Chapter 16

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My dick hurts.

Its been aggravated and angry straining against my zipper since I saw Amaya last.

I'm frantic without her, an obsessive beat in my chest when she's not near.

I've just got the security team set in stone, full of trustworthy men set to watch my Tesoro.

They start tomorrow, something I wish could happen sooner but I couldn't set just anybody to watch her, she's too special.

I've been doing some research trying to find more information on her but she's even more off grid then her brothers.

So much so that if I hadn't seen her for myself I wouldn't even know the brothers have a sister in the first place.

Pain stabs me with that thought.

After meeting Amaya I doubt I could be without her forever, but know I have to convince her to stay.

I could take her, but that would pose some problems with her brothers and even then I want her to be with me willingly, but my heart hurts at the thought of being without her.

My phone rings on my office table and I quickly grab it, hoping I'm speaking Amaya into existence and she's calling me.

Despite the fact that she does not have my number.

It's not her though it's the surveillance team, I answer the phone.


"Sir there's a package at the door addressed to you."

I have a feeling I know what this package is.

"Does it say who it's from?"

"Cobra Sir"

"Bring it up"

I hang up the phone and call Damon who picks up on the first ring, "Capo?"

"A package was just delivered, from Cobra"

"On my way"

Right as I hang up a knock is at the door, the guard leaves the package on my desk and I wait for Damon looking over the package in the meantime.

You have got to be kidding me.

To: Lucifer
From: your best friend Cobra

I should kill Cobra with the amount of mockery but I refrain due to his ability's.

Hopefully the proof of those abilities are in this package.

Damon enters the room and reads it for himself letting out a laugh making me hit him upside his head.

I put my gloves on and use my knife to cut open the box, finding Styrofoam underneath. Taking the top piece off there's a fish bow inside.

What the fuck.

I pull out the fish bowl and I almost drop it out of shock.

Inside is what looks to be organs?

A heart, liver, and kidney, along with a laminated Polaroid.

"Are you gonna grab it?"

I glare at Lorenzo who puts his hands up in surrender.

I grab a handkerchief that will have to be thrown away since I'm not going to let it touch my desk.

Luckily the polaroid it's floating on top of the water as I pull it out and set it on the handkerchief.

It's a picture of Levia with holes in his body from where the missing organs were located.

There's some water around him and his hair looks wet.

"It looks like The Cobra drowned him or something."

"Yeah or something"

I need to find out who Cobra is, get inside their head and figure it out.

One things for sure, Cobra has one strong stomach.

I glance at the clock on my computer and turn to Lorenzo, "take this and get rid of it, I have a meeting starting in a couple minutes."

I put the fishbowl back in the box and Lorenzo does as he's told grabbing the box and moving out the door.

I move the handkerchief with the polaroid over and get settled in my seat, waiting for the call to come in.

The recognizable chime sounds and I click answer.


I nod back, "Mr. Anderson."

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