Princess Becky

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Scoops, Kidmath, Tobey, and Tesha were at the Super Max prison where Miss Power had escaped.

"So he just broke in" Tobey says.

"Well not exactly, he walked in because he's the one who made the building" says the warden.

"So he just casually walked in and right to her cell" Scoops says.

"Well we had no reason not to trust him and that he said he was here for maintenance. So much for that. Of you dont mind this calls for me to eat my hat."

"So becky and huggy are out there with no idea Miss Power is coming."

"I will try to signal her, but it won't be easy. Unless Rex, you have some way to contact her. I may have something at home. I'll be back" he says as he flys off.

Tesha worried for Wordgirl walks to Tobey and Scoops and asks "How exactly has Wordgirl beaten Miss Power before?"

"Well there was the first time they met where she defeated Miss Ppwer simply by outsmarting her. Other than that here of recently she has just been getting stronger" Tobey says.

"Wait didn't she bring a strange colored rock that gave her a boost in strength" says Scoops.

"Where is it" Tesha asked.

"Dont know, I believe it got lost in battle when Miss Power first returned. Check the ruble sighting on the east side of the city" Tobey says.

"Okay, I'll be back" Tesha says preparing to fly off. "Wait" Tobey yells. Tesha stops and turns around.

"Fly me to my home for a second. I have something that can help." Tesha grabs Tobey around the waist and flys off to his house. She land in front of Tobeys house as he runs inside. Tesha waits patiently as a dog barks in the background. Tobey runs back out with two Tech Disruptors.

"These are for you. I've been working on them for the past week. Use them to find the stone" Tobeys says gasping for air.

"Can I call Wordgirl with it" Tesha asks.

"You could, but given you don't know her location nor how far away she is it's technically impossible."

"I'm going to try anyways" Tesha says.

She flys off to the east side of the city where rubble still remained from Wordgirls fight with Miss Power seven months ago. She uses the Tech Disruptors to locate an unusual energy source on the ground. It beeps as she uses her x-ray vision to see the stone underneath. She swoops down and moves the rubble as a green glow emits on her face. She grabs it and grips it in her fist. She flys at astonishing speeds out the atmosphere as she heads for planet Lexicon.

"Wordgirl if you can hear me, Miss Power is coming. She has escaped and is coming for you. I'm on my way to help you. Please respond if you get this message. Tesha out."

Back on planet Lexicon Becky is getting ready for the big day. Her mother helps her get fitted into a new ceremonial outfit. It was a new fit with the classic Lexicon colors with a attached skirt and no cape.

"I don't know, what if the people don't like me" Becky asks.

"Nonsense, the people will love you my dear. Your the lost Princess they will be more than thrilled to have you back" her mother says.

While Becky was finishing getting ready there was a knock at the door.

"I wonder who that could be" her mother says.

She opens the doors to see Lexi and Huggy standing in front. Huggy excited runs in to high Becky as she catches him.

"Huggy, I'm glad to see you too. How have you been" Becky asks.

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