𝟐𝟏 | 𝐅*𝐜𝐤 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈, 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲/𝐆𝐅 𝐏𝐎𝐕)

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A/N's: Two for One Special for y'all cause why not! This is a bit shorter than my usual chapters since I split this into two parts to get Cherry's POV in and idk when else to put her in just yet. (Our girl needs a moment, ok?)

"Can't you drive any faster?" Keith asked irritably. I looked to him through my peripheral vision, seeing he was slumped into the passenger seat. His arms folded in front of his chest. "Sorry, I'm going as fast as I can." I retorted, gripping onto the steering wheel. I turned my focus back to the road, pulling up to the traffic lights as they changed from green to red.

"Oh come on!" Keith yelled, throwing his hands up in the air as we slowed down. I bit my bottom lip, reaching down and putting the car in park. Turning my body to the right to face a fuming Keith. "If you're so damn impatient, how about you just watch the map?" I said angrily, throwing my phone onto his lap. "Fine, I will!" He exclaimed, picking it up aggressively and going to the Find My app. "Fine!" I turned my attention back to the road, shifting the car back into drive as the lights changed colors.

I let out a sigh as we continued to our destination. The car ride staying relevantly silent besides the engine and ongoing traffic. "Hey," I said calmly, breaking the silence minutes later. "I'm sorry for snapping at you." I peeked over to Keith, seeing he was focusing intensely at the screen. Muttering about how we were getting closer to [Y/N]'s location. I looked back to the road, recognizing the familiar scenery.

"I know you care about [Y/N]. But getting all pissy at me isn't going to help the situation." I explained, turning the right corner. "...I know." Keith mumbled as we pulled up to an empty parking spot. I shifted the gear into park before turning the car off, unbuckling my seatbelt and turning to face my boyfriend.

"Can I have a hug before we go?" I asked, pouting my bottom lip subtly. Holding my arms outstretched. Keith looked to me, staring with contemplation in his eyes. He let out a soft sigh before leaning across the console, giving me a tight one-armed hug. His other hand still holding onto my phone. We stayed like this for some time until Keith broke the embrace.

"I'm sorry too." He apologized, pecking me on the cheek. "Let's get going. I don't want to waste another minute sitting here." I nodded as we both exited the car. Locking it behind us, we trooped to [Y/N]'s location. The city streets were surprisingly empty for a Saturday night. Traffic was sparse and there weren't anyone around for miles. The only sound I could hear in the distance was that of an ambulance siren and a small breeze as we walked.

Keith handed my phone back to me, speeding up ahead as we past the café. "You sure we got the right place?" He called out a few minutes later as we turned a corner. I glanced down to my phone, seeing that [Y/N]'s contact photo didn't budge. "Yeah, should be around here." I replied, not realizing I was gripping my phone tightly.

Keith scanned the area frantically, his eyes darting from left to right. Turning a corner, he stopped so suddenly that I almost stumbled into him. "Try calling her." He requested, swiveling his head over his shoulder. "She might pick up." I quickly dialed her number, hoping she'd pick up. After a few rings, the call ended. Nothing.

"Dammit..." I muttered, returning back to the Find My app. "She's not picking up." I stated in my normal voice, looking back to my boyfriend. Keith started walking ahead, tapping his hand against his thigh with each step. "Try again!" He barked, worry filling his voice. I quickly repeated the process, watching as Keith kept marching forward.

"Come on..." I thought, noticing Keith halted abruptly at a black, metal bench. Squatting down shakily at the back of it and reaching out for something. "Babe, what is it?" I asked, catching up to him. Feelings of nervousness creeping up on me. As I approached him, I noticed the familiar floral phone background.

"Oh my god, is that...?" I questioned under my breath. Keith simply nodded, standing upright from the ground. Gripping tightly onto the hem of his shirt as he stared down at the scratched screen, blinking speedily. "This is bad..." I pondered, staring mindlessly at the device. "Where is she?"

"There you guys are." A raspy voice called out, snapping us from our trance. We shot a glance up to the voice, only to find Pico making his way towards us. Another wave of nervous hit me like a truck, this one feeling different from the last. We're screwed. Soooo screwed. The ginger stopped a few feet away from us, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Care to tell me what the hell's going on now?"

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