Chapter 17

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I wake up with my heart leaping out of my chest.

No nightmares or anything of the sort but an overwhelming panicky feeling that seems to take over my body second be second.

Anxiety chorusing through my body, I hop out of bed.

Percy makes a noise of protest from his position on my pillow but I ignore him while heading to the bathroom.

Once inside I splash some cold water on my face but the feeling doesn't subside.


Back in my room I change out of my pajamas into some workout clothes and back to the bathroom, under the sink and grabbing all the cleaning supplies.

It's something I've always done when I'm anxious or upset, clean.

I start scrubbing, wiping, vacuuming, basically anything that can be cleaned is getting cleaned.

When the entire of my room is scrubbed sparkly I move on to the next room getting ready to restart the process.


I've cleaned what feels like the entirety of the house before Damon gets home.

My brothers are still off, I learned last night they went out on a business trip for Arlo, and Aries came as 'extra muscle' apparently.

I don't know anyone but Aries who calls themselves extra muscle but whatever.

Damon's eyes light up when he sees me, a mischievous swimming within them.

Just great

I roll my eyes when he approaches me with a giant smile on his face.

"Hey Amayaaaa"

I sigh, "what do you want?"

He smiles, "remember when we made that little exchange? You know your time for my very beautiful gun?"


"Well then let's go"


"To the club jellybean, I mean we won't go to the same one as last time seeing how that ended, but we are going know because of our deal."

I sigh but turn around and start heading back up the stairs to get dressed.

30 minutes later, a tight red dress, black heals, and some eyeliner, mascara, and lip stick I'm heading back downstairs to a waiting Damon.

His eyes light up when he sees me, "damn baby, you clean up nice."

I'm tempted to use the knife strapped to my thigh and stab him with it, but I resist the urge as I walk past him, out the door, and into the car.

I'm driving, considering Damon is probably the worst driver I know, although he would deny that until the day he dies.

Damon follows after me and slides into the passenger seat sending me a megawatt smile, "I'm so excited jellybean, you better be a good wingwomen because I plan on getting laid tonight."

I roll my eyes and start the car, "why anyone would sleep with you is a mystery to me."

Damon clutches his chest, "what the hell Amaya, my assets are top tier, I mean not everyone gets a chance with this."

He swivels his hips in his seat and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

We're out on the street now and just as I roll my eyes I notice a car behind me.

No one's ever on this street since it's pretty far from the main roads so a car this close is weird.

I watch it for awhile while I'm driving and sure enough whenever I turn the car turns.

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