Chapter 2 - Deadly Life

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--Pool, 7:40 AM, Day 7--

When the lights came back on, it was clear what had just happened and why.

Gloria: "O-oh no..."

Link: "What the... why is the door... ?"

Monokuma: "Oh dear, the security doors have dropped, it seems we're not going anywhere!"

Kyoko: "Did you do this, Monokuma?"

Monokuma: "Heavens no!"

Gloria: "Then whoever did is in violation of the rules!"

Monokuma: "Mmmm, also no. The rule states that entering the generator room is prohibited. If we were to check right now, we would see that the generator room is completely empty!"

Link: "But, how?!"

Monokuma: "Puhuhu, I'll never tell!"

Link: "Damn... well, now you have to make the announcement, so the others know to investigate!"

Monokuma: "Like I said, no announcement until the body is discovered!"

Kyoko: "Hm... Monokuma, may we enter the generator room for this investigation? It's clearly an important piece of the puzzle."

Monokuma: "..."

Kyoko: "Well?"

Monokuma: "Sigh, you're good at this."

The monitors snapped on.

Monokuma: "For this investigation, I have suspended the generator room rule. You may investigate it to your heart's content!"

Gloria: "Yes! Nice work, Kyoko!"

Link: "Alright, now what?"

Kyoko: "Let's look around the pool area. You two investigate the pool, I'll search the generator."

Gloria: "Sounds like a plan!"

Link: "In that case, I'll look for clues. Gloria, try to find some way to drain the pool."

Gloria: "Ok, good, I don't have to touch any blood."


Link: "Found anything yet?"

Gloria: "Not yet! You?"

Link: "Nothing in particular. I'm not great at this..."

Gloria: "Yeah, but I bet Kyoko's found something by now..."

Link: "Haha, yeah- hey, what's this?"

Gloria: "Got something?"

Link: "Yeah, it's some kind of... shard. Just on the floor by the bloodstain. It's so small, no wonder we didn't see it."

Gloria: "Does it look like anything?"

Link: "Not to me. But hey, it's something."

Gloria: "Don't get too caught up in finding something, keep searching!"

Link: "Yeah, ok."

--Generator Room, 7:45 PM, Day 7--

The generator looked untouched from when Kyoko had last seen it. Yet, somehow, it had been turned off without the culprit being in the room. First she tried looking underneath the generator.

Kyoko: "Nothing."

Then she tried the sides.

Kyoko: "Nope."

Finally, she felt behind the generator.

Kyoko: "Bingo."

She had felt something metal sticking out from the wall, and into the generator. That was one mystery solved. Monokuma waddled in, he must've heard her exclamation.

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