had made. It may take long, but we have the patience for it...

Not without the help from Omega...

"We share An Absolution~" Silver The Hedgehog x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now