Part eight.

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Ricky shuffled through the hall to Angelo's room. He frowned as he pulled the sleeves up. They went far past his hands and were slightly beginning to annoy him. He let out a small gasp as he fell back.

"Are you okay?!" A nervous Jinx knelt in front of him. Ricky nodded, shoving Jinx's hands away. "I'm sorry little one. I didn't see you." Jinx apologized as he helped Ricky to his feet.

"It's alright. It was my fault." Ricky mumbled. He gripped his arm shuffling around the cook. "I-I have to go back to Master." Ricky mumbled shaking his head.

"Alright. I'm sorry." Jinx nodded, leaving Ricky.

Ricky bit his lip hurrying back down the hall. He sighed and released his lip as he reached the bedroom door. He hesitantly opened it, and stepped into the dark. He instantly regretted letting the door swing shut as he attempted to walk to the bed. He held in a gasp as his leg hit the bed.

"Little one. Are you alright?" Angelo's muffled voice came from right in front of him. He took a small step back a whimper leaving his lips. "Ricky, come here." Angelo commanded, grabbing Ricky's waist once he was close. Ricky closed his eyes as the vampire nuzzles his neck. "Calm down my pet. You're heart is beating too fast. Any vampire could hear it and try to take you from me." Angelo mumbled against Ricky's soft flesh. He didn't want to pull away from him. He was so close to his pet's jugular, he could smell it.

"Master. I-I'm... Im tired." Ricky murmured. He whimpered as Angelo shifted against him so he could him better.

"Alright darling." Angelo sighed. "Sleep. I plan on feeding from you tomorrow morning though. Understand?" Ricky slowly nodded hoping Angelo could actually see him.


Angelo slowly stroked Ricky's hair. He lightly licked his lips as he sat up. He froze as Ricky stiffened below him. Angelo let out a small sigh once Ricky relaxed. He gently pushed Ricky onto his back, straddling the pet.

Ricky let out a small groan as he slowly woke up. He shifted, frowning when e couldn't move. His eyes shot open, a blush coating his cheeks when he saw Angelo on top of him.

"Master?" Ricky whimpered, gripping the sheets.

"Do you remember last night sweetie? What I said?" Angelo murmured as he stroked Ricky's cheek. "I'm hungry sweetheart." Angelo bent down, nuzzling Ricky's neck. "It'll only hurt for a second." Ricky turned his head from Angelo, allowing the vampire more room.

"Okay sir." Ricky sighed. He let out a small cry as Angelo bit into his neck. He whimpered as Angelo gripped his face to hold him in place. He placed his hands on Angelo's shoulder, a feeling of horror filling him as he felt his master drink. "S-Sir." Ricky stuttered. He slowly relaxed under the other's touch. He felt a warmth filling him. A nice tingly sensation filled his chest as Angelo pulled away from him.

"So sweet." Angelo whispered, licking Ricky's neck. The bite marks quickly closed up leaving behind a pair of small pink marks. "Thank you sweetie. I needed that." Angelo lightly kissed down Ricky's neck, earning a moan from his pet. "Hmm. Where's your collar?" Angelo murmured frowning at Ricky. Ricky's eyes widened at the question. He'd forgotten it after he showered. Tears brimmed as his lip quivered. "Darling? Where is it?"

"I-I-I forgot it. I-I'm s-sorry." Ricky whimpered.

"Where is it? Where did you leave it?" Angelo asked, cupping Ricky's cheek.

"In the b-bathroom." Ricky sobbed. Angelo shook his head standing up.

"Don't move." Angelo sighed, walking out. Ricky curled into a ball, wrapping his arms around his legs. He buried his face into his knees, stiffening as the door opened again. "Ricky, sit up. Don't be scared." Angelo sighed, lifting Ricky up. "Sweetie. What are you scared of?"

"I-I d-didn't mean t-to, s-sir." Ricky's breathing shaky. He bowed his head, flinching as Angelo lifted his face.

"It's alright sweetheart. You'll have to be punished still. You understand?" Angelo spoke, his voice calm. Ricky nodded, standing up. "Let's get this back on you." Angelo chuckled, fastening the collar around Ricky's neck. Ricky let out a shaky breath and he looked up at his master's face. "Since this is your second time being punished I think you should be spanked. Have you ever been spanked by a past master?"

"No sir." Ricky whispered, looking at the floor. Angelo sat on the edge of the bed, pulling Ricky over his lap. "Sir?!"

"Shh sweetheart. I want you to count them." Ricky nodded, blushing when Angelo pulled his pants down. "We're just going to ten." Ricky didn't have time prepare himself as he felt a sharp sting on his butt.

"O-One." Ricky stuttered, his voice up a good octave. He gripped the sheets as Angelo continued to spank him, the numbers shakily leaving his lips with each hit. Ricky let out a sigh of relief as Angelo gently rubbed his red cheeks. He didn't know that this could ever be a form of punishment. He's seen his other masters do it plenty of times to other pets and they never complained once.

"Come one pet. I want you to stand up." Ricky quickly complied, not wanting to risk anything at this point. "Good boy." Ricky's heart fluttered at those words. He's heard them so few times but when he does he can't help but feel so happy. They always meant he wasn't a bad boy and he did something right. His first master used to call him a good boy and give him treats. He smiled at the fond memory of his very first master. He was a good man. His smile fell, replaced with a look of sorrow as he remembered his master's death. It was so sad. They were attacked and his Master T.J. was killed in front of him. It had taken days to scrub his master's blood out his hair. A small tear made its way down Ricky's cheek.

"Pet, what's wrong?" Angelo asked as he wiped Ricky's cheek. Ricky simply shook his head, wrapping his arms around Angelo's neck. Angelo sighed, and rubbed the his back as a sob racked through the small body. "Sh pet. Calm down. Did I say something to upset you?"

"N-No sir. It's not y-you." Ricky stuttered, pushing himself off of the vampire. "I just... I do have a few happy memories from my first master. He was a kind werewolf. Gentle a-and caring. A lot like you sir. H-He would call me a good boy too. It was always the best day when he did be-because we'd go out for a-a treat and... I just miss him so much sir." Ricky whimpered staring at the floor. "I know I sh-shouldn't because I'll never see him again, sir."

"Why do you say that darling? I could find him so you two could talk." Angelo have him a gentle smile and lifted his face.

"B-Because he's dead sir. Mistress killed him. She didn't like him very much and, well, out there a pet like me is a high status. It wasn't the first time someone tried to take Master T.J.'s life but it was successful." Ricky's sniffled, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm sorry for disobeying earlier sir, but I thank you for calling me a good boy." Angelo could only smile at his pet. He was so innocent even with what he's been through. Or it could just be those beautiful baby blues playing tricks on him.

"Come. I have work to be done here today and I'd like it if you stayed in my office with me." Ricky nodded, following Angelo out the room. He'd be happy to sit at his master's feet once again. It's where he belonged after all. At the feet of another man or woman. He stared at his master's back the entire walk to the office. He didn't even notice the fact that his pants and boxers where missing. All he had left on was his over sized shirt that sleeves did nothing but annoy him.

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