Chapter 6 - Prologue

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Kyoko was the first person to leave her room. She only had to wait a few seconds before someone else appeared.

Byakuya: "KYOKO?!"

Kyoko: "So did you get my note?"

Byakuya: "Yes, but... what the hell?!"

Kyoko: "I'll explain later, for now we need to wait for everyone."

Byakuya: "Everyone? Do you mean... ?"

And then, the other doors in the hall began opening one after another.

Springtrap: "Gyahahahaha! I have no idea how, but I've come back! I really am immortal!"

Byleth: "Hm... was I unconscious? How long was I out?"

Maya: "W-was that what dying feels like?!"

Chara: "Okay, what the hell..."

Zelda: "L-Link? You're okay?!"

Link: "Um, yeah, why wouldn't I be... ?"

Edelgard: "Well this is going to be quite uncomfortable."

Charlie: "I've seen weirder... I think..."

Gloria: "H-Hop? Kyoko?"

Kyoko: "Hi, Gloria."

Hop: "M-mate! You're alive!"

Godot: "Everyone is..."

Frisk: "Okay I'm lost."

Samus: "Is this a dream?"

Kyoko took a quick headcount while everyone wandered around the hall in confusion.

Kyoko: "Alright, that's 15. Everyone, we're going to confront Monokuma in the main plaza. I promise I'll explain everything, but there's no time right now, the Mastermind must've noticed their mistake by now and is most likely moving to correct it."

Byakuya: "This had better work."

--Main Plaza--

When everyone gathered, Monokuma quickly and aggressively made his entrance.

Monokuma: "I am extraordinarily busy right now, everyone SCRAM!"

Kyoko: "Hang on, I would like to send a message to the Mastermind. Are they listening?"

Monokuma: "Nope! They're busy fixing YOUR mess!"

Gloria: "Can ya call them?"

Monokuma: "Call them? After what Kyoko did? Hell no!"

Chara: "Oh, wow, great plan."

Kyoko: "Give it a second..."

Monokuma: "..."

Maya: "He's not saying anything..."

Edelgard: "Is he broken?"

Monokuma: "... I have been told to put you through. Now what do you want?"

Zelda: "The Mastermind can hear us now?"

Monokuma: "Yup, and they're already getting impatient, so hurry it up."

Kyoko: "What I want is simple. I want a trial, one focused on exposing your identity. Do you accept?"

Monokuma: "..."

Byleth: "I feel we are more than unprepared..."

Godot: "There's been a few clues here and there, but can we really start a trial now?"

Kyoko: "Well? What's your answer?"

Monokuma: "... They want to know why you think you can just demand a trial."

Kyoko: "Because either you know you'll never get this chance again, or you've already had this chance in the past and declined, only to be foiled again."

Monokuma: "... And?"

Kyoko: "If you decline now, you either lose your chance to fight all of us head-on, or you're dooming yourself to repeated failure."

Monokuma: "..."

Charlie: "Is this really going to work?"

Link: "We can hope..."

Zelda: "What I wouldn't give to be back in Hyrule, I wouldn't mind all the work so much anymore..."

Monokuma: "... Alright. Here's their terms: you can have your trial. If you expose the Mastermind successfully, you can all leave!"

Gloria: "Yes! We did it!"

Samus: "No... there's more, isn't there?"

Monokuma: "Yep! If you CAN'T figure it out, then... you have to stay here, killing each other over and over, losing and remaking your memories, forever!"

For a few seconds, everyone was silent. Then...

Maya: "Well... we don't have a choice. We have to do it."

Frisk: "Then let's go. Open the trial grounds!"

Byakuya: "A final battle, for our lives and freedom."

Springtrap: "Hahaha! Do your worst!"

Chara: "Let's take down this double-crossing idiot!"

Byleth: "I'm following the rest of you until someone explains what's happened."

Edelgard: "And I shall follow you, Professor."

Hop: "Right on, mates!"

Link: "I'm with you all, let's end this!"

Zelda: "The goddess will not smile upon them..."

Charlie: "Show us the Mastermind!"

Godot: "I'm gonna need a stronger blend for this one..."

Samus: "We'll win, I am positive."

Gloria: "And you know I'm ready to finish this!"

Kyoko: "It's unanimous, then. We accept your terms, now start the trial!"

Monokuma: "No need to tell me twice! Now then... I am proud to finally present... the FINAL TRIAL GROUNDS!"

Everyone stepped back as the fountain began to sink into the ground. Around the hole left behind, four massive beams shot upwards into the clouds above. After a few seconds, an elevator rose from the hole, and the doors opened.

Monokuma: "Alright everyone, step in! Prepare for a trial unlike anything seen before!"

Everyone stepped onto the elevator, and the doors shut. Soon, it began rising high into the air. The building they had spent weeks in disappeared below the clouds, yet the air thickness and temperature remained the same. Soon the sky disappeared as the elevator passed through a marble corridor, and, after a few seconds, it finally stopped. The doors opened, they had finally arrived.

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