Getting Advance

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The next day at school Becky and Tobey come to an agreement to start over with their friendship and new partnership for fighting crime.

"So, I've been thinking what if we went out to discuss our plans further in private" says Tobey.

Becky clearly not amused by Tobeys comment simply replies "We can can discuss further about our plans at lunch."

"Right, lunch, that works too."

During their first two blocks Tobey sketches down some of his ideas to further advance Wordgirls crime fighting. Victoria Best saw Tobey drawing and walked over too see what he was doing.

"You're drawing Wordgirl, when are you going to get over that girl. Clearly I'm way prettier than she is and way better to date. Do I even need to say why."

"Because I'm the best."

"Because you're the best."

"That's right. No offense though, but you're not really my type."

"Gee, thanks. With someone as sore of a loser like you I doubt your anyones type either."

Victoria slightly offended scoffs and rolls her eyes. Tobey puts the finishing touches on his sketch and smiles with a nod as he is happy with his work. The bell soon rings and Tobey and Becky sit together at lunch. They sit off in the corner where where less students can hear their conversation. Tobey pulls out his sketch book with his ideas for a new costume for Becky.

"Wow, Tobey this is nice, almost looks real."

"Well it's like I said, I been working on my skills. I decided to hone in on my drawing techniques and improve them."

"Okay, can I ask this. Why would I need a new suit, the one I have is just fine."

"Well this suit is made to help increase your potential. It will be made with durable fiber made to enhance your physical abilities. The human body can only do so much, or in your case alien."

"Alright, but why the black? I like my red and yellow outfit. I'm Wordgirl, I'm suppose to give everyone a ray of sunshine not a dark and angsty hero."

"Times have changed Becky and quite frankly I think a part of you is still stuck in the past. It's a change a rebirth if you will, the new Wordgirl. With all the new changes it will be like you said on our reunion fight a couple weeks ago you'll be Advanced. Why you could be become Wordgirl Advance."

"I guess your right, but let's just stick with Wordgirl okay."

"Okay, so I'll make the suit and you can test it out at your hideout."

"Alright, my hideout it is then. Wait a minute. Tobey."

"Hey, if we're going to be partners fighting crime I need to know our base of operations."

"Fine, find me after school so I can get my car home first. Just one question. If you just came up with the design how am I supposed to test it out this afternoon?"

"I have a remote to create inventions for me while I'm away. Just have to send the plans to the automatic invention station and it'll be ready before school is over."

Tobey sent the plans from his phone to his machine at home and it automatically started working on Becky's new suit.

With that the bell rung and the two continued with their day. Once school was over Tobey walked over to Becky's car as she waited for him.

"Waiting for me, you must really like me handy work. You can stop by at my place and I can give you a first hand demonstration."

"Tobey stop flirting, get in the car."

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