Part ten

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Beautiful. That's how Ricky described most things that had to do with nature. It was one of the few places he still felt safe, so it honestly wasn't his fault wen he ran off down the path. His fingers skimmed rough bark and soft flowers. He let out a small squeal when he tripped, but quickly got back up to study the various flowers and small birds that didn't seem afraid of him.

Ricky just needed to touch the purple flowers hanging off the trees. He just had to climb the tree to get a better look. It was honestly asking to be climbed. Once he was high enough that he not even Angelo could reach up and grab his foot he hugged the trunk and sat on a thick branch. Ricky rested his cheek against the tree and closed his eyes. He listened to the sounds of the bugs and birds and all the other animals. He took in the sickly sweet scent of the beautiful purple flowers. He was brought out of his thoughts by someone yelling up at him. He frowned as he looked down and saw his master with a worried look.

"Come down Ricky. Right now." Angelo commanded, pointing at the ground. Ricky slowly nodded as he scooted to edge of the branch.

"Master, will you catch me?" Ricky asked. He didn't give time for Angelo to answer before he pushed himself off the tree limb. He smiled, the wind whipping past him, and somehow he knew that his master wouldn't let him hit the ground.

"Stupid boy." Angelo grumbled, just barely catching the pet. He quickly brought Ricky into a tight hug, kissing his face. "Stupid stupid boy." Angelo kept mumbling between kisses, Ricky giggling. "Why did you do that?!"

"I knew you wouldn't let me fall." Ricky giggled.

"So you decided to jump?! You can't just do that Ricky! I understand you running off in the garden but not jumping! Don't you dare scare me like that again!" Angelo yelled. He couldn't stand the the thought of his little pet getting hurt. Even if all that had happened was a scraped knee he'd be furious. Not at Ricky. Never at Ricky, but at himself. He'd furious with himself and his inability to keep his pet from harm.

Ricky flinched from Angelo. He didn't mean to make his master angry. He just wanted an excuse to have his master's arms around him again. He wanted to feel his warmth and feel safe and secure and sound. He needed to be close to his master.

"I'm sorry sir." Ricky bowed his head, stepping away from Angelo. "I won't do it again." Angelo let out a relieved sigh. That's all he wanted to hear. That his little boy would be safer.

"Good. Come here darling." Angelo opened his arms and beckoned Ricky to him. He quickly took the invitation, and buried his head under Angelo's chin. "It's alright my sweet sweet pet. I'm sorry I called you stupid. You're not. You're a brilliant, wonderful, beautiful pet that i don't deserve." Angelo sighed, and lightly nuzzled the top of Ricky's head.

"Why do you say such things master? I'm not brilliant. I can barely read sir. I've already broken several rules and I just ran off without asking. Which I am deeply sorry for doing. It's I who doesn't deserve you. You're so gentle and forgiving. Not like my other master's. It's like I'm dreaming and every second I'm scared that I'll wake up and you'll be gone and I'll be stuck back master Vic's house." Ricky sobbed into Angelo's chest. His grip on the vampire's shirt tightened.

"Shh sweetheart. Calm down darling. You're going to have a panic attack." Angelo held Ricky tight against himself. "I promise you that I'm real. I'm in no way a dream, and you're going to be very happy for a long long time." Ricky sniffled, looking up at his master. "Now let's go inside and we can play together. How does that sound?"

"It sounds good master." Ricky giggled, wiping his cheeks. Angelo chuckled. He scooped Ricky up into his arms tidal style and started to head back to his house.


Ricky sat on across his master's lap. His head laid against Angelo's shoulder, and his legs were over arm of the chair. His master had insisted he sit with him while he read. He didn't understand how he understood the strange symbols but he never asked. There were a couple times with his past master's that he had gotten in trouble for not being able to read instructions.

Angelo gently rubbed circles on Ricky's thigh. He wasn't paying as much attention to the story as he should have been. He honestly had to return it in the next couple days. Angelo let out a frustrated groan, looking down at Ricky.

"Is everything okay master?" Ricky murmured into Angelo's neck.

"What do you like to do?" Ricky looked up at him shocked. No one has ever asked him that before.

"I... I like to please you sir?" Ricky tried to state yet it still came out like a question.

"Are you asking me?" Angelo smirked, shifting Ricky so the pet was straddling him.

"No sir. It's just that no one really cares what I like." Ricky shrugged, his shirt slipping off his shoulder and showing off the still bruised skin. "I did enjoy it when people read to me. When I was good mistress would read me a story. But it wasn't very often because she said I was a bad boy. She never liked it when people made noise." Ricky huffed, smiling at Angelo.

"What kind of stories did you like? I could read you one pet." Angelo chuckled, lightly rubbing his mark on Ricky. Ricky flinched from the cold touch, looking at Angelo apologetically. "It's alright. I shouldn't have touched."

"I don't remember the names but this one had a bear on it with a weird little pig." Ricky giggled. Angelo nodded his head knowingly. It must have been an old human book from when they ruled the earth. He'd have to ask around, but till then he could read him poetry. He had a few old books lying about.

"I'll ask my friend. Which reminds me. We have to get you ready for my friends to come over today. They'll want to meet you." Angelo nuzzled Ricky's neck getting a small giggle from the man. "First a couple rules. My friends sometimes being people who don't know how to keep their hands to themselves. I want you to stay with either me, Chris, or Ryan. Understand?" Ricky quickly nodded. "I enjoy your presence so if you feel the need to hold onto me do it. I don't mind. If something happens like someone touching you where hey shouldn't you come to me and tell me who did it. I mean it." Ricky frowned in confusion.

"Like where master?" Ricky asked. He's been taught that he could be touched anywhere at anytime by any person. Nothing was wrong when it came to him and his body.

"Like here." Angelo gently tapped Ricky's lips. "Or here." Angelo gave Ricky's crotch a firm squeeze. "Or here." He let his hand travel to Ricky's ass and lightly tapped it. "These are only for your master to touch. And who's your master?"

"Y-you are sir." Ricky stuttered, a blush once again creeping onto his cheeks.

"Good boy. Now let's go find you something nice and pretty to wear."

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