Part One

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Ricky shivered, his thin clothes giving almost no warmth as a black Honda stopped in front of him. The tinted window rolled down.

"Get in." Jaime, a Mexican looking man, beckoned to him.

"Did Vic send you?" Ricky stuttered, gasping as the door opened and almost hit him.

"Yes he has something to tell you. I hope you don't act up when we get there." Jaime sighed, smiling as the pale man slowly climbed in the car.

"What does he have to tell me?" Ricky looked up at the man, curling up on the leather seat.

"He lost you in a bet." Jaime sighed. "He lost me too. I'll be working for your newer master."


Jaime gently held Ricky's hand, guiding him through the large mansion towards the left wing. "Remember you just need to stand there and look pretty. Don't speak..."

"Unless spoken to. Only look when told. Don't touch. Don't be noticed. Be good." Ricky spoke these rules that had been drilled in his head since he was first lost in a poker game. He has mastered the art of seduction. Each master different yet all the same. Able to use the same lines and coo in someone's their ear, all the while holding back the disgust and bile from the very touch of the men.

"Good good. Lets go." Jaime opened the door, allowing Ricky to go in front of him. "Vic." Jaime said the name like it was venom on his tongue, glaring at the shorter Mexican.

"Hello Jaime." Vic spoke sarcastically, looking towards Ricky. "Come here Ricky." Ricky hesitantly walked towards Vic, casting his gaze to the ground. "Good boy. Look at me." He quickly looked up, fear filling his eyes as Vic stroked his cheek. "Here's your precious prize." Vic growled, throwing Ricky across the room. He hit the floor, skidding a few feet before he hit a pair of legs. "Now get out my house."


Ricky didn't know how long he had laid there. He didn't really remember being moved into a car either. Or the fact that his cheeks felt like they were covered in tears. He slowly pushed himself up, whimpering as someone pushed his head back down.

"Don't move little one. You hit your head and we don't know how hurt you are." The voice was cool and calming. Ricky not wanting to fight back. Was this his new master? He hoped it was. This man didn't seem to be like the others though he could be wrong. He was before.

"W-Who are you?" Ricky stuttered, tightening his hands into fists.

"My name is Chris but you'll refer to me as sir, and before you jump to conclusions I'm not your master. That will be Angelo. I know that you possibly haven't had a vampire master before so there's some rules. One, don't take your collar off unless there's a chance it will get wet or you have to bathe. Two, don't back talk. Three, you'll refer to all others as sir or mam, and Angelo as master unless told otherwise." Ricky nodded, biting his lip as Chris ran his fingers through his hair. "I understand that you've had other masters who've told you different rules, but these are rules for the city. You'll live with Angelo."

Ricky nodded again, closing his eyes. This was the gentlest someone has been to him in a long time.


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