Chapter 22

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Freshly cleaned and out of the shower I pause for a moment and screaming

I guess Percy decided Luca wasn't a threat...or he killed him already.

If Luca were to touch a hair on my babies head I would torture him for life.

I wrap the towel around myself and leave the room. My hair and towel cover my entire back and I have no problem if Luca notices the scars on my arms.

The moment I step out of the room our eyes connect and I can't help but smile.

This is a sight.

Luca's laying in my bed with Percy laying on his lap completely asleep.

He was petting his head but his hand stills when he sees me, his eyes roaming up and down my figure a look of awe on his face.

I roll my eyes and head to my closet. I step in and close the door letting a smirk grace my face at Luca's reaction.

I quickly change into sweat pants and a sweatshirt. I mean it's not like I'm going anywhere and if Luca suggest it, it's going to be a big no from me.

I plan on watching movies and eating chocolate.

Those are my big plans for the day and nothing will change that.

I exit the closet and go back to the bathroom, hanging my towel back up and grabbing my brush before going back into my room and looking at Luca.

Percy's still on him and I can hear him purring from here.

Cute but if he steals my cat from me I'll be the one to cut out his eyes.

I sit at the bottom of the bed and face him, starting to brush my hair out as I glance between him and Percy, "seems like he likes you."

He smiles down at Percy with a soft look before looking back to me with a smirk, "I mean what's not to like? I'm pretty great aren't I."

I roll my eyes at that question, "you're not very humble are you?"

He beams at me, "you didn't deny my greatness, I knew you thought I was awesome!"

I shake my head a small smile on my face as I respond, "more like a pain in the ass to be honest."

His smile doesn't dim, "as long as I have an effect on your ass than that's fine with me."

Oh my lord this man

I shake my head and look down at Percy still fast asleep in his lap and smile, "you know there's a rule with animals right?"

He looks confused "what?"

"If one is laying on you, you can't move. You should pee your pants before removing the animal from you."

He gives me a disbelieving look and I scowl, "it's like a law Luca, and if you don't obey and you ruin Percy's rest I will never forgive you. You're only allowed to move in an emergency and if that happens you have to carefully pick him up and relocate him."

Luca still looks like he doesn't believe me but I don't care he will learn. "Fine I'll follow this weird law."

My nose scrunches "it's not weird."

"A little"

I scowl, "nope not even a little, excuse me for caring about animals."

He shakes his head but doesn't say anything...Good.

With that taken care of I get up and leave the room, smiling and ignoring him calling my name on the way out.

I head straight to the kitchen to get all the snacks needed for my movie.

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