Chapter 7

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When Arlo approached me this morning with the information of Cobra accepting my proposal relief set in around me. The tension from the last week being washed away with that one sentence, he then relayed the information needed to contact him and I set him on his way.

Venturing back into my office I slumped down in my chair, placing my elbows on the desk in front of me, my hands shoved into my hair a smile on my face. I let out a relived breath. 

Dear god thank you.

In order to complete my goal, I needed Cobra on my side in order to get things done and reach the people I can't with his hidden identity.

That's why I needed him.

No one knows who he is and his ability to creep into the shadows and get access to the most impenetrable places made him the only candidate for the job. But that's not the only reason I wanted him, his killing style is admirable the way he manipulates his victims and the precise torture used is an art in itself, each death creative and leaving no evidence as who did it.

I've tried finding the identity of Cobra, but they've all ended in dead ends. Footage from where his victims are killed is wiped and no evidence of foul play. No DNA is left at any of the crime scenes and no evidence from the associates I have at police stations. Everything leads to a dead end.

The only thing we know about him is his love for torture. None of his kills had a gun involved and all the deaths were ended with what seems to be a small blade. The only connection between victims is their all wanted criminals posted in the underworld. A collection of sex traffickers, abusers, rapists, and murderers. Another reason why Cobra's perfect for the job.

Taking the information from Arlo, I send Cobra his first assignment.

Collin Porter

He was an old associate of my fathers until he sided with the Russians and became their spy. By the time my father found out, Collin was long gone, and the Mafia was already handed over to me. Now he's heavily protected by the heir of the Russian Mafia, Ivan Petrov.

I'm aware they're keeping close tabs on our movement to keep Collin safe, especially now since at this moment he's on a plane routed here from Russia in order to finish an arms deal. Making it the perfect opportunity to end his life. Although his death is personal to the Italian mafia, Cobra will take the job because of his connection with Ivan Petrov and the Russian mafia who are well known as sex traffickers.

There's evidence since Collins's switch in sides of his association with the sex traffic rings in Russia as well as his new wife who's just turned seventeen, something Cobra is not going to take lightly.

I gave Cobra until Collin's flight back to Russia to finish the job, so roughly 48 hours.

Cobra has not responded to the message I sent, so I only hope he's received it and already started planning.

Otherwise its going to be hard to get another opportunity like this to eliminate him.

Deciding not to stress about Cobra's task I text my right-hand man and best friend, Lorenzo to meet me in the office so I can share the good news.

Two knocks sound on the door before the burly man known as my closest friend enters. "you called Capo" I laugh at his formality.

"Get your ass in here stronzo" the giant man smiles as he enters the room.

"Someone's in a good mood"

"How could I not be brother" he raises his eyebrow at me confused in the positivity radiating off of me. A few seconds pass before his eyes widen, seeming to put the pieces together. His mouth drops open and closes a smug look on his face.

"You got cobra?"

I nod at the man his smile growing as he runs up and hugs me, slapping my back very forcefully might I add. He knows how important this was for me and the Mafia with the stress I have been under especially by my father. "Already sent Collins's information, hopefully Ivan will begin arrangements for his funeral by the end of the week."

"Mio Dio, when did he accept?"

"Arlo told me this morning"

"Do you think he knows Cobra's identity?"

"I've thought about it, and if that's the case its no one in his close circle we already know his brother Aries is Python, but surveillance on everyone else close to him has led to nothing" he nods

"I still feel like it could be Damon" I shrug at his sentence.

"Our informants say its not, and he doesn't even like to be there even when Aries is questioning victims."

Lorenzo takes a seat in the chair across from mine. Shaking his head, "Fuck, I wouldn't want to be there while Aries is questioning people either." He air quotes on the word questioning causing a smile to spread across my face. 

He lets out a deep sigh, "I mean damn have you seen the way he tortures people, even I wouldn't want to be in the room" he shakes his head at the fact wincing at probably the photos of Aries aka Pythons work.

Aries really does like torture and for Lorenzo to be put off about it, really says something. I mean the man can cut apart a body, piece by piece and not bat an eye.

"Still, I doubt its Damon." Lorenzo shrugs still not believing me, but the evidence of it not being Damon is there. Plus, when Damon does kill its usually a gun shot wound to the head and minimal torture involved.

I look back to Lorenzo, he taps his chin in thought then points his finger at me his eyes wide "what about Callum, he's smart enough to not get caught, he's good with a blade, and he easily has the experience to erase any footage of him." He has a good point but once again Callum's not our man.

I shake my head, "it couldn't be Callum, when that French senator was killed last year, Callum was in L.A on a mission for us." He drops his hands in disappointment, both Aries and Arlo keep their circle close, the only people close enough to them except for the people working for them is their best friends Callum and Damon. Their personal life is very much under wraps and the only people that they publicly associate themselves with is their closest friends. "For all we know neither of them have met Cobra."

Lorenzo shakes his head, "I doubt it they seem like a close-knit group" he takes a moment, "plus their all named after snakes, and I don't think that a coincidence." He takes a moment to think, "do they have another brother?"

I shake my head, "No, not that I'm aware of, their Birth records were deleted, and they have no ties since before they became Viper and Python. We wouldn't even know their age if Callum didn't tell us." I take a deep breath, "I mean there's rumors of a sister but none of them have been confirmed."

Lorenzo nods his head also hearing about the rumors. He shrugs "I mean if they do have a sister Cobra could be her."

I laugh at that, not that woman can't be assassins, but I find it very hard to believe their able to take down men the size of Cobras victims. I mean just last month Cobra killed a 6'7 assassin known for crushing heads. 

"Although not impossible I find it very hard to believe."

Lorenzo's phone starts ringing as he takes it out of his pocket, seeing the name on the screen he shoots me a smile "its Sofia." He gets up and starts leaving the room answering the phone and bringing it to his ear on his way out. "Hey baby" he closes the door and leaves.

Sofia's his wife of two years and also my sister. When I first found out about their relationship I wanted to kill him but after seeing the two of them together, theirs no one I would trust more with my sister than Lorenzo.

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