Part nine

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Ricky rested his head against Angelo's thigh. A smile graced his lips when his master's hand lightly petted his hair. He was currently kneeling Angelo's legs under his master's desk. He could hear Angelo scribbling away and little huffs coming from every so often. His butt still slightly hurt but he didn't let it bother him too much. He deserved the punishment. He just hoped he never had to get another. Ricky let his eyes slowly close as he grew tired.

Angelo let an airy chuckle escape his lips when he heard a small snore come from the pet. He shook his head figuring he should let him get as much sleep as he needed. Angelo wasn't cruel like most master's. He let his pets do most what they wanted within reason. If the little thing needed sleep he'd give it to them.

Angelo resumed his petting, finding it soothing as he continued his work. He was approving pets for sale and while he honestly could pass it off on his assistant he decided he wanted to do it. He needed to pass the time and didn't want to take Ricky out after a punishment. Angelo shook his head, throwing his pencil down after about the millionth pet sheet. He looked down at Ricky as he contemplated whether to wake him up or not. Ricky decided to make the decision as he shuffled in his sleep, and accidentally rubbed his nose against Angelo's crotch.

"Darling." Angelo groaned, lightly tapping Ricky's face to wake him up. Ricky slowly blinked his eyes open. He stared up at Angelo in confusion.

"Yes master?" Ricky mumbled, sleep evident in his voice.

"I need you my pet." Angelo chuckled. He moved back from the desk, an motioned for Ricky to get on his lap. "Come. Show me what those cute little hips can do pet."

Ricky blushed knowing what was being asked of him. He slowly climbed onto the vampire's lap, staring down. Angelo gently grabbed his hips, moving the pet against him. Ricky's blush darkened as a moan slipped from his master's lips.

"Yes pet. Just like that." Angelo moaned, allowing Ricky to move on his own. Ricky rolled his hips against the vampire, feeling his grow hard underneath him. He smiled to himself knowing he was doing good by the sounds leaving his master's lips. He was caught by surprise when he was pushed off and sat on the desk.

"Master? D-did I do something wrong?!" Ricky asked, worry filling his eyes. Angelo simply shook his head, opening random drawers and groaning when he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"Shit. I normally have it in here." Angelo frowned, looking up at Ricky. "I'm sorry Ricky. You didn't do anything wrong. I just needed to look for something and I stupidly didn't put it back in here." Angelo chuckled. He gently pecked Ricky's lips as he stood up. "Mmm. You have the most beautiful lips darling."

"Thank you master." Ricky mumbled. He wrapped his arms around Angelo's neck and nuzzled his shoulder. "May I pleasure you master?" Angelo stood shocked for a few seconds before nodding his head. He watched as Ricky slid off of the table and expertly dropped to his knees.

"Not like that." Angelo lifted him to his feet, and pushed the pet into his chair.

"What other way..." Ricky was cut off by a pair of lips on his and a hand trailing down his stomach. He let out a small whimper when Angelo lightly ran a finger up his dick.

"My way sweetheart." Angelo whispered against Ricky's lips. He chuckled as they boy squirmed under him and he's barely even been touched. "You're so sensitive. Now you can't cum until I say so. Understand?" Ricky quickly nodded, his eyes shut tight as he willed the need to subside. "Look at me." His eyes immediately snapped up to meet Angelo's gaze.

"Yes master." Ricky moaned. Angelo slowly kissed down Ricky's neck, nipping at where he bit him earlier.

"Does your ass hurt?" Angelo questioned, chuckling as Ricky nodded.

Ricky let out a small gasp as Angelo's fangs pierced his shoulder. He felt a fuzzy sensation swarm him. His mind grew hazy and he remembered Angelo whispering something like 'good boy.'


The first thing Ricky heard was, "it was only a few minutes," being yelled. He quickly realized it was his master's voice so he quickly sat up. Ricky instantly regretted that decision when his vision swam and became blurry with black spots.

"Shut up Angelo. He's awake." Ricky flinched away as an unknown hand touched his face. It was rougher than his master's. "Ricky. I need you to tell me the last thing you remember." Ricky looked over at the man. It was Chris.

"Master bit me and I felt fuzzy and... Good." Ricky giggled not even realizing he forgot to say sir.

"He's still out of it." Chris shook his head glaring daggers at Angelo. "You marked him." Angelo bit his lip as he stared at Ricky. Well more specifically a spot on Ricky's shoulder. A small spot but still noticeable.

"I didn't mean to." Angelo quickly knelt in front of Ricky. "I'm so sorry my pet. I didn't mean to mark you I swear." Angelo's voice shook as he lightly touched the swollen purple skin on his pet's right shoulder. Ricky whined at the touch, moving from his master's touch.

"It'll be very sensitive for the next few days Ange. I suggest you make plans for a tag and soon. You shouldn't do these kinds..."

"Shut up!" Angelo screamed, cutting Chris off. "I didn't mean to! I just got a little carried away. Chris you gotta help me." Angelo whimpered, looking back at Ricky. "What am I supposed to do?!" Ricky stared at his master confused. He didn't like seeing him in so much distress. He gently wrapped his arms around Angelo's neck and nuzzled his cheek. Angelo let a quiet sigh and took in the pet's scent.

"You take care of him. He's yours now." Chris chuckled, petting Ricky's hair. "Don't worry little one. Angelo will take good care of you forever. But I have to ask; do you know what marking is?" Ricky slowly shook his head, flinching when Chris touched his shoulder. It was throbbing in pain now. "It means you now belong to Angelo for as long as he lives, and you won't die unless someone kills you. You have Angelo's venom running through your veins." Chris slowly explained, studying Ricky.

"Oh." Ricky frowned, looking up at Angelo. "But... Why does my shoulder hurt so much master? Did you do that? Did I not be a good boy?" Ricky asked, turning to he was straddling Angelo's lap.

"It's the mark. Yes I did it. And you were a perfect boy." Angelo chuckled. "Chris. Thank you." The tall vampire nodded, still glaring at his friend.

"I was busy when you called. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be going back to my own little pet." Chris huffed, lightly kicking Angelo's leg. "And don't touch the mark. It'll only take it longer to heal." Angelo nodded, holding Ricky against his chest. Ricky cuddled into the vampire, his eyes closing.

"Want to go out?" Ricky's head shot up at the prospect of going outside. "I think we should go for a walk."

"I'd like that master." Ricky giggled.

"Go and get dressed. I want you to wear some of my clothes. I like how they hang off of you." Angelo gently pecked Ricky's lips and sent him on his way.

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