Chapter 21

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It's the next day, I'm eating breakfast in the living room when a hungover and disheveled looking Damon stumbles through the door.

"You look like shit."

He gives me a weak smile as he scuffles over to the couch I'm on and plops down, putting his head on my thighs and looking at my plate on the coffee table longingly, "I feel like shit."

"Maybe don't get drunk off your ass next time." I start to pet his hair and he lets out a content sigh.

"I had fun so that's all that matters." He nudges my knee with his hand, "what were you up to last night miss, 'I'm leaving to have more fun bla blah'."

So that's what Luca had sent to Damon, something I probably should have checked when I got my phone back.

I smile at the memory of last night, "I went on a date with a grizzly bear."

That gets Damon's attention as he jerks up and looks at me, pulling his legs up on the couch into cross across applesauce, "you...Amaya... my unattainable best friend went out on" He asks in shock.

I scoff, "yes I went out on a date...and I enjoyed it."

He lets out a huge gasp, "do tell, who was this man?"

I decide to annoy him, "just a little someone."

"Well first I hope he's not little and second...if you don't tell me right now Amaya or I will revoke your friendship privileges and call the big bad wolf to snitch on you."

"What the hell kind of privileges do I get from being your friend...and when are they gonna start happening?"

He gasps putting his palm to his heart, "how dare you Amaya, my presence alone is a privilege."

"More like nuisance" I mumble.

"What did you just say."

"Nothing, and who is the big bad wolf?"

He smiles mischievously, "oh that's Luca aka the man that's obsessed with you, aka the man that will kill any man that so much as looks at you for to long." He crosses his arms looking smug, " how do you think he's going to feel about your little date last night?"

I smile inwardly but otherwise keep a neutral expression, "well he'd probably be pretty unaffected considering he was there."

Damon gasps, "you mean women! You had him watch you while on a date with another man."

This stupid mother fucker

"He was the one I was on a date with."

Another gasp, "the scandal."


"Damon what the hell are you on about?"

He shakes his head like he was in some sort of trance, "sorry I've been watchin to much of the real housewives," he seems to think for a moment before adding, "and 90210, the drama in that show is unreal, I mean you wouldn't believe the scandal."

I shake my head and chuckle, "I think you just like that word."

He nods like he agrees "that's true, the other day I found Arlo wearing workout pants at noon and I almost fainted," he pats my hand like the news of him almost fainting would tear me apart, "don't worry though I didn't, but I did point at them and yell, 'the scandal' before running in the other direction."

I cant help but laugh at that, both at the imagery of what happened but also at the fact Arlo was probably mortified that he was caught wearing anything other than slacks past past 8 AM. That brother of mine is a weird one, I mean if it was up to me I would have sweats on every second of the day, but you know I got places to be and people to kill.

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