𝟔 | 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧' (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈𝐈, 𝐓𝐖 ⚠️)

360 9 2

(SA/Groping + Heavy Panic Attack Trigger Warning!)

Before I could get a word out, a hand cupped my mouth. The other grasping onto both my wrists, dragging me away from the crowds with both my arms fastened behind me. I tried to break free from whomever this was, stumbling with every step I took. The panic that left my body came back in an instant. I found myself being brought into an dark alleyway nearby, far enough from the event where no one could see me.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A masculine voice questioned, followed by a shadow approaching me. I continued to struggle, trying to get my hands out from the person's grip. As the shadow closed in, a bright light flashed in front of me. Shining directly into my face.

I shut my eyes tight, my anxiety worsening. Who are these people? What did they want with me?? Fuck, fuck. "Seems to me we have ourselves a fucken slut." The voice declared lowly. I squinted open my right eye, trying to get any sort of visual on who this person was. Anything. The most I could distinguish was their light skin and a black blob on their face.

My chest began to tighten up. Breathing becoming heavier as the male kept the light on my face. Dammit. "Who are you trying to impress bitch, huh? Certainly couldn't be that weakling out there." The voice's tone became angrier as they spoke. The light eventually left my face and traveled down my body.

As the person examined my physique, I was able to get a better look at who this was. The person, a male, stood much taller than me. Practically towering over me. He glared down intensely with a black eyepatch covering his left eye. His light pink hair was styled in a Mohawk and was heavily pierced from what I could tell. I got to get out here.

I jerked my head to the left, managing to get the person's large hand off of my mouth. "P-Pico's not w-weak!" I managed to stammer out. I could feel my throat closing up with every word that escaped my trembling lips. "So you are the bitch we've been looking for." The man announced, looking up at the person behind me. "Let her go, Spike. I'll handle her."

Like on command, the person named Spike loosened their grip on my wrists. Aggressively pushing me towards the pink-haired male who immediately forced my body onto a brick wall face first. My arms being pinned to my sides as the taller man pressed something against my body. I turned my head towards the dimly lit entrance of the alleyway, catching sight of the shadows of the crowd. "Let me go!" I shouted shakily, hoping someone would hear me. Anyone. "Help! Hel-"

A leathered hand covered my mouth, the cold metallics of the rings on the taller male's fingers pressing against my heated, pale skin. I tried to squirming free from his grasp. Doing anything I could to get back to my friends. Yet, the more I struggled, the further he pushed me into the wall. The harsh outline of him appeared to loom over me, and the temperature of the air dropped at an alarming rate.

"Shh. Calm down. You don't want to...to be a bother." His voice came with a hint of insanity, a cloth wrapping itself my wrists tightly, binding my arms back behind me as he spoke. "Do you now?" I wheezed in quiet terror. Fear taking over my body. I gotta get out of here. Dammit. "Tell me, darling." He begun, his breath hitting the top of my head as he spoke. Whatever was pressed against my body removed itself, replaced with sharp, intense pains throughout my entire back and arms. My screams muffled as I felt tears wetting my cheeks. The hand on my mouth removed itself as he asked lowly, "What made him do it?"

I attempted to free myself once more, to no avail. Frustration, fear and confusion rose within me as I fought against the restraints. He was stronger than me, much stronger. The only thing I felt that could help me was to refuse to answer his question. The mere idea of lying to this stranger was frightening, yet all I had were questions left unanswered!

A sharp, throbbing pain was abruptly felt on my right buttocks, causing me to wince and shut my dampened eyes. I croaked a scream of distress. The crack of the slap echoing in my ears, followed by nails digging into the bruised flesh. "Don't make this harder than it already is." He growled into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. My legs trembling beneath me. "You answer my questions or else I'll make your life a living—"

The sound of a gunshot could be heard close by. My ears rang for miles, and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. Then someone screamed, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" "Shit..." The man muttered to himself, his grip loosening on me. Another gunshot followed, sounding like it was fired at the graveled grounds. "I SAID GET AWAY FROM HER!" As the voice got closer to us, I opened my eyes hesitantly. Realizing who it was as I saw the green turtleneck. It was Pico!

The ginger stomped closer, pointing his gun towards the pink-haired man and I. "Tch, well look what the cat brought in." The man sneered, getting off my aching, petrified body. He moved one hand onto the brick wall and the other onto my back, holding me in place. "I thought you would have stopped the whole 'heroic' act after high school."

"Cyclops...? I thought you dead!" Pico exclaimed in disbelief. "I swear to fucken god, if this is some fucked up prank." A vile chuckle could be heard from above me. "It is no prank, bitch." The man named Cyclops assured confidently. "I'm alive and well, and so is my assistant Spike."

"What the hell?? How are you two still alive?" Pico queried angrily, stepping closer to us. To which, seemed to upset Cyclops once more, as he removed his hand from the wall. Moving it instead to my throat as he ripped me away from the building, lifting me in the air. "Not another step." He seethed. As I faced the ginger, I could feel the cold, intense stare from my captor as his grip on my already closed throat tightened. "You fucken bastard...." Pico fumed through gritted teeth.

However, suddenly, Cyclops flung my body forwards. I fell to the ground, my head flopping a bit as I collided with the gravels. Unable to stop myself from the fall. The worried cries of Pico could be faintly heard through the continued ringing in my ears. "I would advise you to get the fuck out of this town before we make your lives more of a living hell." Cyclops threatened. "We know where you both live. Don't go and try to do something stupid."

I laid on the ground for what felt like an eternity. The buzzing in my head replaced with the blinding pain of my head hitting the ground. My hands that were once tied behind me suddenly fell to my sides tiredly, refusing to lift back up. The panic in my heart grew as I could feel my body being gently pulled up into a sitting position. I couldn't say a word. Only whimpering as a muscular hand rested on the back of my head. Another on my back.

"I got you, [Y/N]." I vaguely heard Pico's raspy voice assure, trying his best to soothe me. "It's alright, your safe now." I could only gaze emptily at the earthy grounds. Tears streaming down my face as the hand on my head remained still, gently stroking my hair.

"Holy shit dude what happened??" A familiar male voice exclaimed with concern, footsteps hitting the gravels behind me. Crunching the gravels loudly as they came closer. "Fuck, [Y/N]... is she ok??" "She's fine, we got bigger problems." "What the hell do you mean?" The voice asked, becoming more upset.

"They're back." "Shit you don't mean..."

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