Chapter 10

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It's been exactly 26 hours since I sent Cobra their assignment and I haven't heard a word. Not a single text back, no affirmation that he got my message, no updates on plans, absolutely nothing.

And I'm livid.

Spinning my Butterfly knife between my fingers — an anxious tick I've developed, as I respond to business emails.

A knock on the door makes my spinning stop and carries my attention, "come in" I command.

The door opens, one of the guards coming into the room, "sir there's been a package delivered to the door." A package? All personal things delivered would be sent to the PO box I have so its very rare that a package would be delivered to the door, meaning someone who knows this address sent it. And very few do.

I excuse the guard and make my way down to the front door. I don't want the package in my house, careful of the possibility of explosives.

Reaching the front door there's a huddle of guards circling what I would assume is the package.


The guards are whispering amongst themselves. I clear my throat gaining their attention as they scurry away eyes wide and resuming their positions.

Stepping outside I inspect the box, there's no postal code just words written on the small cardboard box.

To: Lucy

From: You're best friend Cobra

What the fuck? 

Judging by the lack of someone named Lucy living here I assume he meant me. My teeth grit together the mockery very evident.

I pull out my phone and call Lorenzo.


"What do you think is inside?" Lorenzo asks staring at the box that's now sitting on my office table.

When he first got here and inspected the box just like I did he couldn't hold his laughter in and bellowed out, continuing for five minutes. He then took a picture of the box and sent it to his wife.

"I don't know Lorenzo, why don't you open it and find out?"

"Ohh, god no. Plus its addressed to you, not me" he pushes the box towards me eyebrows raised, "Well go on Lucy, open it"

I scowl at him, "pezzo di merda." Lorenzo laughs, I use the knife to cut through the tape on the box and boy do I wish I hadn't.


"Si, Cazzo" I mutter, the knife dropping from my hand and onto the desk. I fully open the package and the sight is appalling. Lorenzo pales at the contents of the box, two ears, what looks to be a dick, a picture of sorts, and two-

"Are those fucking nipples?" Lorenzo yells, his closeness making me cringe and send him a look. He mutters a sorry and continues to look in the box.

"Looks like it" I reply dryly. I pull a glove out of my pocket and slide it on my right hand, reaching into the box and grabbing the photo. "Well shit" I whistle, it's a picture of Collin. Sorry a picture of a dead Collin, I smile at it and flip it around to show to Lorenzo, "I'd say the job was well done."

His eyes focus in on the picture, going wide when he recognizes Collin "Shit man, Cobra did a lot more than just eliminate the target" I nod in agreement.

I've got to give it to Cobra this is some nice work. The polaroid has no evidence of who Cobra could be nor is there anything in this box, but I'll still send it off to get tested for any signs of D.N.A, the other problem is how the box got delivered.

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