Chapter 11

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"What were you thinking Damon." Aries' yelling pounding in my head as he scolds his best friend. "How could you take her to get drunk at a fucking club?"

ugh "calm down mama bear, I'm perfectly fine."

Aries whips his gaze to me, narrowing his eyes and looking absolutely furious "and what about you maya, huh. Are you forgetting the fact that you were so drunk, that you got up close and cozy with your new boss?"

Well shit.

"Well how was I supposed to know?"

"That's the point Amaya, you didn't know and while all of us were looking for you, you were eye fucking him."

"I was not eye fucking him," I scoff.

"The footage from Rouge says otherwise" Arlo chimes in.

This fucking bitch, is he trying to make Aries angrier. Its silent for a minute before Callum breaks it.

"If anything, Luca was eye fucking Maya."

Oh fuck

Aries throws his hands up in the air, "Great so now we know Luca is attracted to our sister."

"I mean that's kind of inevitable" Damon chimes in a beat of silence passes as he looks between Aries and me. "I mean your sister is incredibly hot and pretty much every man and probably women are attracted to her."

"Great thanks for the insight dumbass" Aries scolds gaining a smile from Damon.


"Did you give him your name Amaya," Arlo asks. I shake my head no; he nods at least happy that I didn't totally out myself. "Okay, there's no way he could identify you, we erased all the footage of the night as if you and Damon never went out." He sighs, "I mean even if you and Luca crossed paths again, I doubt that he'd recognize you, it was pretty dark in the hallway."

Damon raises his hand from his seat on the couch like a schoolboy waiting to be called on, Arlo humors him.

"What Damon?"

"Sorry, it's just that I doubt he'd forget what she looks like. I mean if it was my first time meeting her, I'd probably never forget her face." Arlo and Aries' both stare down at Damon, anger radiating off of them.

Damon sighs, "What I'm trying to say is your sister is one of a kind and I wouldn't blame Luca if he already started searching for her."

Arlo seems to think about what Damon's said while Aries just looks furious. Callum breaks the silence with a sigh.

"I mean he's not wrong, Luca gets what he wants and if he wants Maya, we can't underestimate his abilities. He already asked me to search the footage for the girl that he talked to, fortunately Arlo had already deleted the footage, but he seemed very adamant about it."

"Fuck," Aries mutters.

"Is it really that bad that he knows about her?" Damon asks. The room is silent everyone's attention turning to Damon, one would think with all the angry alpha males glaring at you, you'd shrink away, but nope. Damon takes a sigh and looks between my brothers, "I mean its not like he knows she's Cobra, he could just think she's a random girl at the club."

Aries sighs crossing the room to fill his glass with more whiskey as he responds, "its more complicated than that Damon." He sighs taking a sip of his whisky and turning towards us, "he knows I was there looking for someone, and Maya over here just so happened to be hiding from someone. What if he puts the pieces together?"

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