𝟐𝟖 | 𝐈𝐧 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬

177 6 1

[B/N] = Brother's Name
[B/N/N] = Brother's Nickname

"Do I really have to?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest, looking up to the nurse. "Yes ma'am, it's hospital policy." She said, not backing down anytime soon. I glanced to my mother with pleading eyes, hoping that she would intervene on my behalf. She shook her head as well. "I'm sorry, [Y/N]. But you have to listen to the nurse." My mom responded firmly. I sighed in defeat, pushing myself off the bed and taking a seat in the wheelchair. The nurse began to wheel me out of the room and to the elevators, my mom following behind.

"I already discussed with your friends." My mom spoke amongst the uncanny silence as we entered the elevator. "It would be best if you came back home during your recovery." I shot a glance to my mother in disbelief. "You can't be serious, ma." "[Y/N], I can't afford to lose you again." She stated bluntly, holding back tears. Her glance fixated on the numbers above the door. "And you won't." I assured; a ding sounded as the doors shifted their way open. We exited the elevator onto the first floor, turning left into a long, empty hallway.

"Mom, I promise. Nothing is going to happen if you let me go with Keith and Cherry." I stated calmly, trying anything to make her change her mind. "I really want to stay here in Philly and continue my education. I want to still hang out with my friends and..." I paused at my last thought, remembering Keith's words a week ago. "I still need to tell someone something." I spoke gently, gazing down to my lap.

A cool breeze softly pushed against my face as we went past a set of automatic doors. The tile floors changing to cracked, beige cement grounds. "You're free to go now." The nurse announced. I nodded, biting my bottom lip as I got up from the chair. Pushing past the subtle pain in my wrists. I turned to the nurse with a small smile. "Thank you, have a good night." I said sincerely, watching as the nurse walked back into the building.

I turned to my mother, sighting the uncertain expression on her face. "Are you sure you're going to be ok?" She asked hesitantly, gazing to her side. "I understand that you want to stay here and all. But after what happened with your brother and now this... it worries me, sweetie." "Mom..." I said softly, taken aback from her response. Bringing us into a gentle embrace. "I promise, I'm not going to end up like [B/N/N]."

"But [Y/N]-" "Mom." I pulled back from the hug, meeting gazes with the taller woman. "I'm not going to end up like [B/N]. [B/N] disappeared because he was in a stupid, middle school gang. This is completely different from that." I said sternly, noticing my sight beginning to blur up and voice cracking. "Please mom, I just want to finish my education and be with my friends. I'll do anything that you want, but I am not going to move a couple hours away to a place where I'm not going to know anyone."

"Please..." I hugged my mom once again, burying my face gently into her shoulder. "I just want things to go back to normal. I don't want to go..." "Ok." She sighed in defeat after a brief silence, returning the embrace. She placed a kiss on the top of my head, moving her hand to the back of my head. "You don't have to come back with me."

"Thank you!" I hugged my mom tighter, smiling brightly. "I love you so much!" "I love you too." We pulled away from the hug when the sound of a car engine approached us. Turning to it, I spotted a bright red sedan pulling up to the curb of the entrance. The front window rolled down, out popping Keith's head. "Hey, we'll show you where Cher's place is before you guys head off." He announced casually, sticking his arm partially out the window.

"There'll be no need, Keith. She'll be going back with you two." My mom stated nonchalantly as we approached the vehicle. "Wait, for real??" Keith exclaimed loudly, eyes widening in surprise. My mother nodded, stopping in front of the passenger door. "You and that ginger friend of yours better make sure my baby doesn't get hurt again; do you understand?" She said intensely with narrowed eyes. "Yes ma'am." Keith said hastily, speaking rather nervously than his usual, confident tone.

My mom turned to face me, handing me the small plastic bag she carried out. "Are you sure you're going to be ok?" "Momma, I promise I'll be ok." I assured with a light chuckle, hugging her lightly. "Keith and Cherry aren't going to hurt me." She looked doubtful for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright... I love you dear." "I love you too. I'll text you when I get there." We broke away from the hug after a few seconds, and she gave me one last kiss on the cheek before leaving for her car.

I watched as my mom's silhouette merged with the surrounding nighttime scenery before getting into the back passenger seat. "You good?" Cherry asked, peeking over the driver seat to me. I gave her a quick nod as I buckled my seatbelt. "Yeah, let's get going." I replied, exhaling softly.

The entire car ride resided in silence amongst the soft music playing through the car. I spent my time gazing out the window, watching the multi-colored lights from neighboring cars and streetlamps shine against the ebony skies. Soft trinkles of water droplets fell against the glass as we drove along, the sound of the rain sounding like tiny chimes in tune with the gentle rhythm of the car engine.

"[Y/N], are you awake?" Cherry spoke, turning the radio down. I looked up to her direction, straightening my posture. "Yeah, what's up?" "We're going to be heading to my place since your stuff is there." She explained, taking a right turn. "One of the windows at Pico's apartment got shattered, and with it getting colder we thought it would be best if you stayed with me for a while."

"Unless if you want to return to the dorms?" She mentioned, looking up to me through the visor as we approached a red light. "No... it's ok. We can go back to your place." I said with a somber undertone, gripping lightly onto my sweatpants. "Alrighty then." Cherry turned her attention back to the road, proceeding with the drive. After a few minutes, we arrived at Cherry's house. I unbuckled my seatbelt, reaching over to my bag with my belongings as my friends exited the vehicle.

I began to step out of the car, noticing Keith standing in front of me, holding out a hand. "I'm ok." I said, standing up on slight, shaky legs. The raindrops hitting my face as I closed the car door, making my way to the stairs. "You sure?" Keith asked worriedly, following behind me. I nodded, gripping firmly onto the railing as I made my way upwards steadily. I let out a sigh as I reached the landing, exhausted from the few steps.

As Cherry unlocked and opened the door, I caught a glimpse of the golden lights illuminating the living room through my peripheral vision. Stepping inside, I turned to the front room, watching a program on the TV paused and two people turned to face us from the couch. A dark-skinned man with a styled afro sat at the end of the sofa, resting his left arm across the backrest. The other beside him I recognized right away. "Nene... what are you doing here?" I asked in shock, making my way to the couch.

Nene let out a sigh as she got up from her seat, making her way around the sofa. "Hey [Y/N]." She greeted tiredly with a faint smile. "Glad to see you're doing well." I nodded with a smile, scanning the room. "Is Pico here with you?" I asked shortly after, looking back to the slightly taller woman. Nene's expression changed upon hearing the familiar name, looking down to the floor with uncertainty.

"Nene...?" I took a step closer to her moments later, noticing her sapped stance amongst the silence. "He went out." A deep voice emitted, turning my attention to the couch. The male stood up, approaching the two of us. He let out a lengthy yawn, scratching the back of his head with his non-partial hand. "I'm sorry, you are?" I queried, cocking a brow. Watching as the male practically towered over me.

"Name's Darnell." He said, holding his hand out to me. "I take it you're his girl?" "I... I guess?" I shook his hand, taking note of his firm handshake in comparison to my gentle grasp. "We aren't dating per say. I'm not exactly sure what we are to tell you the truth." I explained, looking down to our hands. Darnell let out a hum before releasing his grip. "He said he was gonna go out for a smoke. I don't know where he went, but if I were him, I'd head to the jawn down the road." Darnell mentioned, letting out another yawn.

He lumbered towards the kitchen, stretching his arms upwards. "It was nice meeting ya. Ima go take my meds and crash; this migraine's kicking my ass." He said through groans, stepping into the bathroom. I nodded to myself, turning around and heading to the front door. "[Y/N], where are you going?" Keith asked nervously as I placed my bag on the bottom step. "Out." I responded bluntly, opening the now closed door and stepping outside.

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