𝟐𝟔 | 𝐍𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈𝐈, 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐎𝐕, 𝐓𝐖 ⚠️)

188 7 0

(Explosion TW!)

Concurrently to the fight....

"You think we're close?" Keith asked, poking his head in one of the rooms. I winced, humming loudly as another set of gunshots boomed in the air. I sighed, pulling my phone back in front of my chest as we continued onward. "Maybe." I responded, holding Keith's hand firmly. "We've checked almost all the rooms on this floor. Maybe she isn't here?" As much as I didn't want to believe it, the Goth Punks were notorious for being pathological liars and overall cruel according to the boys.

"She's going to be here." Keith declared sternly, pulling away from my hand as he scanned the next room. Nothing. "I know it." I hummed with a nod in response. With every room, we continued getting the same results: an empty vast of space and water droplets sporadically dripping from the floor above. Another boomed echoed throughout the building, parts of the upstairs flooring and dust trinkled above us.

I exhaled deeply as we reached a dead-end, turning my flashlight into the final room. The start of a shadow formed as we glanced into the room, spotting [Y/N] laying in the middle of the rocky floor. "[Y/N]!" Keith yelled as we rushed to her side. I could feel my heart beating against my chest as Keith fell to his knees, swatting rats away from her unconscious body.

"Crap..." He muttered shakily, examining her before looking up to me. "Babe, use your powers to cut the rope." I nodded, closing my eyes for a moment. A red glow surrounded me as I raised my left hand, aiming at the ropes around [Y/N]'s wrists. With time, the ropes steadily lifted and quickly tore apart, falling to the ground along with her arms.

The red glow dissipated as I opened my eyes, crouching down to [Y/N]. With my phone light in hand, I noticed right away the open wounds on her wrists and half-exposed chest. There was also bruising along her face and neck, followed by a small puddle of dried-up blood she laid in. "Oh my god... what did they do to you?" I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Cher, help me lift her up." Keith requested, carelessly tossing a nearby object aside. I stood up, moving towards them as Keith gently slid his hands under her armpits. I bent over, gently grabbing [Y/N]'s forearms as we helped her onto her feet. Blood dripped from her wrists as I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. "Let's get going." I commented, readjusting my grip on my phone.

I began heading out of the room, awkwardly holding [Y/N]. After taking a few steps, I glanced to my side through peripheral vision, spotting Keith moving in front of us as he took off his shirt. "Keith, what are you-" Without a word, he slid his shirt over [Y/N]'s head, carefully pulling each arm through the sleeves.

"I got her." Keith said, pulling the bottom of his shirt down before taking ahold of her right arm. "Are you sure?" I queried, keeping a grip on her. I could hear the fear in his voice as he spoke, wrapping his left arm around her back as we exchanged. He nodded, pulling [Y/N] close. "Yeah, let's go." He replied uneasily, footing it to the entrance. I followed not to far behind, shining my phone in front of us.

Whilst approaching the archway, I glanced down to a light-skinned male in all black leaned up against the wall snoring. He was sat in a similar chair [Y/N] was in, covered arms crossed in front of him. His thin, oval-black glasses covering half his eyes. "Tch, asshole." I thought with knitted brows, flipping the man the bird before we departed.

We departed down the hallway, being extra cautious now that we found [Y/N]. The gunshots seemingly dialed down as we got closer to the fight. "Do you have any ideas how we're going to get out of here?" I asked, breaking the silence between us. "Nope." He responded bluntly, grunting under his breath. "Just figured we'd sneak past them." Keith paused, peeking over his shoulder. "You got a better idea?" I gazed down to my boyfriend solemnly. "Not really..." I murmured softly. "Then let's keep going; I don't want [Y/N] to die."

I lightly nodded, moving forward once more. An animalistic screech rang throughout as we slowed our pace, approaching the archway we originally came from. I kept the flashlight on, stepping closer to the now bullet holed wall. The clanking of an unknown object sounded amidst the gunshots, ringing through my ears. A stabbing pain pierced my chest as I flung forward on instinct, jumping beside Keith and [Y/N]. Whilst activating my powers, a flash of light blinded me. Throwing my body to the side aggressively, I forced my eyes shut as the afterimages strobed in my restricted vision.

I released a shaky breath, my body aching all over as I slowly opened my eyes. A high-pitched ringing filled my ears as I rolled onto my side, wincing in pain. Mixes of monochrome colors surrounded me as I tapped the ground with my fingers. Wet... Stringy. Everything felt like I was in some sort of dream, yet the pain was real. I was alive... but how?

"Oh my god.... Oh my god!" A voice muffled in my ears, followed by the crunching of rocks. "Cherry, are you ok?" It was feminine and oddly familiar. I groaned as my body lifted itself up into a sitting position. I leaned my head towards the voice, resting it against a soft yet boney surface. The smell of roses mixed with iron filling my scent as my vision started to focus on the figure. "Ne... ne?" I croaked, a cough escaping my lips. "Holy shit, you're alive!" Nene exclaimed, sighing in relief. Alive? Alive... then it clicked.

"Keith!" I exclaimed, reeling in a standing position. I stumbled forwards as the winds pushed strands of damp hair from my face. I darted my eyes around, frantically searching for any sign of Keith or [Y/N]. The sound of a fainted twig snapping caught my attention, turning to noise I noticed a pair of bodies in the distance.

"Keith!" I sprinted unevenly to my boyfriend, my vision starting to clear up as I fell to my knees beside him. Ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of wet grass on my scrapped knees. Keith was lying in-between grass and asphalt, breathing heavily with [Y/N] facing down on top of him. He was holding the back of her head with one hand, the other wrapped around her back. Keeping her arms contained. "Are you ok??" I asked worriedly.

"She's... still alive." He said through small coughs, his eyes strained closed. I sighed in relief, caressing Keith's wet cheek with the back of my hand. "Thank god..." I muttered; a small smile drawn across my face. "Can you get up?" Keith shook his head steadily, slightly turning his head to me. "I think I broke a bone or something during the fall." He hissed in pain. "Best to stay like this just in case."

"Crap, ok..." I kept my hand on his cheek, focusing on my breathing. "Let's get to a hospital." He nodded in agreement, leaning into my hand with a fainted smile. I closed my eyes, concentrating on my demon powers before teleporting us to the nearest hospital.

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