Wordgirl Returns

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"Ahh, it's a another beautiful day in our Fair city." "The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and a certain plucky heroine is sleeping in bed." "Ahem, Wordgirl." "What?" "I hate to bother you, but you're currently late for school." "I'm what?" "Bob you hit the dismiss instead snooze again. Come on word up."

Word up. It's Wordgirl.

Word up. It's Wordgirl.

She's sixteen years old,
Going to a high school,

From the planet Lexicon,

Watch out villains... here she comes!

When faced with a catastrophe

We need Advance weaponry,

Her superior intellect

Keeps the crime world in check. Go girl!

Huggy Face is by her side,

Vocabulary a mile wide.

She'll make sure that crime won't pay

And throw some mighty words your way.

Word up. It's Wordgirl.

Word up! From the planet Lexicon, watch out villains, she's Worrrrrrrdgirl Advance!

Becky and bob are flying to school though normally they would drive in her car. They arrive at Fair City High and transform behind the school. As they head in they run into Scoops and violet.

"Hey guys what going" becky says waving.

"Oh hi Becky, we were just discussing about what to do for our science project" Scoops says with a smile.

"It's either going to be model or diorama, but whatever we choose will truly be spectacular" violet exclaims in her soft voice.

"Well that sounds like fun, me and bob are going to work together on our project."

Bob moans.

"Oh, that's the bell. See you guys later."

"Goodbye becky" waved violet.

"See you at lunch then" scoop says.

"Yeah, see ya at lunch. What? I am not blushing."

"Why hello Becky" Tobey says from behind.

"Hi Tobey, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine, thankyou for asking."

"I was just wandering if you like to be partners for the science project. I think we make a great team" he said with a cheesy smile.

"Sorry Tobey I like too, but I'm partners with Bob. We're going to be late, so see ya around."

"Yes, see you later indeed." "Mmuuuhaaaaaaah" Tobey said with a cackle.

After school Becky rides the bus home and starts work on her project. Though it takes time for them to complete their assignment. Meanwhile TJ walks in from middle school and becky greets him.

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