Chapter 13

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Oh shit.

I sprint to the stairs and run into the library trying to be as quiet as I can. Percy follows close behind as I make my way upstairs.

Entering the library I run to the window seat and grab the book I was reading earlier, throwing the blanket over me and pretending to read.

Percy jumps up by my legs and looks at me funny.

I know Percy I know I was being a nosy Nancy but I could help it.

I mean who wouldn't eardrop on a conversation that was so clearly about you.

The moment Luca asked where he could find me, was when I made my mad dash upstairs.

It was hard sitting next to Luca throughout the whole dinner.

I forgot how fucking hot he was.

I mean don't get me wrong the man was hot as shit when I met him in the club, but I was also drunk off my ass so everyone looked hot.

But dayummm is he finnnnnnnne.

His black hair was messy, like he'd been running his hand through it all day. Even though it was messy, he still looks put together, he has scruff on his chin, and damn me I can't help but imagine how it would feel between my legs.

His eyes look menacing, but the beautiful blue color counteracts his hard stare.

A stare that was mostly set on Damon.

His sleeves were rolled up his forearms, showing off the variety of tattoos he has. There was a spider tattoo on his right hand that would look really pretty as a necklace.

Fuck Amaya why are you thinking like this. You never think like this what the fuck. I'm like a fucking dog in heat when he's around.

I usually don't like the possessive, alpha, angry, mafia, male type. There's just something about him that getting me all hot and bothered and it not just his looks that are making me this way.

I like that hes powerful.

I like that he's probably the closet person to being able to fight me competitively.

I just fucking like him.

But I have to convince him I'm a bitch and make him hate me.

But I don't want him to hate me.

Is that weird? Because I feel like its weird. I mean I love it when people hate me because they're less likely to talk to me and if they ever challenge me I get to kill them.

But I don't want Luca to hate me.


I could hear Luca coming up the stairs now, as I waited patiently for him.

I promised my brothers I would stay quiet during the dinner and not talk to him.

But the dinners over.

Therefore it's free game for me to talk all I want with the handsome man.

Percy's ears go back as he stands to attention, body pointed towards the door.

I hold on to a giggle as excitements spreads throughout me.

Amaya what the fuck. When have you ever giggled before.

This man does weird ass things to me and although some make me uncomfortable I like it.

I like him.

Luca enters the room without a word and starts making his way towards me. Percy stays on high alert as he gets closer, but doesn't hiss or attack him.

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