𝟏𝟕 | 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐓𝐖 ⚠️)

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(Vomit Warning!)
(A/N's: Happy New Year everyone! I was going to get this out yesterday but my cold came back to haunt me 😭💀 Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the chapter!)

I opened my eyes groggily to darkness. The winds howled outside, trees swaying against Mother Nature's cries of anger. Before I could comprehend anything, my stomach churned violently and head throbbed in pain. I gripped onto my stomach on instinct, curling into myself. "Ow...! Ow...!" I moaned hoarsely to myself, baffled by what was happening. I shut my eyes tight, trying my hardest to focus on my breathing.

What was wrong with me?? Why is my body acting up suddenly? How did I get here?? So many questions ran through my aching head. I tried to remember what happened prior. Yet, nothing was coming to mind. Only my body attacking me occupied my thoughts.

"[Y/N]!" A voice exclaimed quietly, filled with worry. I heard a shuffling noise nearby, followed by a large hand resting softly on my shoulder. I forced my eyes open, gazing up to the brightening shine of the moonlight against the uncovered window. Though, its light only added to my burning headache. It took me a moment to realize where I was: the apartment. Pico.

"P-Pi..." I managed to get out, but couldn't finish my sentence. A small cough escaping my chapped lips as I narrowed my eyes. The pain becoming unbearable at this point. "Yeah, it's me. Are you alright?" He asked gently. I managed to shake my head speedily, ignoring the discomfort for a brief moment. "It hurts..." I gasped out, further clutching onto my stomach. Shutting my eyes tight again, the winds outside getting more violent than before. A small wave of nausea began to creep up on me as tears pricked my eyes. "F-Fuck...! I think I'm going to puke."

"It's ok, come here." Pico said soothingly, steadily turning my body onto my back. I winced from the sudden movement as he lifted me off the bed. Cradling me in his arms, his left hand running along my back gently. I let out a soft whimper, leaning my head into his chest. The warmth from his semi-exposed skin radiating off his body.

I felt myself loosen my grip on my stomach as I laid in his embrace. A calloused finger wiping away the small droplets that rested under my eyes. Despite Pico's attempts to ease the pain, my body had a mind of its own. "Dammit...!" I groaned in annoyance minutes later. Another wave of nausea hitting me like a train. "I... I can't. I need the bathroom. Fuck..." I cursed under my breath, clutching onto his top.

Pico quickly helped me stand up, supporting me as we walked to the bathroom. With every step, my body started to convulse violently. My eyes forced themselves open as I felt bile rise from my stomach and towards my throat. My mouth twisted in disgust, trying to keep the contents down. As I witnessed the wooden door start to open, I broke away from the ginger. Flinging the door open as I stumbled hastily towards the open toilet. Letting it all out in the bowl.

My legs gave out as I collapse onto my knees, a heavy thud following. I gripped onto the sides of the toilet, my teary vision blurring in and out. I could feel Pico's presence beside me. Brushing strands of hair that fell in my face behind my ear. His other hand on my back rubbing it in a steady, vertical motion.

I stayed on my knees for god knows how long. Sporadically hurling into the bowl. Once my stomach settled, I leaned tiredly away from the bowl heaving heavily to myself. The weather outside being the only thing filling the void that was our silence. I reached weakly to the toilet handle once I caught my breath. Flushing the toilet with what little energy I had left. The sound of the urinal filling my ears as I wiped the remainder of puke on my lips away with my clothed arm.

"How are you feeling?" I heard from beside me. I glanced wearily to my right, leaning into the ginger's chest. My arms steadily wrapping themselves around his muscular physique. "Shit..." I responded under my breath, loud enough that he could hear me. His body heat engulfing me in a comforting warmth once more. Pico chuckled lightly, placing a kiss on the top of my head. Embracing me back. "It's alright, toots. It's just a hangover; it'll pass soon."

I pulled back in shock as I heard his statement, sitting upright. A hangover? "Wait what...?" I queried, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. There was a fainted, bright white light emitting from the floor amidst the darkness. Enough that I could make out Pico's profile. "What are you talking about...?" "You don't remember?" He asked, raising a brow in confusion. I hummed in response, trying to think back on the events prior. Until it hit me: the party, Nene...


"Oh god!" I exclaimed in disbelief, covering my face with my hands. "What? What is it?" Pico asked hurriedly, his voice filled with worry. "Please tell me you were there with me!" I begged, looking up to his pearly eyes. My heart pounding loudly in my chest.

"Well yeah but-" He cut himself off mid-sentence as I got up from the cold, tiled surface. Pushing through the aching pains as I grabbed onto the nearby sink. Gazing down to it as I began to process everything. Remembering the alcohol game vividly, the lustful young adults. I took shots during that game... Maybe that's why I couldn't remember anything. Or was there something laced with the drinks?

"Last night," I begun, keeping my focus on the countertop. "Were you there with me at that game?" "Well yeah. I wasn't going to leave you there by yourself." Pico answered bluntly, picking himself off from the ground. My eyes widened from his response, blush spreading across my face. "S-So... was I with a stranger then?" I inquired shakily, gripping harder onto the sink. There was silence amongst us before Pico spoke up.

"No... you weren't."

I glanced to him in shock, hearing the uneasiness in his voice. His freckled face covered in a soft blush and focus elsewhere. My eyes wandered off, noticing a deep purple bruise along Pico's neck. I let out a breathy gasp, backing away from the ginger. Embarrassment and anxiety washing over my body. A small whimper escaped my lips as I stumbled backwards to the bathroom door. Gripping onto the top hem of my pinafore dress, eyes unable to divert themselves away from him. This wasn't how things were supposed to happen...

"Shit. Shit."

Pico looked back to me, realizing I wasn't beside him anymore. "[Y/N], i-it's ok. I promise." He reassured nervously, reaching out for my available hand. I jerked my body back, lip quivering. "I-I..." I muttered under my breath, unable to form a sentence. My only instinct was to only move away from the ginger.

"Fight or flight. Flight. Flight."


I glanced down to the floor as the words repeated like an alarm in my head. Quickly turning away and heading back to bed. My vision started blurring again as I kneeled down to the floor mattress. Crawling into bed and throwing a nearby blanket over my body. I closed my eyes, my cheeks dampening with time as I laid there. Thinking back on everything hours prior as I clutched onto the fluffy drapery.

I really messed up this time...

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