Battle Over Planet Lexicon

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"What's the matter Becky? Did I interrupt your family reunion" Miss Power says.

Becky looks at Miss Power as she says "Miss Power, I dont know how you escaped, but leave my family and my planet alone. This is between you and me."

"Well I've made one promise already, so I can't see why I can't keep another since I'm in a good mood. Let's make a wager then. I fight you only as long as no one else gets involved. If you keep your end of the deal I'll keep mine and not destroy what I can of your planet."

"Becky, you don't have to do this" her mother says.

"I have to mom. This is my mess, I have to fix it. I'm a Princess now, I have to serve my people" Becky says as she slowly hovers up to Miss Power as she looks sorrowfully at her family.

(Music begins. Play video at 2:31 mark)

Becky flys to Miss Power as Miss Power grabs her by the shoulders. She spins as she tosses Becky through the air. Miss Power flys towards her as they fly into the air. Everyone watches as they dissapeare into the atmosphere.

Becky charges at Miss Power giving her all with every punch. She punched with her fist repeatedly. Miss Power catches one of her fist as Becky tries to hit her with the other. Becky shook as she couldn't move her arms. Miss Power was much stronger as she smiled at Becky as Becky looked in shock. Miss Power proceeds to headbutt Becky as yells in pain "Ah!"

Becky grabs her head as the pain subsides, but is greeted with a fist as Miss Power flys in with a punch. It sends Becky flying back down to the planets surface as Miss Power flys after her.

Becky lands sliding on the ground. She gets up to see open land with nothing in sight, but rock. She figures its Lexicons comparison to a desert on Earth. Miss Power comes in as she grabs Becky dragging her on the ground. She stops as she stand over Becky about to punch her in the face. Becky dodges her head out the way as she punches Miss Power in the ribcage knocking her away.

Becky flys to her as she fires her laser vision. Miss Power counters with her own as they beam struggle with each other. Miss Power overpowers Becky as she hits her in the face. Becky grabs her eyes as Miss Power comes in takes Becky's head and bashes it with her knee. Becky's nose begins to bleed as she could just barely see her own blood for the first time.

She squints as she could barely see. With her vision imapred she listens for Miss Powers next attack. She turns around in every direction waiting for something, anything. She could hear laughter, but it echoed. Her super hearing was off as she could hear Miss Power, but from what direction. Becky starts to think to herself as she worries.

<"Where is she? Where could she be? She could be anywhere. There or over there. God I can't see. This is bad, this very bad. I'm out on the open and I can't tell when Miss Power is going to strike."> (Internal monologue)

"You know your not alone right? You can ask me anything."

"What, where have you've been? You decide to show up right...


Miss Power lunges for Becky, but Misses as she slides her feet across the ground. She gets up as she comes back to Becky.

"What now" Becky asks.

"Dodge to your left, now!"

Miss Power missed again as she gets mad and turns around. Becky listens as she hears Miss Powers battle cry. She spreads her arms out as she claps them together super hard. She creates a loud shock wave as Miss Power grabs her ears. Becky having gained more of her vision back flys to Miss Power as she claps her hands right on Miss Powers ears.

"Aaaaah" Miss Power yells as her ears were under unbelievable pain. All she could hear was a ringing sound in her head. She grips her head tightly as she felt something warm run down her face. Miss Power looks at her hands to see blood. She couldn't hear anything even with superhearing activated she could only hear things in frequencies.

Becky flys to Miss Power, but Miss Power stood there as Becky came flying in. Miss Power stops her dead in her tracks as she holds Becky by the throat. She turns her head as her eyes were wide open and dilated. She throws Becky to the ground as she unleashes a fury of punches. Becky couldn't break up the attcaks as each hit became harder than the last. Her eyes began to swell, another hit her nose fractured, another hit she coughed up blood, the pain became surreal.

Miss Power grabs Becky as she throws her in the air. She flys to her as punches her up in the air. She then flys past Becky as she beats her high in the air. She then puts her fist together as she punches Becky right in the gut down to the ground. Becky crashes at full speed as she hits the ground forming a crater. She looks as Miss Power comes in fist first and starts plowing her through the ground. Miss Power kept going as they eventually made it it to an underground cave.

Becky tries to get up as Miss Power stands above her. Becky struggles to crawl away, but she still felt weak. She looked to see red crystals everywhere in the cave.

"Lexonite! I have to get out of here" Becky says.

Miss Power steps on Becky's back and turns her over. She continues to punch Becky until she was beaten. Her face was was swollen, with blood and bruises. Miss Power then carries Becky back to the surface. She drops her as Becky lays on the ground.

"Looks like this is the end of the line for you Becky. It's been nice knowing you" Miss Power says.

Right as she prepares to finish Becky off Miss Power is knocked to the ground as a fast moving object lands right on her creating a hole in the ground. Becky looks to see it was Tesha. Tesha tends to Becky and helps sit her up.

"Tesha, don't get involved. I made a deal with Miss Power that she would leave many people and planet alone if I fight her alone."

"Sorry Becky, but I can't do that. You're to beaten up to keep fighting. I care about you and I won't stand by and watch you get beaten to death. I'm human now, and if you taught me anything is how to be a hero. Stay here, I got this."

"Tesha, don't" Becky says weakly as she slouches over.

Miss Power climbs out the hole and stands back up as she huffs furiously as she sees Tesha and Becky behind her

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Miss Power climbs out the hole and stands back up as she huffs furiously as she sees Tesha and Becky behind her. She wipes her mouth with her arm and says "Looks like you broke your promise Becky. Now I'm going to destroy everything you care about."

"Not if I have anything to say about it" Tesha says.

"Who the heck are you" Miss Power asks.

"Maybe this will jog your memory. I'm Tesha, Wordgirl is my responsibility, but right now your my enemy."

Miss Power is enlightened as she remembers just who Tesha is.

"The robot" Miss Power says.

"That's right, I had an upgrade since we've last met. It also looks like you need another lesson. You and me, round two" Tesha says.

Miss Power cracks her nuckles as she and Tesha charge at one another as their fist clash.

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