𝟐𝟓 | 𝐍𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈, 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕, 𝐓𝐖 ⚠️)

187 8 3

(A/N's: As you can tell, I've been enjoying writing this lately and finally figured out how I want my fight scene to be 😭 This is my first time writing a fight scene so I hope it's ok)

(Offensive Language, Violence TW!)

"What the FUCK was that?" Cassandra cried in pain, clenching her teeth as she rubbed the back of her head. She swiftly peeked over her shoulder, noticing an object being yanked back towards a pair of shadowed figures. "Beep bibbity bap!" A high-pitched voice beeped, the silhouettes emerging from the darkness. Revealing an unmistakable cyan-haired male and tall, curvaceous woman in red. He gripped onto his microphone with his right hand, the other shoved into pocket as the pair entered the building.

Cassandra's eyes turned instantly marigold, casting a yellow glow that illuminated her face. "Who do you think you are, you fucken midget?" She snarled, slamming Pico's face into the cold, rocky terrain. A dent beginning to form from impact. "Skee boo beep bo ba." Keith responded confidently, the two making their way towards the redheads. Ignoring the cocking of guns nearby as the two henchmen that lurked in the shadows emerged, pointing their guns at the couple. One of them was tall and beefy with dyed, multi-colored spiked hair and light brown skin. The other being Cyclops.

"Tch, sorry dumbass." Cassandra mocked, pressing Pico's face further into the ground. "I don't speak idiot." Pico grunted as he struggled to push himself into an upwards position, but it was pointless as she kept slamming his face down. He could start to feel the warm blood dripping down his face and nose, his head pounding vigorously from the initial blows. Cherry knitted her brows, glaring intensely at Cassandra. "Excuse me," She begun, crossing her arms in front of her with fisted hands. "but my boyfriend is not an idiot." Her voice remained calm with hints of anger.

Amidst the bickering, Keith continued forward towards the redheads. His exterior unfazed by the sounds of guns loading, pointing towards him. Though, he was panicking on the inside. Fearing about seeing the Goth Punks once again, and Cyclops nevertheless. The two of them not having the best of relationships, as Cyclops was once an acquaintance of his. Instantly turning against Keith the day of the shooting. As he neared the redheads, an object flew in the sky. Landing in front of the cyanette with a lit piece of rope.

"Keith! Watch out!" Cherry exclaimed, rushing towards her boyfriend as a small explosion erupted. Cassandra and Keith jumped away from the blast, fortunately giving Pico time to escape his imprisonment. He diverted his focus to searching for his gun, coughing sporadically from the smoke diagonal from him. Without a second to spare, Pico jumped up from the ground, sprinting towards his gun a few feet away from him.

Gunshots rung throughout the space, aimed straight for Pico as he retrieved his UZI from the ground with his uninjured hand. A bullet grazed his back as he turned around, dodging each bullet with ease. As he was about to shoot at the henchmen, a deep grunt emitted opposite of him. Followed by Cyclops calling out to his fellow comrade as the shooting momentarily stopped. Pico glanced over his shoulder, spotting Darnell jumping down from a second story window along with Nene.

"What the hell, you two?" He yelled irritably, trying to focus on his breathing. His Philly accent becoming prominent as Darnell ran up to the ginger. "Ya could have gotten us killed!" Darnell chuckled deeply with a devilish grin from ear-to-ear. "Sorry, man! You know I can't help myself." He called out, noticing Pico reaching for his back with his available hand. "Damn, brotha. You good?" "Yeah, 'm fine." Pico replied with a low groan, pulling his other UZI out from his back pocket oddly. Ignoring the prominent pain shooting through his now wonky hand. "Come on, let's go blam the fuck outta these bastards."

Splitting off, the two began shooting at Cyclops and Spike. Using the thin pillars as shields as they sprinted across the open terrain. Pico inhaled deeply, trying to get rid of the blood and mucus mix that clung onto life as he kept aim at the henchmen. He kept note of his surroundings: Darnell using his bladed-finger attachments as a shield, the fainted golden light coming from Cassandra as she shot at Keith, Cherry and Nene. Approaching the group was the same person in red Pico saw earlier with a sword in their hand.

"Shit..." He muttered, seeing how they were practically being backed into a corner. Keith spinning his microphone cord on rapid circles, using it as a shield against Cassandra's bullets. "Keith, Cherry!" He yelled out, keeping focus on the taller Goth Punks. "Go find [Y/N]! She's at the back of the building." "Bet!" Keith replied back, dialing back his spins as Cherry's eyes glowed a brightening deep red. She brought her hand up, keeping it pointed towards Cassandra and flinging her hand to the right. The Penilian found herself jerked to the side, flying towards the other end of the room and tumbling onto the ground. Keith sighed of relief, stopping his motions before splitting away from the chaos in search for [Y/N]. Leaving Pico, Darnell and Nene against Cassandra and her goons.

"Oshashiburi desu, Nene-san." The sword-wielder said lowly, getting into position. "Sorry, I don't speak nerd, nerd." Nene said insensitively, keeping a firm grip on her knives. "Mind translating?" "Sumimasen, but a ninja does not listen to those beneath them." They replied, running up to the raven-haired girl. Nene scoffed under her breath, dodging the sword-wielder's attack. "Hah! Damn, and I thought you would have grown out of that stupid phase, Hanzou." Nene laughed with a cocky grin, swinging her duo knives in front of her. Catching a bit of Hanzou's cloth, but not enough where it broke.

Hearing the mocking comment from their former classmate only angered Hanzou, their eyes turning from white to red as they lunged forward to Nene. Tiny blue sparks ignited around them as they raised their sword up, ready to attack. "Shine!" Hanzou exclaimed, slashing repetitively at Nene. The girl dodged them all with ease, using her knives periodically as shields. "Wow, to think you call yourself a ninja. Yet, here you are, losing your cool." Nene commented, swiftly turning 90-degrees and swishing her knife at Hanzou, managing to get a small cut on them.

"Ugh, fuck off!" Hanzou yelled, more sparks flying out of their body. Nene took note of this, leaping backwards as Hanzou attacked once more. Managing to get a slash Nene across the arm, blood droplets flying out her forearm. Nene hissed in pain, narrowing her eyes to the masked person. She held her set of knives about her head, focusing on the brunette getting closer to her before flinging them aggressively to them. Hanzou halted in place as one of them managed to hit their chest, causing sparks to circuit amidst the surrounding shots echoing in the room. They steadily looked down to the knife, losing grip on their sword before collapsing onto their knees, falling down face first into their weapon.

"Damn." Nene said, pushing the cyborg onto their back seconds later. Noting Hanzou's eyes were now closed and a small amount of blood emitting from their injuries. She exhaled loudly, pulling her blood covered weapon out from Hanzou before turning her attention to her friends. "Need help?" She shouted, rushing to the boys. "Yeah, thanks!" Darnell replied, aiming a shot at Spike.

The raven-haired girl giggled manically to herself, a skip in every step, as she rushed around the current fight happening between the four males and Cassandra. With ease, Nene jumped off of the nearby wall, throwing her knife at Spike and landing a shot at the back of his head. The beefier male instantaneously collapsing to the ground, causing Nene to grin ear to ear. "Nice one, chica!" Darnell cheered, hopping back as he turned his focus to Cyclops, aiming a couple shots at him. "Help me take care of this fucker while I get anotha bomb set."

"On it!" The two swapped places, Darnell rushing to one of the nearby pillars for protection. Shoving his gun in his sweatshirt, he exchanged his weapon for a grenade with his functioning hand. Popping out from the pillar, he ran back to the fight, biting down on the pin and jerking the bomb away from his mouth. "Guys!" He called out, throwing the grenade towards everyone.

Amidst the chaos, Pico managed to hear Darnell's voice through his episode and the screeching of Cassandra getting hit once more by one of his bullets. He peeked over his shoulder, watching as the grenade flew over his head and landing close to one of the many entrances. As the bomb landed, a bright white light popped out from the corner, sending a sharp stabbing pain throughout Pico's body when he realized who it was. "NO!" He cried, rushing towards the grenade.

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